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Although the heart was surging, Die Zhonghai was bitter at the moment. The most uncomfortable thing in front of them was that they were simply unable to compete with Youzhe!

After a long time, Gods Vestige ruins.

Seeing the fabulous silhouette flying, the anxious You Lan immediately burst into joy.

“Urban brother!”

However, You Lan just came forward, but noticed the butterfly Zhong Hai who was captured by You Ju, first a moment, and then looked at the pair of butterfly wings, and the wolf pupil could not help but appear ferocious.

“How is this going?”

Cunning like Youlan, it was a little bit wrong for a while.

And you despaired, all around, and when you saw the bear storm, it was paused, but then smiled: “Youlan brother, your injury doesn’t matter?”

“It’s okay.” You Lan slightly raised her hand covering her chest and glanced at it, but at this moment his attention fell on Butterfly 1000.

“Brother You, these guys … are all Mingguang butterflies?”

You Jue proudly said, “That’s, didn’t expect travel far and wide looking for something. These guys are supposed to meet the guys who rob Gods Vestige, but I’m caught!”

At the moment, Diao Zhonghai’s eyes secretly looked at all around. With his eyesight, it can be confirmed that this is indeed a Gods Vestige, but unfortunately it has been destroyed.

But from the state of You Lan and the surrounding forces that are unwilling to regret it, but seeing the fierce and fierce arrogance that appeared to him, Die Zhonghai felt that all of this is indeed not false!

His own clansman did take away Gods Vestige!

Just this news, let the butterfly 1000 practice all the people until now immersed in shock and suspicion.

Just at this moment, when you saw You Lan stepped forward with a smirk, and looked at the butterfly sea, confirming that the latter is undoubtedly the Mingguang butterfly family!

“You Mingguang butterfly clan can do it, but even before the tombs of the gods did not dare to come, now they dare to oppose my clan!”

You Lan smiled, but suddenly punched out and fell on the butterfly heavy sea!

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

It seems that one punch is not enough. You Lan seems to want to vent the humiliation and anger that just happened to Die Zhonghai. The fist is fierce and the blood of the former is gushing.


Butterfly 1000 saw everyone in the eyes, suddenly their eyes were cracking, and they were just struggling, but they were blown by a fiercely fan.

“Cough cough … leave me alone!”

Die Zhonghai coughed up 2 a mouthful of blood, but there was a fortitude on the vicissitudes of his old face. His clansman, probably even Princess, was still alive and won Gods Vestige. What were these punches?

“Something comes to me, they are all juniors.”

You Lan licked Dewclaws and smiled coldly: “Okay, then send a message to your clansman and let him obey Gods Vestige again!”

As soon as this word came out, Diezhonghai complexion changed slightly.

At present, he could not confirm the clansman in the opponent’s mouth, that is, Princess them.

Although this may be great, since Princess chose to disappear and hide, there must be a reason, let alone the 9-color flower, but it is related to the life of Demon Race powerhouse!

Once there is nothing wrong, the consequences will be 100 times more terrifying than being caught by Youwolf!

However, while thinking about the butterfly, Hai Lan swept away her previous frustration, and her face was full of pride and ecstasy at the moment!

Although I don’t know why the 8 bright butterflies and the group of guys who took away Gods Vestige did not act together, but You Lan didn’t think much about it, didn’t she and Yu Ju merge?

Even more how, no matter what, they captured 8 bright golden butterflies Golden Immortal, that’s enough!

With these hostages, wouldn’t the kid be able to hand over Gods Vestige?

However, after Diezhonghai’s pump light flickered, she chose silence.

Silence is not a good way, but at this moment there are many doubts, and he can only change with the constant response of 10000.

However, Youlan couldn’t help seeing that she had no response, and Dewclaws stunned the butterfly again.

“Old bastard, your bones are quite hard!”

After a while, Butterfly Chonghai was already covered with blood, but he still gritted his teeth and closed his mouth. The first was that the matter was serious and the situation was unknown. He didn’t dare to move. Threat!

After a while of annoyance at You Lan, she was helpless to Die Chonghai, but she was so embarrassed but unhurried and joked: “You Lan brother, what are you anxious, maybe this old bastard still fantasizes about him After clansman got the chance in Gods Vestige, come back and ask us for trouble. “

“Everyone has fallen into our hands, so how can you do it if you want?”

Youjue’s words came to an end, and she glanced at the bear storm that was no longer right, sound transmission said: “Brother, there are many people here, and the bear demon is afraid that it has already been sent to the 1000 Royal League. These bright butterflies, among others In the eyes of the forces, they are also in exchange for Gods Vestige’s chips! “

You Lan light flashed, secretly thought made sense, and then sound transmission said: “In this case, then find a city to settle down, and then send someone to release the news, I do not believe that the kid can be for Gods Vestige, regardless of these guys Life or death! “

“Okay, it’s not too late, wait for the parties to come, and go!”

You Lan can be described as violently popular. After confluence, they are holding the butterfly Zhonghai again.

Looking at the shattered Gods Vestige ruins, the sly reappearance of Youlan Wolf pupil: “hmph, boy, what if you can win Gods Vestige, in the end, you must not be guilty!”

The Youlang clan left, but the forces staying at Gods Vestige were lively.

“Sir, let’s just watch Youlan go? The Mingguang Butterfly family, if they get their hands hostage …”

1000 A Golden Immortal from the Royal League looks at the sky, uncomfortable.

However, the bear storm hearing this, but glared, “Otherwise? Can you play You Lan and You Ju together?”

When he saw Die Zhonghai, the bear storm also moved his mind, but hey, the Youlang tribe 2 pulses converged, which is not something he can shake.

“Send someone later to follow and see where they go to settle down, and …”

Xiong Bao said half of it, but he was suddenly annoyed, “Heck, the cow wind is too far away from us, and may not be able to come over in time. Master Tu fights for other Gods Vestige in the inner circle. I can only hope that the boy can fight with You Landuo. It’s been a while to negotiate! “

After the end of the speech, the bear storm showed a row of bear teeth again, with a smile: “This trip is really hilarious, I hope that kid will not be for Gods Vestige. Regardless of the life and death of Mingguang butterfly, I must continue to make fun Row!”

The ruins are all around, all parties sigh, unimaginable, this Gods Vestige’s winner belongs to the mountain road twists around each new peak.

But one thing is for sure, the destruction of Gods Vestige is only settled for the time being, and in the near future, it will definitely make waves again.

Moreover, many powers that had been unwilling to regain their enthusiasm have become active again …

At the same time, the land was dry and cracked.

“Chongshan Elder, it’s not that I say you, you just have been cautious for too long, too much consideration, just now I joined hands with the boss, it is not too late to chop Youlan and leave.”

The person who spoke was Ziyun, and Butterfly Chongshan heard such a complaint, but smiled quietly, Qin Yichen eased: “Well, Elder is also for your safety, not to mention Gods Vestige is us of.”

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