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After stepping on Liu Tiangu’s master and disciple, Mo Wangyue looked up and frowned slightly, for no reason, Tian Luo Immortal Sect’s desperate resistance made him very upset.

“fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness !”

Suddenly, Mo Wangyue raised his finger and saw a magical light spot flashing in his sleeve. However, the flashing light of the light made Tian Luo Immortal Sect’s high-rise buildings like ice caves.

“Not good !”

Suddenly, Immortal Sect saw an Elder’s eyebrows pierced by blood light. Its silhouette as if was struck by lightening, the whole person’s face was distorted, and he was suffering great pain.

“I just die, and don’t be a dog for demonic path!”

The Elder was all over, immortal strength was tyrannical, but saw that the blood light turned into a blood film, quickly spread to the former body, suppressing its immortal strength seal.

Mo Wangyue looked in his eyes, his mouth twitched, and between his palms, another curse blew out, and saw that Elder’s body was seeping blood all over his pores and looked terrible, but his resistance was getting weaker.

For a while, one party, Golden Immortal, was bathing in blood, hearing only hoarse and twisted howls, tearing his heart, but made Mo Wangyue sneer even more: “In front of the adult’s divide might, I can’t help but want to die!”

“Junior Brother!”

The terrible blood light scared Tian Luo Immortal Sect many powerhouses. Jing Jun wanted to rush forward. What made him desperate was that there were more than ten blood lights flying out of Mo Wangyue’s sleeve!

This is … to let him Tian Luo Immortal Sect not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!

a path of blood light, seemingly faint, but the strange power, like the bones of the cheekbones, makes it difficult for the Golden Immortal powerhouse to get rid of.

Liu Tian solitary fist, in his sleeve, the Sect Master jade token shines violently, and the whole Heaven and Earth, there is a terrible wave!

“I am immortal Sect, even if I die, I will not be a dog for you!”

However, at this moment, I saw the glory of transmitting the fairy array in the temple of Immortal Sect!

This sudden change made the two sides that were clearly distinguished both startled, but Liu Tiangu responded quickly, his eyes flashed with hope: “haha, Fellow Daoist Zong is here! Mo Wangyue, you run away!”

Mo Wangyue was startled, his face gloomy: “No matter who comes today, I can’t save you!”

be that as it may, just in order not to lose momentum, but in fact Mo Wangyue was also faint at heart!

Although there are the creations of the gifts of adults, their strength has skyrocketed, but Mo Wangyue does not think that these dozen people can expand to compete with various sects!

For a time, a path of pupil light was thrown into the temple where the Formation was located, and the light gradually dissipated. From there, there were 2 silhouettes with strong breath!

It was Qin Yichen 2 people!

However, the appearance of the two people just made everyone stunned, and then the hope just raised by Liu Tiangu was instantly destroyed.

“2, 2 people !?”

Is this here to die?

However, when Mo Wangyue saw the visitor, his worry was suddenly disappeared, and his face was sullen, and he couldn’t help laughing out loud: “little bastard, didn’t expect you to walk right into a trap!”

If Gongsun Xingyang comes, he still has to be afraid of a few points, but Qin Yichen and Zhan Wuyuan …

Not to mention that their strength has skyrocketed. Even before they changed, these two can still beat them to a dozen Golden Immortal! ?

“Little bastard, today the deity will use your first level to sacrifice Senior Brother Li in the spirit of heaven!”

For the arrival of this reinforcement, it can be said that Tian Luo Immortal Sect’s mood was ups and downs. The scene they were expecting was when Gongsun Xingyang waved his arms. Dozens of Golden Immortal Fellow Daoist straightened Mo Wangyue and the others … …

However, the fact made them feel heavy.

“Qin Yichen … 6 Heavenly Layers so soon?”

Liu Tiangu was shocked, but Qin Yichen’s rapid growth is staggering, but the moon and the others are not as good as they are now!

The most important thing is that his same sect is almost invaded by the blood light at the moment. As a result of the struggle, I am afraid that it will eventually fall …

Zhan Wuyuan looked at the horror in front of him, and couldn’t help but corner of mouth twitching, saying that he was not afraid of being false.

What’s so special, the situation of Tian Luo Immortal Sect is worse than they thought!

He thought that by joining forces with Qin Yichen, plus Tian Luo Immortal Sect’s powerhouse, he could barely repel the enemies here with the help of geography.

But looking at it like this, I am afraid that in a moment, the many powerhouses of Tianluo Immortal Sect will also become their enemy!

Qin Yichen was able to come and thank Tian Luo Immortal Sect up and down, but now it is not grateful that Mo Wangyue can retreat.

The flash of Liu Tiangu’s silhouette flashed Liu Yueyan and flew to Transmission Array: “Qin little friend, hurry up! Go to the grandson Sect Master …”

However, Mo Wangyue’s response was faster: “Want to go !? Is this devotion allowed?”

That terrible speed made the battle trembled. This kind of strength is as different as heaven and earth compared to the recent battle in the North World!

Zhan Wuyuan even felt that it was enough to hit a Golden Immortal now!

All this is a long story, but when Mo Wangyue’s killing intent surged, Qin Yichen was already staring awkwardly, coldly shouted: “It seems that you are born with the potential to be a dog!”

However, Liu Tiangu didn’t realize the powerful breath of Qin Yichen assassin. He even wanted to say, why don’t you talk about the scene at this time?

“Qin little friend, hurry up, this group of miscellaneous strength is different from the past, I can’t hold it for long!”

Qin Yichen pupil light glanced at, the blood in the air made him disgusted, and the blood essence was more like burning and rising, wanting to be purified and burned!

With Bloodline awakening, the repulsion of demons nowadays no longer needs the reminder of True Dragon Seal, Qin Yichen’s eyes become indifferent.

However, looking at the impatient Tian Luo Immortal Sect many powerhouses tortured by blood light, Qin Yichen also has a fear of returning to the Transmission Array.

In this battle, he didn’t mind desperately, but he did not swell to the point where he could fight more than a dozen Golden Immortals by himself!

But at this moment, Qin Yichen was listening to Red Lotus’s euphemism from Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, the always normal Honglian, at this moment’s euphemism, was filled with monstrous hatred and disdain.

“The running dog of Blood Demon Race !?”

Wanyin was cold, and then she saw a flash of Qian Ying, Honglian’s eyebrow seemed to have a violent flame, and her temperament became different from the past.

“Boy, borrow your blood essence!”

Suddenly, Honglian condensed her palm, and with her awakening, the bond between one person and one spirit deepened.


Immediately, Hong Lian held a bunch of gold red light in her hand, and the fluctuations in that light made Mo Wangyue dodge her fear subconsciously.

“Kid, hold on!”

The appearance of the red lotus made Liu Tiangu feel astonished again, and when the current person held the golden red light in the eyebrows of Tianluo Immortal Sect Golden Immortal, he saw that the original blood glow was as strange as Xue Yulie The sun is fading, and the mad creeps retreat!

Mo Wangyue looked in his eyes, and couldn’t help but be shocked, but then his face was gloomy: “Dare to do something good for adults, courting death!”

However, it hasn’t waited for it to start, a golden glow lingering silhouette, holding a sword, blocked in front of him!

I saw Qin Yichen immortal strength surge and breathe: “Last time you ran fast, this time the Young Master sent you a fellow apprentices reunion!”

Mo Wangyue also had a cold voice. The immortal strength of Golden Immortal was fused with that blood glow, and the breath was so strong that Liu Tiangu felt trembling in fear.

“Boy, I haven’t seen it for a few days and I went to 1 Heavenly Layer again, but do you think this is the capital you impudent in front of the deity?”

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