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“hong long! ”

Without the shelter of divide might, the land of Gods Vestige can no longer be maintained, and the entire space is constantly collapsing. The terrifying movement makes the Golden Immortal powerhouse startled.

“Shua! Hey!”

flowing light From the whistled past on the sky, at this moment, no powerhouse dared to stay in this crashing Gods Vestige place. Some Heaven Immortal powerhouses with insufficient strength were even too late to escape, and were swallowed up by those crashing Space Cracks. None at all.

Qin Yichen entire group, although they fled from the deepest ancient palace, but their overall strength was quite strong, and they escaped before the ruins completely collapsed.

“Junk stuff, where do you run!”

Behind Qin Yichen, You Lan was so angry that she chased after him and was taken away by a Heaven Immortal in front of herself. This was a lifelong shame!

Although the speed of the bear storm is not as good as that of You Lan, but he is not far behind. At this time, he is exuding a violent atmosphere, as if he could not wait for the Heaven Immortal boy in front of him to 10000 pieces. general.

Although the 1000 Royal League already has a token of the Leopard clan, but it is not his bearstorm, and this token is in front of him and was taken away by a Heaven Immortal. How can he be willing?

“These two guys don’t seem to be giving up.”

Feeling the cold killing intent coming from the rear, Qin Yichen felt a little helpless. Couldn’t these guys see that the chance is only reserved for those who have the chance?

Youlan 2 had tried before him, and they failed. How could they blame themselves?

“Boy, there is a kind of you don’t run like a mouse!”

Seeing that he was about to be thrown away, the bear burst out of anger and yelled. His power is extremely powerful, but in terms of speed, it is clearly inferior to the powerhouse of the same level.

“Stupid, you might as well keep chasing people!”

Seeing Xiong Bao’s grief and indignation, You Lan couldn’t help but yelled, and to be honest, if this stupid guy left the team, he wouldn’t necessarily dare to pursue Qin Yichen.

“Boss, this stupid man is really too arrogant. Otherwise, let’s go back to him?”

Hearing Xiong Bao’s scolding, Ziyun’s face couldn’t help but anger.

If the strength crushes themselves and they scold them like this, the key is, what do you guys like Golden Immortal 8 Heavenly Layer do in front of the boss? I wonder if powerhouses such as Dry Cliff, which are stronger than you, have all died in the hands of the boss?

“Run? Right, why should I run?”

When hearing Ziyun’s words, Qin Yichen, who hadn’t looked back in front of him, was also a little stunned. After a whisper, his body suddenly stopped and stopped.

Seeing Qin Yichen actually stopped, Yu Lan was a little stunned, looking at the bear storm that was struggling to catch up, and his eyes flashed with different light: “Is this special?”

In his opinion, Qin Yichen is not a fool. How could such a simple radical approach succeed?

“Boy, don’t hurry up and hand over the treasure? Do you think anyone is qualified for this treasure?”

In this regard, although the bear storm is also a bit unexpected, but only if it is his own mighty immortality, let the latter have an acknowledge allegiance, and immediately, with a command tone, shouted loudly.

“I said, big guy, is there any misunderstanding between us?”

Qin Yichen couldn’t help laughing when he saw Xiong Bao’s look of self-anger.

“Misunderstanding? Huh, you obediently surrender treasure, and there will be no misunderstanding between us.”

The bear was coldly snorted, and still proud of his face, and he glanced at You Lan in the corner of his eye, as if he was saying, seeing no, this boy is not convinced by you, but in front of Lao Tzu, he must not surrender his chance ?

“Hmph, stupid!”

In this regard, You Lan just whispered in his heart. He didn’t believe that Qin Yichen stopped because the dumb idiot could have king’s aura. Otherwise, the former would not dare to win the treasure in front of them.

“You still misunderstand me, I mean, why do you chase me? Why do you let me give things up?

Qin Yichen shook the head, laughed.

“Boy, you dare to fight with me?”

Although the bear storm was a bit sluggish, it also apparently reacted at this time. He was coldly snorted, with a fist and a magnificent immortal sweeping out: “On my strength!”


Xianwei swept through the sky within a radius of 1000 feet, and the clouds were shattered. Feeling the atmosphere here, those powerhouses who had the fear of escaping from the Gods Vestige land couldn’t help looking at it.

“It’s a bear storm, this aura, really powerful!”

“Well, isn’t that the one around Xiong Bao, you Lan?”

“His, did You Lan and Xiong Bao chase just now, that Heaven Immortal kid, that is, the chance in the ruins landed in that kid’s hand?”

“This stupid Heaven Immortal, how dare you stop? Is it because you know you can’t run, and plan to fight hard?”

Seeing the movements here, many powerhouses approached quietly. Although they were afraid of Youlan and the bear storm, many powerhouses who came home empty-handed in the ruins had a sense of luck.

Although it seems that Qin Yichen entire group, it is impossible to withstand You Lan and the bear storm, but if 10000 has to suffer on both sides, how can they make it cheap?

Looking at the overbearing bearstorm, Qin Yichen almost couldn’t help but hide his face, Golden Immortal 8 Heavenly Layer Perfection is indeed not weak, but, based on this, he is not qualified to speak big words in front of him!

“Sorry, your strength doesn’t match your tone.”

Qin Yichen stretched his body slightly, a bright smile appeared on his face, and there were purple clouds nearby, he was not afraid of the two in front of him.


Hearing this, Xiong storm’s complexion was completely gloomy. With a anger drinking, his figure changed into a body, a huge bear’s paw, with terrifying wind, fiercely blasted to Qin Yichen.

However, facing such a violent offensive, Qin Yichen was completely motionless.


Although the speed of the bear storm is not as good as that of You Lan, this short-range outbreak is also extremely rapid. In a flash, the bear shadow has appeared above Qin Yichen. Even if it is a long distance away, those powerhouses who are watching can also Feel how terrifying the energy in this palm!

“This kid is too big!”

“Yeah, although you can tell from You Lan’s tone that he is very afraid of this kid, but he is only Heaven Immortal Realm, after all, he dare to be so mad in the face of bear storms, it is a courting death!”

“I don’t know if he can survive the blow of the bear storm.”

In the distance, a path of argument sounded quietly. In their opinion, even if Youlan had to stay away from the sharp edge of the outbreak of bear storm, how could a Heaven Immortal stop it?

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