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The golden Immortal, who has complete control of his own path, has a battle strength that is far from being comparable to powerhouses of the same level. Even without the Divine Dao rule, they can easily one against two against the Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse. Even more, and this is not just confrontation, but it means that Golden Immortal can find the opportunity to kill it all!

Even, the Golden Immortal powerhouse has been confronted with the existence of God Dao Realm, and the existence of that God Dao Realm has been broken through for 1000 years. In that battle, the Golden Immortal did not have the upper hand. , But in the end they retired!

At that time, the world was sensational. Everyone didn’t expect it, and the golden Immortal was so powerful!

a beam of light, more than ten Golden Immortal blasted off, and the 2 people being bombarded by the front were directly meteorites, and no one felt the existence of a divide might, that is to say, it was highly likely It’s from the hands of the Golden Immortal!

The golden word of the Golden Immortal is like a giant mountain, and it weighs on everyone’s heart. Even if the siege city has 4 powerhouses of Golden Immortal 3 Heavenly Layer Perfection, no one thinks that this power can be compared with the golden Immortal compared to.


Die Zhongshan and the others were also shocked, but they didn’t stop there, taking advantage of the powerhouses of the Youlang family, they had quickly rushed out of the trapped city.

“Stupid, how can there be any help from Golden Immortal? They are just pretending to be chasing after!”

Feeling the breath of Butterfly Zhongshan has escaped the trapped city, Youlan could not help yelling.

If Qin Yichen really helped by the golden Golden Immortal, where else would they need to save people? The golden Immortal came down and fell, even if they had to obediently surrender the butterfly heavy sea entire group!

Therefore, You Lan can conclude that the hit just now was definitely made by Qin Yichen. They paid a huge price for it. Although they let Die Zhongshan escape, as long as they continue to pursue, the latter will certainly not be able to hold on for long.

“Did I care so much in front of me?”

When you saw You Lan distracted, Qin Yichen coldly snorted, and punched him upside down with a punch. In his eyes, cold glow was cold.

“In just a few days, this boy has become so much stronger!”

You Lan was groaned, and there was a suffocation in his chest, and he couldn’t help but feel terrified.

In the matchups of the previous few days, although the latter was powerful, he could not blow himself up with one punch, but after breaking through to Golden Immortal, the boy seemed to become more terrifying, just a loss of mind, almost Being hit hard, how did this not make You Lan shocked?

“Ziyun, have you played enough?”

Qin Yichen blasted out his fists, welcoming Youlan and Youzhe who attacked again, and at the same time, Yu Li asked Ziyun aside.

“Hehe, boss, I’m tired of playing early, isn’t it because you look like a dozen 2?”

The muscles on Ziyun’s arm are like, and the same punch punched the bear back, said with a big smile.

In the past few days, they did not fall into the wind against Youlan and Bearstorm. Now, Qin Yichen breakthrough to Golden Immortal, although there is a more secluded one, only their three people cannot stop the 2 brothers at all.

Right now, Butterfly Chongshan and the others have escaped from the trapped city, and they do not need to die here with Youlan. Although the Qin Yichen 2 people are not afraid, if they wait for the powerhouse to kill Butterfly Chongshan, they will return without success. , Surrounded by their 2 brothers, I am afraid that even with their ability to face a powerhouse of 100, it will be extremely headache.

“Boy, none of those guys from Mingguang Butterfly can escape, you all have to die here!”

Seeing these two people ignored them directly, furiously shouted, the hair on the upper body soared, his breath became stronger again, and there were faint signs to break through Golden Immortal 2 Heavenly Layer Perfection.

“Bear storm, if you keep your hands, don’t say we’re not good enough anymore!”

Seeing You must urge mystery, You Lan clinched the teeth, furiously shouted, and the black hair on his body stood upright like a thorn, and his breath also climbed steadily.

In his opinion, Qin Yichen must have been able to see through the plan himself, and there was no such thing as Golden Immortal to cope with it. That should be the kid’s final card. He will return with His Majesty’s Majesty, and they can with no difficulty. Capture the two guys right now!

“Too much bullying!”

Originally, it was difficult to compete with Ziyun, and even faintly fell into the bear storm. At this time, he did not dare to hide any more. With a roar, his muscles squirmed for a while. A few points, but his breath did not weaken, but strengthened.

The bear storm obviously also exhibited a mystery that can forcibly improve his strength in a short time. This mystery often has no small repercussions. However, at this time, the three people did not care about these. .

Obviously, for the Qin Yichen 2 people, even the 3 Golden Immortal 8 Heavenly Layer Perfection powerhouses, dare not have reservations!

“interesting ……”

Feeling that the breath of the 3 people was faintly showing signs of breaking through to Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer, Qin Yichen’s complexion was finally dignified. He looked at Ziyun, and then the two of them were facing each other in a tacit understanding. Fly away in one direction.

For Honglian, Qin Yichen was very relieved. With her help, it should n’t be a problem for Butterfly Chongshan and the others to escape safely. However, in order to avoid those who chase and kill Butterfly Chongshan back to support Youlan, they still have to pull away. One point is better, so that they will have time to get rid of this repeatedly troubled guy!

“Want to run? There are no doors!”

When seeing Qin Yichen 2 people turned around and ran, You Lan chuckled, stepped on his feet, and the sound of air explosion suddenly sounded. His body looked like a ghost and shot at the former.

After procuring mystery, it is not only the breath that improves, You Lan’s speed is also a few minutes faster, but in just a few breaths of time, he has come behind Qin Yichen.


With the sound of a sharp wind breaking, the sharp claw with a blistering wind suddenly grabbed at Qin Yichen’s back.

“hmph! ”

In this regard, Qin Yichen didn’t turn his head back, and immortal strength surged behind him, turning into a shield of immortal strength, forcing the latter to claw.


Immortal strength The shield didn’t play much role, and was torn by Youlan fiercely. A huge force shook Qin Yichen’s body.

In the eyes of Qin Yichen, cold glow flashed, but they did not return to sell. Although they have run out of the trapped city, the distance here is obviously not enough. In order to prevent someone from coming to support, and also to avoid exposing themselves too much, let It was recognized that he needed to take the battlefield a little further.

“Dying to death, do you want to find a good cemetery for yourself?”

Seeing Qin Yichen didn’t even have the courage to fight back, You Lan was a little stunned, but immediately, there was a savage color in his eyes.

It seems that after this boy broke through to Golden Immortal, the realm is not stable. Otherwise, why is he so anxious to escape?

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