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Therefore, the arrival of Shengtianfu and the battleless abyss is extremely solemn and warmly welcomed.

Looking at the pair of respectful pump lights, there was some sort of sorry in the endless battle: “Yichen is my brother, you don’t need to be so kind.”

Qin Yichen indifferently smiled, just stepped forward, but noticed that there is no battle side woman: “This is …”

The woman is a peerless style, holding arms that have nowhere to go. The grace is gentle and gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze, more mature and dignified than the wind 1000.

However, Qin Yichen has just asked a question, and without waiting to answer without a fight, the former laughed and arched and said: “sister-in-law ……”

Needless to say, this is the soulmate that has been forgotten for thousands of years.

Yi Xi looked at the young and handsome youth in front of her, Wanyin was full of praise: “I just woke up, and Wu Yuan mentioned the most these days, and it is Qin brother. You, speaking, I should be on behalf of Wu Yuan and the North World. Qin brother is … “

Needless to say, these days Immediately Zhan Wuyuan rushed to Jie Clan just to reunite with soulmate.

However, Qin Yichen just said lightly with a smile: “Sister-in-law is polite. Your Majesty and I are looking at each other and should help each other.”

Two people helped the Human Race, one rescued the North Korean world in crisis, and it was already a deep affection for the brothers.

Subsequently, in the hospitable hospitality of Shengtianfu, the Zhan Wuyuan couple received the highest courtesy of Human Race.

That night, Qin Baihe actually came forward personally and invited Zhan Wuyuan to be a Hakka feast. Lord’s behavior was not for the purpose of stuttering, or even speaking of which. Today, whoever is stinging is still talking about 2.

For this reason, Qin Lord simply wanted to thank Zhan Wuyuan for his grandson to appreciate the vast sky, and created an opportunity for the rise of his Human Race.

The Zhan Wuyuan couple had a difficult time, but they had a good night’s conversation. The next day, outside the Vast-Glacial Palace, on the cold icefield.

“Yichen, right here?”

Qin Yichen 2 people stood side by side, Zhan Wuyuan looked at the endless coldness at his feet, and followed the Human Race, which was also the purpose of the understood battle emperor’s visit.

“Originally, the battle emperor Your Majesty is not only a guest, but also intends to solve the hidden dangers of the evil land for my tribe …”

“Emperor Your Majesty, but the legendary Golden Immortal is powerful, and he has shot it, which has harmed my family for many years, and it can finally be eliminated!”

For the land of the most evil, Human Race’s giant engines can be described as fear and anger. This tumor is not removed in a day, and his Human Race is buried with a time bomb every day. Land before stepping into life essence …

Zhan Wuyuan was hearing this, but he laughed: “I’m just here to help. With the strength of Yichen, there is definitely no problem.”

Such words also double the confidence of Human Race. Speaking of which, Lord Patriarch’s strength today is no less than that of Your Majesty!

However, although the Qin Yichen 2 showed a relaxed smile, they could see each other as they had nothing to do with war. Only 2 of them understood the concerns.

Although Qin Yichen’s strength was once as different as Heaven and Earth, but because of this, he was even more clear about the reasons for the fear of the past!

However, in order not to worry clansman, Qin Yichen must behave quite easily.

“If you are ready, let’s go down …”

While speaking, but seeing Yixi step forward, holding the hands of Zhanbuyuan, Wanyin worried: “Husband, be careful.”

After all, I look to Qin Yichen again: “There is also Qin brother, you also don’t care about 10000000.”

Two people bowed their heads, and Zhan Wuyuan even cast a smile on his face: “Relax, who are you Husband me? Dignified Golden Immortal and Emperor Yichen together, what fierce land can be settled in minutes!”

The wind 1000 snow also came forward, Qin Yichen felt the tenderness of jade hand: “Husband, Your Majesty, be careful, what is the mutation, must immediately return.”


The two of them comforted soulmate, and then looked at each other, their bodies jumped into the endless coldness!


On the ice field, there was a wave of ice cold, and when they fell into the land of evil, the indifferent smile in the corner of the mouth of the two people gradually converged, and replaced by a dignity.

“Your Majesty, you can see it.”

Seems to ease the atmosphere, Qin Yichen raised a chuckle, and Zhan Wuyuan hearing this, also laughed: “Your boy is not bad, in other words, you are almost the same age, when will you be a child?”

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, could it not be a dignified war emperor, but could not escape the torture of the souls of 7 aunts and 8 aunts?

“Your Majesty knows, where do I have time to think about this?”

Zhan Wuyuan bowed his head. He knew Qin Yichen’s turmoil all these years. He had a daughter-in-law and was afraid that he would not be able to accompany him, but the latter laughed again: “However, Ling Han and I are a person daughter. Secret cultivation. “

Zhan Wuyuan heard this with a smile: “Very good, remember to tell me when I’m out, I have to be the Little Missy godfather.”

“Haha, you and the child of sister-in-law must recognize me as an adoptive father.”

In the land of the most evil, but with two people’s realm, he waved his palms, and even Qin Yichen felt that … this baleful qi was quite complementary.

And since it was not long since Qin Yichen entered the last time to clean up Nether Soul, not at all hindered the periphery of the evil land.

Even if there are obstacles, Qin Yichen’s current strength, in the palm of his hand, is to crush those evil charms that once made him a human race giant.

However, at this moment, Qin Yichen noticed something. His original chuckled face suddenly froze, and his eyes were filled with anger.


A low drink seemed to tremble in the land of evil!

Suddenly, I saw a bunch of Nether Souls surrounding a certain corpse, disappeared!

Previously, those Nether Souls seemed to want to eat this corpse, and even their half-realistic silhouette, they also wanted to forcibly infect the corpse.

And that corpse, Qin Yichen remembers very clearly, this is the Old Palace Master above the sky!

This is not the first time Qin Yichen has seen this corpse, but with his strength at the time, although he could solve Nether Soul, he could not guarantee that he would not be able to reach the corpse of the Old Palace Master, or because of his slaughter. Nether Soul retaliated against the corpse, so even if he saw it, he could only choose to forbear.

But now, after killing those Nether Souls, Qin Yichen flashed to the corpse, and he found that at the last moment of the corpse’s life, he still kept his sword and enemies.

“Senior, Yi Chen is late, this will take you home …”

Qin Yichen’s voice trembled, and cautiously cleaned up the traces on the corpse, and immediately took out a jade coffin prepared in advance and gently put the corpse into it.

Zhan Wuyuan looked in his eyes, and he was deeply embarrassed about the corpse. Fortunately, his own brother finally allowed these Human Race ancestors to console in the spirit of heaven …

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