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Speaking of which, from the time of awakening to the present, Zhan Wuyuan seems to have been overwhelmed by Jie Cangyun or insulted by Li Muchen, but do n’t forget, he was completely quiet for hundreds of thousands of years!

If there is no idle time in the hunted thousand, today’s war has no end, and it can definitely be called a Legendary!

However, when there is no battle, it is an expression grave. He knows that the jug is full of sycamore blood!

“Senior, this…”

Zhan Wuyuan wanted to shirk. To be honest, he was able to drink 2 cups in vain, and had followed Qin Yichen to take advantage. This was full of pots.

However, Feng Tian insisted: “These Indus blood is as if I thank you on behalf of Yichen, and hope that in that day, if you do not fight with Yichen, you will not have to look at him with his brother …”

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Yichen’s face was also quite serious. He understood Feng Tian’s meaning. Don’t look at him now that he and the big guys at the 2 Star Domains can talk and laugh.

But in the face of those existences, these connections may be very fragile. In the face of such catastrophes, those Immortal Sects will not only help themselves, they can burn the incense without turning against him!

Qin Yichen is not suspicious of the immortal Sect’s strengths, but in the face of terrible strength, everything is so realistic and cruel.

However, I didn’t see it. At this moment, the battle was endless, and his face was extremely solemn. He even expressed his wrath in his tone: “Senior, if you mean this, then the sycamore blood, you still keep it yourself.”


Feng Tian frowned, but looked at the firm expression of Zhan Wuyuan, the former with a grin and an apology: “Sorry, these years, I’m really afraid … I’ve seen too many betrayals.”

These remarks seemed to evoke Phoenix Clan’s pain, and the battle could not help but startled, as if he understood something, immediately raised a smile and accepted the silver pot.

“I’ve inherited the kindness of Senior. If there was one day, where would Yichen stand, I would have no battle, and I would stand there.”

Later, Feng Tian and Qin Yichen personally sent Zhan Wuyuan to the black hole. Before leaving, Zhan Wuyuan looked like something, looking at the 10000 coffin array, frowned, “Senior, this evil array … … “

Feng Heavenly Dao: “The reason why I couldn’t solve it before was because of Yichen, besides me, there are 2 Golden Immortal in my family.”

Zhan Wuyuan was slightly relieved, not to mention Feng Tian’s strength, which was by no means a Golden Immortal.

However, Fengtian was slightly worried: “You should be able to invite ten Golden Immortal people, right?”

“Ten people …”

Qin Yichen 2 people were a little stunned, which was more troublesome than they expected, and Feng Tian explained: “I dare not care, let alone, what kind of variables will be after breaking the formation, no one can guarantee … “

Qin Yichen bowed his head, and Fengtian had the same concerns as him: “Ten Golden Immortal, if you want to ask, Junior still has this face, but Senior, if we break this array, will we let those being aware To … “

Fengtian sighed: “It is extremely possible, so I dare not move.”

Three people looked at each other before they saw Feng Tian slowly said, “This matter will be discussed for a long time.”

When the conversation turned, Feng Tian looked to Qin Yichen again, expression solemnly: “But Yi Chen, you remember, if you are aware of those beings in the future, you must immediately tell me that even if you forcibly break the formation, you must not delay ! “

“Junior understands!”

Qin Yichen also knows that if those existing eyes are re-invested, it is equivalent to Heaven and Earth that once shook the world, and it will break out again!

Subsequently, Zhan Wuyuan’s figure merged into the black hole, and Qin Yichen followed Feng Tian back to Phoenix Clan great hall.

“Yi Chen, you are cultivation in my back room these days. If nothing happens, it is better not to touch my clansman …”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, but he didn’t feel any discomfort because of it, even he, who is also the Head of a Clan, quite understands Feng Tian’s intention.

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at each other and couldn’t help but sigh, even if there were some things, they would someday face them, but the two team leaders couldn’t bear to let clansman live in panic.

Even if Qin Yichen revealed a few words to spur Shengtianfu up and down, however, the terrifying that he saw had probably exceeded the public awareness of terrifying 2 and the other giants.

In the ensuing days, Qin Yichen was at ease in Phoenix Clan cultivation, except for occasional chats with Fengtian, and did not touch the outside world.

But the heavenly house far away on the other side of the world has already been sunrise and sunset for the past few days.

The silhouette of the wind 1000 and the snow are still waiting in the land of the evil, but after a few days of waiting, everyone’s confidence in the strength of the Qin Yichen 2 people gradually becomes a little worried.

“Ma’am, can you detect the breath of Yi Chen and Your Majesty?”

The wind 1000 snow willow frowns slightly, and the most powerful powerhouse present at the moment is Yi Xi, who has the Heaven Immortal cultivation base, so everyone’s pump light can’t help but throw in the latter.

However, at the moment, the gentle pretty face is also worrying. In fact, as early as 2 days ago, she could hardly detect the breath of 2 people.

However, Zhan Wuyuan had warned that the danger under the ice field was unusual, so that she should not mess around anyway.

At this moment, Yixi suddenly noticed something, and beautiful eyes were happy: “Wuyuan is back!”


A silhouette flashed from the land of evil.

The wind 1000 and the snow were all in sight. This was relaxed, but it was not yet a joy for everyone, but it was suddenly discovered that there was only one person in front of us!

“Your Majesty, what about Husband?”

Suddenly, the wind and snow were extremely tense. It was not long before the last bad news, and they were really tense.

In particular, the face of Zhan Wuyuan was extremely pale, and even repented: “Yi, Yi Chen …”

“Your Majesty, what happened to Yichen !?”

In a short time, I saw the wind 1000. The snow didn’t care about the cold bones of the evil land, and I wanted to plunge into it. Seeing no battle, I quickly changed my face: “don’t, don’t, don’t, I tease you It ’s okay for Yichen to play, and if something happens, I wo n’t be able to come back alone. ”

As soon as this word came out, the wind and snow were only relaxed after 1000 winds, and I was looking forward to the endlessly.

Aside, Yixi blamed him, “Husband, why aren’t you serious?”

The battle was laughed, but the worry on the wind 1000 snow pretty face has still not dissipated: “Your Majesty, where is the dust?”

Gong Queqing, a group of Human Race giants, is also pump light wondering why I saw only one person without a battle, but did not see patriarch return.

What’s more, there are no fluctuations in these heavenly land.

Seeing this, Zhan Wuyuan explained, “Don’t worry, first of all, there is bad news. This fierce land, Yichen and I have no solution for the time being.”

As for the cost of the wicked land that connects Human Race and Phoenix Clan to resolve the problem, Wuyuan has no intention of telling Shengtianfu.

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