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At this point, when the major Immortal Sects gathered these days, they already suspected it!

After all, if Jiang Haoqiang wanted revenge, then slaughtering other Immortal Sects, not at all, would push other Immortal Sects to the opposite side.

Although Gongsun Xingyang did not know that the three Immortal Sects visited by Jiang Haoqiong ’s gate were now controlled by the bloody statue, at least it can be guessed that the slaughter of other Immortal Sects must be extremely important to Shenxiao Immortal Sect. Great benefit!

Gongsun Xingyang’s face was dignified: “Before I came here, I read the classics in the sect, but the turbulence of the world that year has passed for too long …”

What the turbulence in the universe means, many powerhouses at the scene are aware of it, and even expressed fear among expressions, but the Heaven and Earth changed hands, it has indeed been too long. Many Immortal Sects have not yet been established. .

Gongsun Xingyang’s face also flashed a doubt: “What is the existence behind Shenxiao Immortal Sect? It is still difficult to confirm, but it is certain that it is absolutely bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty …”

The atmosphere in the great hall is a bit depressing. In fact, speaking of which, which was the one that caused Huanyu to fall into the dark and catastrophe, isn’t it murderous?

At this moment, Gongsun Xingyang glanced at the great hall with a firm tone: “But no matter how horrible that is, for the tranquility of the various domains of the two domains, Fellow Daoists, you must fight for your life in this battle!”

“My God, Immortal Sect, be the first soldier to guard this Star Domain!”

“Death fight!”

Many powerhouses present understood what this fighting intent meant, saying that they were not afraid that it was false. These days they were trembling with fear, forced to flee, and embraced the group to keep warm.

And if this battle is lost, I am afraid that the 2 domains of various sects will no longer have a foothold, and everyone present will not want to end well!

Gongsun Xingyang’s heart was also dreadful. Before he came, he heard about Jiang Haoqiang’s current strength. There are demons to help, even if he is afraid, he may not be an opponent!

But not your opponent, you have to fight!

Because once they fall, the Immortal Sect behind them, and the great point, the continents of all parties must be the people are plunged into an abyss of misery!

After converging the pump light, Gongsun Xingyang said, “What about Yichen?”

Duanmu Longdou said: “Yi Chen is still in his hometown and has some work to do. He should be back for a few days at most …”

Gongsun Xingyang’s eyes were light flashed, and he said lightly, “Can’t wait to let Shenxiao Immortal Sect so unscrupulous slaughter continue!”

It is now obvious that Shen Xiao Immortal Sect is willing to delay time. The longer it is, the better it is.

On the contrary, for them, it becomes more passive.

Even with every delay, there is a possibility that there is a person Golden Immortal is miserable by Shen Xiao Immortal Sect!

“Did you go!”

As Gongsun Xingyang’s words came to an end, dozens of breathless streamers within Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect rose into the sky!

At this moment, everywhere in Heavenly-Origin Continent, countless people are looking at those powerhouses that are determined to fight, with awe in their eyes.

Today’s Heavenly-Origin Continent is overcrowded, such as the souls of the Northern Warriors, all taking refuge here.

They know that the departure of many powerhouses determines the future of this Star Domain!

“Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, if you become a demon, then you will be the enemies of the various sects in the 2 realms, everyone, please treat them together!”


Before leaving, Duanmu Longdou said to Wang Yue: “Junior Brother Wang, you stay and be in charge of sect protecting.”

The head of Wang Yue, even if the two domains came out of the nest, but the sect could not be left alone, but everyone knew that Duanmu Longdou while speaking, and secretly sounded transmission: “Remember, if Yichen is back, it is best to let him not come …

Wang Yue startedled, but suddenly understood something. Although Qin Yichen’s current battle strength can already be regarded as Golden Immortal, this battle is not something that Golden Immortal can control.

Moreover, Shenxiao Immortal Sect has a strong hatred for Qin Yichen. I am afraid that once the former appears, it will inevitably be broken by Jiang Haoqiong for 10000 segments!

Today, even the most powerhouse Gongsun Xingyang here can not guarantee that Jiang Haoqiong’s opponent, a loss of 10000 …

I have to say that Duanmu Longdou is extremely protective of Qin Yichen, otherwise he would not be so commanded.

“Senior Brother, Sect Master, Fellow Daoists, I am waiting for your triumph!”

Looking at a stream of light that cut through the stars, Wang Yue was in a heavy mood. Today’s Shen Xiao Immortal Sect has caused the 2 Star Domains to be enveloped in panic …

At the same time, Shen Xiao Immortal Sect is still in the gloomy great hall, blood energy is soaring into the sky, and the bloody statue floats on the blood pool.

But unlike before, the blood-colored statue today, the six wings behind it, have gradually creeped, and the breath emitted is more like a sea of ​​blood, and even the statue has a blood-colored crack looming …

“Congratulations, Lord Divine might!”

Jiang Haoqiong stood respectfully in the hall, and while he was flattering, his heart was also secretly shocked. Nowadays, the adult is no longer a simple breath that is depressing, and even the strength has become more and more terrifying.

And there was a disdain in the blood-colored statue: “The blood of the ants, the strength of the deity, is not as good as the 10000 one!”

After the coldly shouted, I saw the scarlet statue indifferently asked, “You said, another Star Domain is coming soon?”

Jiang Hao arched down and said, “Yes, your divine might now be alive, those ants who fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness must have risen out of defiance.”

“But adults rest assured, there is a villain, the ants are not trying to disturb the adults!”

The pupil of the blood-colored statue flashed satisfaction: “Well, and this Star Domain, there is another ant who has not yet surrendered to his dear, right?”

Jiang Hao arched his head: “Extremely speaking, this sect is called Tianluo Immortal Sect, but the villain has ordered people to block this sect at all times!”

After the blood-colored statue was silent for a while, a sudden glow of blood glow suddenly appeared on the eyebrows, and then, there were dozens of drops of bright red blood floating in front of Jiang Haoqiang.

That mere drop of blood makes people see it, as if swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, trembling, but it has a very strong appeal to the current Jiang Haoqiang.

However, before Jiang Haoqiong’s heart moved, he heard the scarlet statue coldly said: “People take the essence of blood, and let those ants know about allegiance, what do you do?”

Jiang Haoqiong jumped out: “I’m not going to let the adults down!”


The stone gate of the great hall slowly opened, and after paying blood essence, the blood-colored statue seemed faint all over, but the hoarse voice was full of ferocious excitement: “Conquer another ant, these two pieces Star Domain, who else can violate this deity !? “

Outside the great hall, Jiang Haoqiong was equally excited, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, beckoned, and saw Mo Wangyue coming.

“Senior Brother, what’s your order?”

Jiang Haoqiang heard this, and smiled quietly: “How is the situation over Tian Luo Immortal Sect?”

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