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Duanmu Longdou is very clear. Now, it is not just his grievances from Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect and Shenxiao Immortal Sect.

This variable seems to set off the foul wind and bloody rain of the 2 big Star Domains!

Thanks to everything Sect Master Kui did before he died, otherwise, Duanmu Longdou would not dare to imagine the consequences of letting the slaughter like Shen Xiao Immortal Sect go down!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Longdou patted Xu Ziang’s shoulder, comforted: “Zi Ang, your Master will not sacrifice for nothing, now …”

Duanmu Longdou looked deep into the sky, mood grave: “Now, Xiaoxiao Immortal Sect, has fallen into a demon, Fellow Daoist Zong, let’s discuss it together!”

Huang Fu 焱 breathes deeply, stepped forward: “Senior Brother, now the priority is to notify the various sects and join forces to prevent being attacked by Immortal Sect.”

Duanmu Long bowed his head. Although this sudden change of heaven made him cold sweat, but what should be faced, finally faced.

What’s more, if none of them Golden Immortal can do anything, who else can stop the Immortal Sect! ?

So Duanmu Longdou hurriedly took out the messenger treasure, and the first notice was True Martial Immortal Sect.

A few moments later, the illusory shadow of the real Sect Master Wu condensed. To be honest, Duanmu Longdou proactively summoned him, which surprised the former.

After all, not long ago, the forces that attacked Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect together were True Martial Immortal Sect.

However, at this moment, Duanmu Longdou is disregarding that many, and even the coldest one is disregarded, so he hurriedly said, “Luo Brother, Shenxiao Immortal Sect, now you are enchanted, your sect up and down, please enter the state of preparation immediately!”

Tone barely fell, and then saw that Sect Master Wu’s face suddenly changed, and he stunned: “Into the magic? Brother Duanmu, then … but it is important, are you sure?”

Duanmu Longdou breedes deeply: “Frankly, Sect Lord Chen and Tiankui Immortal Sect, I’m afraid they have been poisoned. Tiankui chief Xu Ziang, escaped from the dead, just arrived in my case!”

While speaking, Duanmu Longdou moved the treasure of the messenger to Xu Ziang, who suppressed the sorrow. Saluted said: “Lu Senior …”

After seeing Xu Ziang, Real Sect Master Wu’s face was terrified. For such a big thing, the former and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect would never joke!

“How, how could this be so !?”

Suddenly, the sudden news caused Zhen Sect Master Wu to panic.

Moreover, the true Sect Master Wu does not understand. If you are enchanted, why do n’t you enter early and stay late?

Is it because of Qin Yichen! ?

Thinking about it, only this one is possible!

Real Sect Master Wu’s voice trembled: “Brother Duanmu, what do you do now? In terms of strength, Shenxiao Immortal Sect is ruthless …”

Duanmu Longdou is also worried about this. Although one Li Muchen died in the hands of Qin Yichen, he has more fathers and sons and wins.

The original high-level battle strength of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect is to look at the most powerful and powerful Star Domain, and now it has fallen into a devil. Duanmu Longdou even secretly trembled. If Jiang Haoqiong is in trouble at this moment, he may be the same as Tian Sect Master Kui. The end!

With this in mind, Duanmu Longdou insisted: “Brother Lu, I’ll call Immortal Sect in this matter, and ask Gongsun Sect Master to come and help me. We must be united now!”

Real Sect Master Wu expression is excited, but also knows what the big picture is, and now, Shen Xiao Immortal Sect has stood on the opposite side of various sects.

The most terrifying thing is that Shenxiao Immortal Sect now has the power to fight against various sects!

“As long as Brother Duanmu disregards the former, my True Martial Immortal Sect is willing to join forces. At present, the Capricorn can only spend this tribulation by joining together …”

After notifying True Martial Immortal Sect, Duanmu Longdou sent a message to Tianfeng Sect Master.

illusory shadow appeared, and Tianfeng Sect Master was also curious: “Brother Duanmu, what’s the matter?”

Duanmu Longdou just wanted to speak, but saw the illusory shadow of Tianfeng Sect Master frown slightly, with a little dissatisfaction: “Jiang Sect Master? Break into my Tianfeng Immortal Sect without saying hello, it may be rude. ? “

“Jiang Haoqiong …”

Duanmu Longdou hearding this, but was shocked and anxious: “Brother Chen, run away! Take your same sect, run away!”

However, Duanmu Longdou was still one step slower.

His words did not fall, and he saw that the illusory shadow of the messenger seemed to be distorted by the surging immortal strength …

After a while, the illusory shadow condensed, but the figure that appeared at this time was a smiling Jiang Haoqiong!

“Duanmu Longdou, do you really like to gossip?”

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long before we will meet again!”

The fierceness between words made Duanmu Longdou slumped to the ground, and everyone in the great hall felt only choking.

Tianfeng Immortal Sect, suddenly stepped into the footsteps of Tiankui Immortal Sect …

After a long time, I saw Duanmu Longdou came back to his senses, and trembled: “Quickly notify the person who is notified, and Yi Chen, let him come to my case quickly. If you are in Tianyi Star Domain, go to Gongsun Sect. Master them! “

Nie Heng, all came back to his senses, and even they knew very well that Shenxiao Immortal Sect came to this step today and has an inseparable relationship with Qin Yichen.

Otherwise, for so many years, why Shenxiao Immortal Sect, although acting aggressively, has not fallen into the demonic path.

“Jiang Haoqiong is really crazy. In order to prevent Yichen from growing up, he fell into the demonic path!”

Of course, everyone knows that the cause or fuse of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect’s arrival at this step is related to Qin Yichen.

However, it does not mean that Shen Xiao Immortal Sect after falling into the demonic path will be limited to this. It can even be said that Shen Xiao Immortal Sect’s ambition today is absolutely boundless!

Nie Heng trembled in the heart, and even always lacking hatred and enmity, even Immortal Sect, who always flattered him, can play this poisonous hand. It is conceivable that they have a good relationship with Qin Yichen, and they will be destroyed by the gods. How Immortal Sect addresses it!

“Yi Chen seems to be with Zhan Wuyuan, I’ll go to the news.”

For a while, the atmosphere was tight inside Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect great hall.

With Duanmu Longdou’s notice, Immortal Sect everywhere was terrified when he heard the news, as if a catastrophe had come.

For a while, this Star Domain set off a 1000-layer storm, and the major Immortal Sects were very clear. The turbulence at this time was not a trivial matter, and even the survival of various sects was not an exaggeration!

At the same time, Human Race is inside Holy Heaven.

“Husband, I feel like I’ve grown fat these days, and their hospitality at 1000 snow is really difficult but …”

In an elegant hall, there is nothing left in the battle, and he is repairing the cultivation technique Martial Skill for Shengtianfu, and Yixi is assisting with his classification and other details. Hearing the latter’s coquettish euphemism, the former puts down the scroll and bends his fingers. Nose.

“You have been sleeping for so long, you must take a good break first, but speaking of which, the cuisine of Human Race is really 10000 1000 …”

These couples who have finally reunited with the parting thousand thousand years have finally been reunited these days. They are like paint, with grudges and grievances, and while they are playing, they have suddenly noticed something without a fight, and frowned slightly: “Brother Nie Heng, find me at this time doing what?”

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