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However, after keeping in mind the warning from the jade tube, Qin Yichen decided to break the sealed Panlong.

Although reluctant, at least he has qualified for contact …


In a short time, the 2 panlongs surged slowly, and it seemed to recede. Then, Qin Yichen saw the jade tube in his hand and turned it into a ray of magnificent light!

A path of mysterious characters floats in front of Qin Yichen. After a while, the former feels the vicissitudes of ancient charm. In it, there seems to be the pride of Heaven and Earth overlord!

Apart from this, Qin Yichen actually felt choked for a while, it seemed that Thousand-Fold Mountain Yue struck, but soon after the blood essence of his within the body surged, the terrible coercion was dissipated.

Qin Yichen speculated that this should be the sole secret of True Dragon, if it fell into the hands of outsiders, it would shatter on the spot.

Fortunately, he is descended from True Dragon of geneuine.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yichen looked up with excitement, filled the first line of characters in front of him, and made him feel like a thunderstorm!

“Heavenly Dragon!”

“True Dragon, howling for 9 days!”

This short sentence made Qin Yichen feel extremely surging, and it can be seen that the original Heaven and Earth supremacy is such a world-like divide might!

Later, that Guanghua flooded into Qin Yichen’s mind. For a time, the former five handsome officers were full of excitement!

“This … this is really the Celestial Order of Immortal Technique!”

The power of Heavenly Dragon howl makes Qin Yichen to be wild with joy!

In front of this Immortal Technique, he finally realized the power that this Bloodline can explode!

After a long time, the Guanghua has already been transformed into a diffused light spot. As a Immortal Technique, it can only be inherited once!

One can imagine the preciousness among them!

Although Guanghua has dissipated, the excitement among Qin Yichen expression has been hard to calm down for a long time.

“If there was Heavenly Dragon Xiao on that day, Li Muchen’s old dog would not even have the chance to escape!”

The power of Tianjie Immortal Technique has made it difficult for Qin Yichen to describe it in words, and now he can’t wait to catch a Immortal Sect Elder to try it!

However, at the same time of ecstasy, Qin Yichen did not forget the warning of Hao Wu’s ancestors. This Heavenly Dragon Xiao, as Dragon Race Immortal Technique, Bloodline must be awake by more than 50% before it can be performed.

Today, he is only 40% and a half. If he is forced to perform, his loss will be extremely serious.

Apart from this, it is a terrible loss of immortal strength. Qin Yichen just whispered Heavenly Dragon in his heart, and felt that the entire dantian seemed to be restless!

“His … This day-level Immortal Technique is really unusual!”

Qin Yichen was a little regretful. The poor 5% Bloodline made him very itchy. Sometimes, he decided the formidable power dividing line.

However, if a group of Golden Immortal could hear this loudly, I was afraid that they would vomit blood on the spot.

It can be said that if there is a volume of Heavenly Order Immortal Technique, it will be enough to lead the battle between Immortal Sect!

Moreover, no one told Qin Yichen that the loss of the Heavenly Order Immortal Technique, even the Golden Immortal Powerhouse, requires caution.

Qin Yichen didn’t know this, because the powerhouse he came into contact with, even the Immortal Sect, now has no Immortal Techniques!

Prior to this, Qin Yichen’s only understanding of the Heavenly Order Immortal Technique was that he had mentioned it without a battle. The Heavenly Order Immortal Technique can only be inherited once.

Zhan Wuyuan said he was angry. He had never seen the Heavenly Order Immortal Technique. What could he say? !!

After these days of cultivation, Qin Yichen’s confident pump light has Ling Ran hidden.

“It’s almost time to meet the test of the two ancestors.”

As soon as Qin Yichen murmured, she saw that Red Lotus floated out, and beautiful eyes also carried disapproval: “Boy, this time is a major event of this Senior, you can don’t drop the chain!”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching: “It should be now that I should worry about helping you wake up, will I be requite kindness with enmity?”

To be honest, from the perspective of Honglian’s usual performance, Qin Yichen felt that it was necessary for the two ancestors to pass on a set of imperial means such as a tight spell.

However, Honglian hummed coldly, and Qin Yichen also disinclined to pay attention to, and found Fengtian in this way.

“are you ready?”

Looking at the slender silhouette in front of me, Fengtian was lightly startled, and I couldn’t help but be sorrowful, and don’t look forward to it on the 3rd!

“You’re ready, please Senior to lead the way …”

Phoenix Clan’s tallest mansion and Xiongcheng turned out to have the same name as Fengtian, named Fengtianfu and Feng Tian City.

In Fengtian House, although powerhouse as clouds, but Fengtian leads the way, plus Qin Yichen intentionally restraining aura, along the way, he did not encounter other Phoenix Clan people.

Under Feng Tian’s leadership, Qin Yichen looked at the towering sycamore forest that was getting closer. In front of him, it seemed like the fire sea was burning, just like the excitement of his heart.

When Qin Yichen set foot on the Indus forest like a fire sea, he suddenly felt a strong breath locked in his eyes.

“Golden Immortal powerhouse …”

Feng Tian, ​​who was on the side, said lightly, “Confucian Lao, you should already be understood.”


In a flash of time, a silhouette flashed, as if pulling out the Tao Fengming, Qin Yichen saw an old man wearing a golden red robe appear.

Although the old man is vicissitudes of age, those flaming eyes are still energetic, Qin Yichen secretly thought, this should be the master of the Golden Immortal breath he felt when he and Zhan Wuyuan first arrived.

“patriarch ……”

Fengru Gongquan was saluted, full of vitality, and then turned to Qin Yichen Gongquan again: “Qin patriarch, fortunately.”

Qin Yichen was a little stunned, and now he has made the Phoenix Clan Golden Immortal powerhouse claim the existence of patriarch.

Suddenly, this Indus forest is a forbidden area of ​​Phoenix Clan, Fengru is the Guardian who guards this place.

“Lao Ru, this time I will take Yichen to take out the Blood Lotus son for 36 days.”

As soon as this word came out, Feng Ru was shocked: “The 36-day Blood Lotus son … has anyone finally asked for help!”

“The two ancestors waited this day for some time …”

Feng Tian bowed his head: “There is nothing in the clan. Let’s go with me.”

There was excitement on Fengdou’s nodded face, and it seemed to be an honor to be able to witness firsthand the Supreme divine object of the other tribe.

Immediately, the three silhouettes entered the forest of parasols, and at the same time, Shenxiao Immortal Sect …

Inside the case, I don’t know where, there is an extra hall, and Jiang Haoqiong warned that no one should step on it!

And in that temple, it was dark and icy, if it was not maintained by Formula, the bloody smell in it would be enough to spread through the Immortal Sect.

In the great hall, there is a wide blood pool. If outsiders are present, they will be amazed. Any drop of blood essence in this blood pool is quite precious!

And the blood-colored statue is floating on the blood pool at this moment, and the blood flows like a pillar, washing and lingering on its surface, making the original ancient statue more and more demonized.

However, the blood-colored statue seems to have several points of dissatisfaction with the blood essence that makes Shenxiao Immortal Sect quite painful.

“The blood of the ants is so miserable that I really miss the taste of dragon’s blood …”

The harsh, hoarse voice made Jiang Hao Qin, who had just entered the hall, trembled, and hurriedly saluted, “Master, those Fucks on the wall … I’m afraid I would like to ask you to take a trip.”

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