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Although Cheng Yong is clear, it is not that Martial Dao’s strength is overbearing. Spirit cultivation must not work together, but Shenwu 2 cultivation requires a lot of resources and energy. On the one hand, it is strong, and on the other hand, it seems to fade away.

The Martial Dao Realm of Zhu Caier 3 people is not very good. The cultivation Martial Dao is just for the convenience of normal flying, and it adds life essence.

But what is certain is that Zhu Caier added 3 people together, and I was afraid that the boy would not be able to hit with one hand!

“Martial Dao Golden Immortal, spirit cultivation together is Heaven Realm Xeon, is this kid a monster?”

“Where did this guy get the chance? With such strength, why would he want to be with the Bright Butterfly?”

“Where did these bands of bright butterflies end up with such a monster?”

Zhu Yong is aggressive, Zhu Caier Hu Rou and the others can be called Divine Martial Dual Cultivation, but Martial Dao needs their protection, otherwise it will be difficult to walk in this tomb of the gods.

But what about this kid?

It is clear that he is protecting the bright butterflies!

When Qin Yichen was first heard by all parties, they thought they had little strength and had to work with Mingguang Butterfly.

It now appears that the Mingguang Butterfly family did not know where to hold such a thigh!

Butterfly Chongshan laughed secretly next to you, but also you, want to pit Qin Young Master?

As for walking with Qin Yichen, is it their good fortune? In this regard, Butterfly Chongshan just wants to say that this dragon leg is really thick and fragrant!

Ziyun was also funny: “This guy, don’t you think of the boss as an idiot?”

On the mountain peak, Qin Yichen was walking fast and feeling the pump light that Zhu Yong had thrown in, which caused the corners of his mouth to stir up a joke.

Experienced, Qin Yichen never believed that competitors could remind him so kindly.

As for Zhu Yong and the others, want to take advantage of Tingwei’s tragedy? Qin Yichen can only say that they are disappointed.

Spirit cultivation A Heaven Realm top powerhouse, who is not?

“What to do? The kid is going to break up the night fairy tree?”

Seeing that things were different from what I expected, Zhu Yong was aggressive, sound transmission asked 2 people.

1000 The Emperor League Demon is also gloomy, who can think of this boy so deeply hidden!

However, after stabilizing his mind, the 1000 Royal League demon said in a deep voice: “Don’t worry, that kid is just Heaven Realm. Which one of our three is not better than his spirit cultivation?”

10000 Huagu powerhouse also said: “Yes, Heaven Realm that’s all, can you touch Tingxiao Fairy Tree or not?”

“Furthermore, even if the kid picks a few branches? If we dare to go too far, we will never bear him!”

Zhu Yong also came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said, “What’s more, this boy also needs to be strong if he wants to overdo it, and he wants to grab them with Caier, he is still far behind.”

After all, Zhu Caier and Sapphire Vine are both Heaven Realm Early-Stage Peaks, and Hu Rou is the strongest, not only better in strength, but also Yun Ting Orb.

Looking at it, I saw Qin Yichen’s speed is fast, and the thunderous power he fell can’t affect it at all. For a moment, he has caught up with the jade vine.

And this moment, Zhu Yong’s face became increasingly ugly.

“Hu, finally caught up.”

Qin Yichen looked up, halfway to Tingxiao Fairy Tree.

And looking at Qin Yichen, who is almost on his shoulders, the corner of mouth twitching, his face suddenly changed, how could this boy catch up with him quickly?

But it is not easy to surpass him!

“hong long long ……”

At this moment, a burst of light suddenly appeared from the top of the head, so that the jade vine felt the pressure of the mountains and the pressure increased sharply.

The closer the Tingxiao Fairy Tree is, the more powerful Tingwei you want to resist, and the halfway from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside is not too difficult for the three people.

But the real thing is that the distance from here to the top of the mountain seems not far, but every time Tingwei emerges, it makes 3 people cry for a while.

I saw Tingxiao Fairy Tree shining brilliantly, there seemed to be Tingwei rolling in the sky, and the jade vine looked in the eyes, and I couldn’t help corner of mouth twitching, which seemed to be quite jealous of Tingwei.

Sapphire was afraid to slack off, immediately urged Spirit Power to make preparations for resistance, and at the same time looking at the young man who was constantly chasing his own, he couldn’t help sulking.

Boy, before you went smooth, but now it’s different.

Depending on the strength of your Heaven Realm, I’m afraid it won’t take you a few times to make you fall off the cliff!

Even when necessary, Sapphire does not mind ‘helping’ Qin Yichen.

Suddenly, Tingwei was rolling, the all around valley was like daylight, and when that Tingwei came down the 1000 branches and 100 branches of Tingxian Fairy Tree, he saw the leading fox soft lovable body tremble and grit his teeth. Off, but still unavoidably backwards.

And Sapphire Rattan and Zhu Caier are not much better. In front of Tingwei, they dare not expect to move forward, and they can’t guarantee that they don’t go back too far.

However, when Sapphire Rattan took a few strokes of pump light for taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, he saw that the slender silhouette was bathed in Tingwei, although the silhouette was also stopped, but it clearly did not urge Spirit Power too much. withstand……

Moreover, under closer observation, Jade’s face changed suddenly: “This guy is not trying to resist Tingwei, but trying to absorb Tingwei?”


This scene, the first reaction to Sapphire, is that this kid is too crazy!

What a terrible power is Tingwei? It’s a spirit cultivation, a fearful and wanting existence.

Regarding Tingwei, whether it is Transcending Tribulation or treasure hunting, many Spirit cultivation solutions together with Powerhouse can be resisted by Spirit Power.

Sapphire has never seen a spirit cultivation person dare to absorb thunderous power so brazenly!

“I’m struggling to resist these thunders, not to mention inhaling Sea of ​​Consciousness. This kid is so arrogant, don’t you want Sea of ​​Consciousness?”

The consequences of Tingwei ’s rush into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but everyone who knows the spirit cultivation knows well, either the Sea of ​​Consciousness is damaged or the Sea of ​​Consciousness is cracked on the spot!

At that moment, the jade rattan pump light flickered, although he was not sure, Qin Yichen was really mad and ignorant.

But no matter how daring or arrogant Ye Gao is, this may be a good opportunity for sneak attack.

The thunderstorm swelled, and what made Jade Vine terrified was that in front of Tingwei, the slender silhouette allowed him to bathe in himself, just like enjoying himself!

Zhu Caier also noticed this scene, the spider pupil flickered, as if cold glow appeared.

It seems that after Tingwei has passed, the two will take the quake and destroy the mysterious youth of the Youlang tribe.

Even, in Zhu Caier’s opinion, if this kid can be abolished, then the night fairy tree will do!

For a moment, Tingwei surging to the extreme, and gradually subsided, but in just a few short breaths, for the three jade vines on the mountain, it is very long, as if experiencing a big ups and downs.

However, Sapphire Vine opened her eyes wide and saw the slender silhouette. After Ting Wei dissipated, she looked up as if she stretched her bones, and a humming sound came from her throat.


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