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Looking at the bloody silhouette in front of him, Gongsun Xingyang gasped, feeling only the disorder and violence that immortal strength could not tell.

Obviously, the strength of this bloody silhouette does not make him feel deeply powerless … at least now.

However, Gongsun Xingyang clearly felt that his immortal dao rule was like displaying one’s slight skill before an expert in front of the other person, and shaking the tree was ridiculous.

Although my heart trembled, I can even say that this is the strongest enemy I have encountered so far, but Gongsun Xingyang still gritted his teeth and said coldy: “Sure enough, without such a backing, you might not dare to be so arrogant. Immortal Sect . “

Jiang Hao’s mouth corners were bantering, but he saw the silhouette’s head, and an ugly five organs condensed from bloodshots, smirking with a huge mouth: “jié jié, the ants of 5 Heavenly Layer are also barely qualified to dominate this Star Domain Now. “

“But unfortunately, in front of the deity, it’s still just ants that’s all!”

Gongsun Xingyang exclaimed in a deep voice: “In my opinion, your strength is still very weak? Otherwise, how can it be difficult for even the real body to condense, and you must count on these running dogs!”

The bloody silhouette’s ugly face was twisted for a while, but after a while, it became more terrifying: “impudent! This deity is always eternal, and it is not something you and other ants can compete with!”

“Swallowing your blood essence, the power of the deity can naturally recover a lot!”

For a time, the bloody silhouette, in the universe, tore the blood glow of the Taoist Road, Gongsun Xingyang did not dare to care, the sword trick turned into a glorious sky, struggling to support the terrible offensive of the blood glow.

However, around this messy world with blood mist floating around, Duanmu Longdou, who was already at a disadvantage, felt the horror of the heart even more after feeling the terrible coercion of the bloody silhouette!

“How exactly does that exist !? Why do our immortal dao rules look like ants in front of them?”

“Why don’t even Gongsun Sect Master want that guy … Where did Shenxiao Immortal Sect find this backer!”

“Gongsun Sect Master is afraid that it won’t last long, is it possible that this Star Domain today really wants the people are plunged into an abyss of misery?”

Looking ahead, Gongsun Xingyang deserves to be the Martial Dao Number One Powerhouse of the 2 Star Domains, holding the Sky Sword, the name speaks for itself, vertical and horizontal Star River, rotating sun and moon!

However, every offensive in that scarlet silhouette made Gongsun Xingyang rather frightened. The most important thing is that with a sneer, Jiang Haoqiang, who was beside him, also shot again!

“Sir, I’ll help you!”

Jiang Haoqiong’s sneak attack caused Gongsun Xingyang to retreat in succession. The silhouette flickered in the Star River, and his face had turned from gloomy and pale.

In the past, Jiang Haoqiong’s strength was only lost to him one step at a time, not to mention, now that the former has been able to distinguish him from the good fortune created by this demon!

And the appearance of this scarlet silhouette, the Gongsun Xingyang, the leader of various sects, suddenly became worse!

What made Gongsun Xingyang desperate was a dozen silhouettes flying from the distance of Star River!

“Sir, these ants, how dare you bother you to do it yourself?”

“A bunch of ants that fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, dare to disobey adults and offend me !? Kill me!”

“Duanmu Longdou, today, I will let you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!”

Gongsun Xingyang glanced at the pupil light, and his pupils trembled. These silhouettes are like Mo Wangyue’s Golden Immortal powerhouse!

The appearance of Mo Wangyue made the balance that had won and lost, and once again weighed on a lot of chips!

Feeling the fierce atmosphere of Mo Wangyue, Duanmu Longdou’s face was frightened. Originally, they were calculated by Jiang Haoqiang, and their strength was suppressed. The joining of Mo Wangyue made them defeated.

Even at this moment, Duanmu Longdou also found that the Golden Immortal powerhouse that had been fighting alongside him, the corpse was gradually lingering like blood of a maggot, and the original vitality was even weaker, with a weak murderous addiction …

“Damn, this mess!”

“Are we going to lose? Gongsun Sect Master, let other Fellow Daoist come to support!”

Looking at the fearful many powerhouses, Jiang Haoqiong couldn’t help but laugh upside down. Not long ago, these guys were either watching the joke of his god Xiao Immortal Sect, or starting out for the little bastard and talking with him. Right!

But now, the expressions on these guys’ faces really make him have an indescribable enjoyment!

“Hahaha, Gongsun Xingyang, don’t worry, wait for your fellow apprentices to come to support, I will take them on my way!”

One side of Gongsun Xingyang was able to resist, and it was not anxious. Jiang Haoqiong’s words were not only to affect his Taoism, but also the truth!

Even if you use the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move to cross the starry sky, it will take a short time. When Fellow Daoist rushes to the Immortal Sect of Shenxiao, I am afraid that few people can still support him side by side …

Looking at the blood mist permeating the stars, Gongsun Xingyang had 10000 1000 griefs in his heart, and it was hard to say, even if he hadn’t lost, but his heart had risen out of despair.

Are they going to lose this battle?

Once they die, then soon, the 2 Star Domains will bleed blood into a river, Heaven and Earth will be dim, never seen the daylight.

Even though he has many cards in his hands, Gongsun Xingyang dares not to show it easily, because he wants to keep the other side to devour his blood essence to resist, or … to fight hard!

There is a pungent blood red everywhere in the world. The screams of the Golden Immortal powerhouse trembled the eight stars, and the faces of Duanmu Longdou who were still resisting, fear and despair, became more and more intense!

But at this moment, he saw the bloody silhouette driving Gongsun Xingyang back, and then, the ugly face fell on Mo Wangyue with a charming face.

“What does the deity let you do?”

Mo Wangyue figure trembled, although he is loyal, but this is not an excuse for doing bad things!

The most abhorrent thing is that tomorrow, Immortal Sect has no resistance, but it was broken by a little bastard …

Mo Wangyue just wanted to speak, but when she saw the starry sky in the distance, there was a streamer like the sun, tearing the blood mist!

“Don’t look for it, Young Master is here!”

He shouted loudly, ringing the world!

The stern silhouette that flew across the starry sky made both sides of the fight frighten their bodies.

Turning around, I saw that in the starry sky, more than ten streams of light broke through, and everyone was burning a fighting fighting intent!

Especially the young man headed by it, lingering with golden glow, the attitude of War God has never been gloomy!

This young man is exactly Qin Yichen!

Beside, Zhan Wuyuan and Tian Luo Immortal Sect stood in a volley of Golden Immortal. When the situation was fierce, expression could not help but change slightly.

At this moment, Jiang Haoqiong is staring at the slender silhouette headed by him. The bitter hatred in the pump light makes Jiang Haoqiang go crazy like ominous beast: “little bastard, you dare to come!” ?

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