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“I was just trying to make a small profit, but it’s your boy’s own courting death!”

The snake-scale man has sharp teeth, and the scarlet tongue licked his lips: “I hope that after I’ll hit you to the original shape, your race can pay for your arrogance!”

Qin Yichen stood so quietly in the same place, and suddenly said, “Wait.”

The snake-scale man sneered: “Know what’s wrong? Unfortunately, the tuition is not just your possessions!”

Qin Yichen ignores the other person, but just perceives, um, this guy is around.

The reason why there is no other Golden Immortal in all around is that Qin Yichen chose a remote place.

The snake-scale man in front of him, although he has the same family in this trip, but in his opinion, the 6 Heavenly Layer kid does not have much treasure, so he called the clansman, and it was worth the money.

What’s more, do you still need the help of a family to pack a kid from 6 Heavenly Layer the immensity of heaven and earth?

Qin Yichen moved at this moment. It was not a sudden shot, but a big-sleeved swoop, immortal strength turned into a suction, and all the remains of the ancestors scattered on this plain were collected.

In the eyes of the snake-scale man, complexion changed slightly: “Boy, what do you want to do !?”

Qin Yichen didn’t say a word, and the answer was his fist clenched!


There was almost no hesitation. Those demon corpses that were worshipped by ancestors in the powerhouses of all ethnic groups were instantly crushed by Qin Yichen.

The whip corpse may not show prestige, but the anger will eventually vent.

And this scene is to make the snake scale man’s face completely change: “little bastard, you dare to blaspheme the heroic of Divine Race !?”

In his opinion, such acts are simply killing!

On the other hand, Qin Yichen looked sneer: “If you don’t say, no one will be understood?”

The snake scale man startedled, and then his killing intent became more sensible, and even his skin was covered with a layer of cold blue and black snake scales!

The snake scale seems to be extremely tenacious, and there is a cruel cold glow, which is like an ice cave!

“I said why you little bastard didn’t dare to report to the family by hiding his head. Originally, it was these gangsters!”

The snake-scale man does not know the true identity of Qin Yichen, but at this moment, he does not need to know: “Abandon you first, and then punish the adult, so you little bastard cannot to ask for death!”

Qin Yichen corner of the mouth raise: “It’s up to you? Not qualified yet!”

“courting death !”

The snake-scale man moved, and suddenly, the snake claws tore out of the void, shuddering all around and choking Qin Yichen’s throat!

At the moment of the shot, the cold-skinned and cruel smile appeared on the corners of the snake-skinned man’s mouth. In his opinion, his palm still had to work hard, otherwise the little bastard would easily breathe.

Although it is not a strong third-class race among the 10000 families, the snake scale man’s cultivation base of Golden Immortal 3 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment is not built.

Under the sudden chop of the snake claw, the cold and severe overcast wind that swept out caused Qin Yichen’s eyes to freeze. This is the first time he has contacted the powerhouse of the 10000 family. Take this opportunity to see the battle strength of each family. .

However, this blow is too delusional to want to hurt him!


Qin Yichen stood still, but the snake claw was close to him, but he touched a sudden rise of gold and copper ripples, making the snake scale man corner of mouth twitching, the claw front seemed to pass out a hand The crisp sound of bone injury.


The snake-scale man ate pain, but was inspired to be fierce, and even among the pair of snake pupils, there was a strong greed!

“I said why you little bastard dared to say crazy words, it turned out to be a fairy armor!”

The immortal armor of this boy is not an ordinary commodity, even better than the level he can contact!

However, this did not make the snake-scale man a little bit frightened. Instead, he was even more proud of it. He thought it was just a small fortune. After all, Heaven Immortal 6th-layer and Golden Immortal are only 1 Heavenly Layer, but they are as different as heaven and earth, what can there be on my body?

Whoever dreamed of him really let him go!

The fairy armor on little bastard is enough to attract a crowd of Golden Immortal powerhouses to fight for it, but at this moment in the eyes of the snake-scale man, it is almost no different from Bai Pick!


Looking at the immortal strength that was far more fierce and black than before, Qin Yichen expression remained unchanged. Above the boxer, the light was surging.

“It’s my turn!”


With a punch, it seems that there is a tendency for heaven falls and earth rends to collide with the immortal strength of the snake-scale man. The smirk at the corner of the latter’s mouth can’t help being dumbfounded, and then it becomes even more wrong …

Under the suppression of his immortal dao rule and immortal strength, Heaven Immortal’s ability to fight back is already appalling!

Even more how, this fist, shocked the blue-and-black snake scales above his claw front, and immediately cracked the road!

“ka-cha ……”

Above Qin Yichen’s boxing front, immortal strength surged again, and saw the opponent’s claw front burst, and the blood of azure black was like a pillar.


The snake-scale man howled for a while. If it were not for the pain of the broken scales from the claw front, he could not even believe the scene in front of him!

“How, how is that possible !?”

In his opinion, should Heaven Immortal 6 Heavenly Layer be the weak who was pinched to death by him?

“Kid, this is what you forced me!”

The snake-scale man’s face was so pale that he suddenly showed his deity, but it was a blue and black giant snake with a length of hunted zhang.


“Sky Snake!”

With a roar, I saw that the blue-and-black giant snake covered the black armor with a large scale. In just a few breaths, a violent atmosphere covered the four sides, and Qin Yichen was locked up!

Immediately, when I saw the black light, it turned into a python illusory shadow, more like a chain, trying to smash and crush Qin Yichen’s body and soul!


The illusory shadow of the giant snake that struck and killed made the feet of Qin Yichen standing cracked, and the terrible coercion of the Golden Immortal powerhouse came instantly!

However, these Immortal Techniques, in Qin Yichen’s eyes, are only a ridiculous one.

In Qin Yichen’s view, the strength of this snake-scale man should be slightly stronger than Li Muchen.

However, he is no longer comparable to Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect in that war!

Even Qin Yichen did not take out the White Tiger blade, but chose a Grade 4 fairy knife from the space ring. However, the moment the fairy knife was in his hand, a powerful killing broke out!

“Blade Blade Technique!”


The blade glow of the sky, if you split the starry sky into two halves, you can’t match it.

Suddenly, in the starry sky, the illusory shadow of that giant snake was cut off by blade glow, and stood for a moment, then, the huge body burst apart!

In this scene, the snake-scale man who got his devotion was full of panic, this boy, is it possible that Heaven’s Chosen, who is first-class and even the Peak race walking out! ?

Otherwise, but the strength of 6 Heavenly Layer, how could it ruin his Immortal Technique! ?

After looking at the illusory shadow that was cut, there is still a powerful blade glow. The snake-scale man is full of fear, and immediately said: “Stop! As long as you let me go, I will see nothing just now! I have never seen it you!”

In the view of the snake-scale man, even if the other party is a first-class race, he cannot afford the price of offending the corpse of the hero of the gods!

Because of this, he was scared at the same time, and at the same time he was deeply skeptical … Will the first-class or Peak races get through with those god-level races?

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