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“Hey, Elder, what’s wrong? Is there any force that found our place?”

Qin Yichen stood up, Jun Yi’s face was vigilant, and Butterfly Chongshan also fell to the ground.

Just today, his old face was gloomy and anxious, and he just returned, anxiously said: “Qin Young Master, major event is not good, old man just found out the news, Youlang tribe, caught our clansman!”

As soon as the words came out, the mountain stream suddenly flew into a path of silhouette and looked at it. Ziyun, Lu Xiaolu, and Butterfly 1000 were all dressed in surprise. It was incredible.

“Elder, what are you talking about? How did the Youlang tribe catch our clansman?”

Butterfly 1000 was most worried, and when she stepped forward, she asked anxiously.

But Butterfly Chongshan sighed and looked ugly: “I don’t know the old man, but just a few days ago, the Youlang clan sent out a message saying that they had seized our 8-bit clansman, among which there is a person Elder.”

Having said that, I looked at Qin Yichen again: “And, I also threatened to ask Qin Young Master to take the gains from Gods Vestige and exchange hostages within ten days!”


Qin Yichen was shocked. He knew that the Wolves thief was undead, but whoever wished he could hold the hostage.

“Girl 1000, Zhongshan Elder, calm down first.”

Qin Yichen pupil light flickered, but I knew that the more times I was, the less anxious I was: “First of all, Elder, can you be sure that the news is true? Will it be against us?”

Die Zhongshan shook his head and said, “No, old man heard. At that time, when we left, the family of You Lan rushed to the ruins of Gods Vestige. At that time, we captured our clansman. Many forces at that time saw it with their own eyes. See you. “

“And, to lie to us, this lie has not been considered at all.”

Qin Yichen’s face was glomyy and uncertain: “But clansman, why did you enter the tombs of the gods and not tell you …”

However, Qin Yichen was deadlocked before the words were heard, and then I realized that at the time, the 9-color flower was still at the cusp, and he took the Butterfly 1000 dress and hid in the dark market.

“It’s my responsibility.”

Qin Yichen sighed: “Where is the Youlang tribe now, and who is the clansman they have caught?”

“I don’t know yet.” Die Zhongshan pressed hard and anxious, slowly said, “I think the clansman the past few days didn’t contact us. I must have guessed that old man and Princess were still alive, but worried that 9 colors were involved. It ’s a flower thing, so I do n’t dare to act rashly. “

“They are waiting for our news.” Qin Yichen said in a deep voice: “Can you contact them now?”

Butterfly Chongshan thought for a while: “Yes, although I don’t know who it is, my clan territory is separated from the tombs of the gods by several Star Domains, and the ordinary messaging treasure is difficult to connect.”

“What’s more, in this tomb of gods, there is immortal chaos and divine might everywhere. It is difficult for the outside world to intervene, but in the tombs of the gods, you can pass the message.”

Qin Yichen hearing this without hesitation: “Talk to them now!”

Having said that, seeing Butterfly 1000 swiftly siding in place, Qin Yichen hurriedly comforted: “1000 maiden girl, don’t worry about it, I promise, even if you really want to surrender this token, you will certainly rescue your clansman …”

Butterfly Chongshan took out the messenger treasure, and tried to send an elder to the messenger, at the same time, fell into the city.

This is a majestic city located on the outskirts. It is grand and ancient, and stands tall. I do not know how many immortal spirit attacks it resists.

Today’s impoverished city is quite lively. On the streets, you can see the powerhouse bustling from time to time.

In a dungeon that was temporarily opened in the siege city, there were groans from time to time, and you saw You Xiu holding a bone whip in his hand and beating on the butterfly heavy sea. Red, Yan Ran these days, the former has been tortured and tortured.

“Old bastard, your bones are really hard! Why, do you think your lives are not worth the kid’s exchange for Gods Vestige, right?”

You Jue sits aside, frowning slightly, and the wolf pupils are gloomy. He wonders why Elder, a family of bright butterflies, would rather support him than contact his clansman.

But You never thought about it, but felt that it was Butterfly Zhonghai who could not bear Gods Vestige.

After all, the preciousness of Gods Vestige is, to a certain extent, indeed more valuable than the lives of several people.

Just then, when the roar of the stone gate opened in the dungeon, Youlan gloomy face came in.

“how about it?”

Youlan saw this, stood up, and Youlan looked at the butterfly-stained sea with blood on her eyes. There was no sympathy in the pupil of the wolf, but because the former had a hard mouth, she was outraged.

“Just now our people have probed, and now they are trapped in the city, but they are very lively. There are only a lot more guys who want to fish in troubled water than when they were exploring Gods Vestige.”

Secretly hearing this, complexion sank, snorted, “What about it? The hostage is in our hands, I see who has the courage!”

You Lan nodded and said, “Just once I summoned with Elder again, he is still fighting for another token, and it is difficult to get rid of it in a short time.”

“If you wait for Elder to come from the inner wall, I’m afraid there will be too many people in the city to fish in troubled water, so Elder said, this time, let’s do 2 things well.”

Secretly bowing his head, he suddenly smiled and said, “Even if Elder is not here, there will be few forces dare to provoke us in this city.”

However, You Lan was much calmer: “Still don’t relax too much, the forces on one side are really not as good as you and me, but you are afraid that there will be too many people. As soon as there are too many people, it is easy to get into trouble.”

You absolutely nodded, and then said: “So you have a deal with that bear demon?”

That bear demon, naturally refers to a bear storm.

You Lanyi said, “It’s settled, 30000 xianjing, plus 30 strains of Immortal Medicine. He will fight for us these days to ensure that no trouble will occur during the hostage exchange.”

The reason why Xiong Bao and the 1000 Royal League joined forces was because You Lan was afraid of losing something.

First, it was in the city, and now I don’t know how many eyes are staring at them, or staring at the hostages.

Although Youlan and Youjie’s two divisions merged, their strength was overwhelming. In the siege city, almost no force was able to counter the provocation alone.

However, the 1000 League of Legends is not a small force, and if it is unable to attract friends, it is likely to become an enemy.

If the 1000 League of Legends is to be stirred up in the city, who knows if there will be any accidents on the day of the transaction.

The second and most important thing is that You Lan must admit that the boy’s strength is not simple!

At the beginning, he teamed up with Purple Hair Golden Immortal to compete with him and bear storms. Similarly, he can naturally be indifferent to him and you for a short time.

Although from the perspective of You Lan, Qin Yichen is just relying on treasure. In fact, he may not be his opponent, but he has to take precautions.

If Qin Yichen and the various forces in the city roar, he and you are extremely difficult to control the scene.

However, after the 1000 Royal Leagues led by the bear storm, the situation is different!

The 3 8 Heavenly Layer Perfection powerhouse, and dozens of Golden Immortal, no matter how many tricks the kid has, I also do n’t want to make a splash, the parties in the city are afraid to fish in troubled water!

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