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“Is this kid crazy, still haven’t heard us say?”

“Impossible, he is Golden Immortal, not deaf.”

“Since I heard it, I dared to go, it was crazy enough, did he think he could just walk across Wuhai City if he killed a lonely one?”

“Hmph, inside the great hall in the city, all of them are ruthless characters. This kid dares to go, so there is a good show.”

To those forces who are watching Qin Yichen’s silhouettes secretly, what the former did in the siege of the city and the occupation of the night fairy tree, I was afraid that it would not overswell it, and thought that the inner and outer sides could fear nothing in Heaven or Earth.

Even Butterfly Zhongshan whispered: “Young Master, this is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, are we really going?”

Qin Yichen didn’t answer, but just looked into the distance. In the ancient palace that is most conspicuous in Nawuhai City, there is indeed a path of arrogance.

But dragon’s pool and tiger’s den? I’m afraid they have lifted them up a bit, speaking of which, he is True Dragon!

“At best, it’s just an old wolf and a bunch of wolf cubs that’s all.”

After all, Qin Yichen took the lead, Ziyun followed, and smirked and rubbed his palms.

In other words, the reason why Qin Yichen is respected and respected as the boss, in addition to the rebirth of grace, it is because he is next to Qin Yichen, he is happy and lively!

As long as it doesn’t violate the moral bottom line, the other party provoked itself, what a mess 7 8 bad grievances, all in one word, the fight is over!

At the same time, inside the great hall in the city, the silhouette is now full.

Those silhouettes are arrogant, but there are only 4 people who can really occupy a seat in the hall!

And these 5 silhouettes seem to be polite and peaceful, but they can occupy the great hall in the city that symbolizes their identity in this undercurrent Wuhai City. Its strength can be imagined.

“Didn’t expect old man to rob Gods Vestige of one party, so many things happened. It’s interesting that the kid ate meat and didn’t even leave you any soup.”

The speaker had a loud voice, but he was an old man, but between the laughter, his eyes were glowing with spiciness.

This old man’s figure has several points of dwarf, looks weak and fragile, but his words are loud, but no one dares to refute it. Old man expression, with a bit of proud of one’s success.

This person is Elder, the leader of the Tianduo family, Wu Chang!

Wu Chang now has such a proud of one’s success for a reason. The fourth token was captured by him, and he got a chance. Its realm is only 4 kilometers away from Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment. One step, in this great hall, the discourse is quite weighty.

Tone barely fell, and she saw a sweet laugh that made people feel numb, sweet as a silver bell, looking at it, but a woman in a red dress.

The woman is beautiful and tender, which is attractive at first glance. She is attracted to the pump light, covering her lips and smiling, as if flowers are fluttering.

The woman’s slender wrist was braided with two strings of rosettes, and the roses were bright red, but the flowering branches were covered with thorns and thorns, which stood out against the woman’s fair skin.

“What Elder Wu is saying, then the surnamed Qin Heaven Immortal is really overbearing, and snatched the whole night fairy tree. Does it mean that I am acting too weak and kind in 10000 Huagu?”

The beautiful eyes of women are intoxicating, but many powerhouses are present, but their eyes are not dare to be blasphemy, but when they hear this soft words, they are all figure trembled, such as spikes on their backs.

The reason is without him. From the appearance, this woman is even a little younger than Qin Yichen. Compared with the three powerhouses in the same seat, she is quite young.

But at a young age, you can lead a group of 10000 Huagu powerhouses behind him, and even the old man who encountered the thorns when robbing Tingxiaoxianshu is behind his saddle. It can be seen that this woman is by no means a panacea!

The breath of a 9 Heavenly Layer Small Accomplishment is even more noticeable. This prickly rose is not pleasing, and it will die under the pomegranate skirt if it is inadvertent.

And just at the moment, I saw a full-bodied old voice saying, “Leave nothing else, You Heng, your clan’s junior, but you still owe a reward to the boy, Xiong Bao. Since all of you are here today, is that right? Should I settle this bill? “

The man who speaks is a half-100-year-old man, but his body is extremely burly, fierce, and even makes the bear storm standing behind him incomparable. The old man’s arms are long and hidden in his sleeves. But it was enough to pull it to the knee.

The palms are as big as a fan, and even if they have n’t condensed immortal strength, they have condensed a green metallic luster. It seems that this palm is enough to break the sky.

This person is the proud disciple of Yuan Men’s sect master. Among the 1000 Royal Leagues, he also has a place in the powerhouse-Yuan Che!

Yuan Che’s breath is more enthusiastic than Wu Chang’s. In this great hall, his voice is loud and loud, and there is more than 1000 imperial leagues leaning on this banner, which looms above others.

And the object of his speech is naturally Elder, Youwol’s team, Youheng!

Even though Youheng is carrying a token in this great hall, she also has a lot of weight in this great hall, but in the face of Yuan Che’s questioning, she can’t help but raise a sneer: “Brother Yuan, why is it so hot? Junior things that’s all Not to mention just a little money … “

“Isn’t it small money?” Yuan Che didn’t seem to eat it, faint smile: “Since it’s small money, then your Youlang clan doesn’t care, so why not pay the bill?”

You Heng’s smile was stiff, secretly thought I was very polite, who knows how you really take it!

The Youlan behind him, although he bowed his head, didn’t say a word, but it was fierce in the wolf pupil. This account was originally extorted from the surnamed Qin Golden Immortal.

Whoever thinks of it is not only that the ransom is not coming, but also makes you utterly damaged, which makes his Youlang tribe really have several points of humiliation in this great hall.

“You Heng, this is what happened. Since it should be promised, repudiation is not a good way.”

Yuan Che urged him again. He seemed to know the reason why the Youlang tribe relied on his account. He didn’t rush to it. It seemed quite encouraging. No one stays, there is a kind, I do n’t dare to be so overbearing when I act in 1000 Leagues! “

Fox Rouge behind was aggrieved, rubbing his pink neck, and seemed to be afraid of the brutal means of the golden-haired Golden Immortal.

Immediately, I also saw Yuan Chee ’s pupil light chill, coldly said: “Gods Vestige tokens, but not everyone can hold them securely, be careful to cause a disaster, burned even the bones!”

This remark, while giving praise to the 1000 League of Legends, it seems to mean to Youheng.

Sure enough, You Heng hearing this, and suddenly smiled bitterly, dare not perfunctory: “Brother Yuan rest assured that after the old man chopped up that kid, it will inevitably give the bear brother Little Brother and your Guild an account.”

In terms of the strength of Youheng, although it is slightly inferior to the other three in this great hall, it is definitely not a soft persimmon.

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