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For a while, Qin Yichen was full of Bloodline surging, reaching the air waves, engulfed with Jin Yao’s air waves, and although his realm has not changed at all, it can give the feeling of the Teana Sect Founder, but it is as different as Heaven and Earth!

The Teana Sect Founder only feels that the youth in front of him looks like a sharp sword that has already been sharpened, and at this moment, it is finally washed away, showing the true rays of light!

Not only that, Qin Yichen also got a lot of mysterious magical powers. As long as he is absorbed by one after another, there will be a huge improvement in both future battle strength and various aspects of ability!

Gradually, Qin Yichen’s eyes opened, and there was a golden glow in the pupil, as if two dragon shadows were hidden inside.

“Many thanks for your enlightenment from Haowu!”

Teana Sect Founder was smiling beside him: “Okay, it looks like you should get Senior’s advice, right?”

Qin Yichen indifferently smiled: “It’s a shame to say that the ancestors of Haowu were afraid that the Bloodline of my tribe would be weaker and weaker than them …”

Tenchu ​​Sect Founder yelled at Silverbeard: “This is hard to change, but Senior and your clan have left a lot of hands for you, haven’t you?”

While speaking, Sect Founder crafty looked at Qin Yichen dantian, the latter couldn’t help but smile, yeah, Heaven and Earth changed hands at that time, maybe it ca n’t be changed, but at least, many ancestors, not at all, gave up, and never Look down!

In addition, he buried the treasures of his life, buried in the world, waiting for him to explore and discover …

After that, the Teana Sect Founder waited for Qin Yichen to realize it again, and was curious: “Senior, is there anything else for you?”


Qin Yichen bowed his head and immediately looked at pump light towards another jade tube, but this time when he contacted, he did not directly transform into Guanghua inheritance to him as before.


Qin Yichen took the sword eyebrows slightly, took the jade tube out of the token, and examined it carefully. It was found that the True Dragon statue on this jade tube was obviously more charming. Even the jade tube itself exudes profound waves …

Qin Yichen tried to drip blood essence into it, but the result was to tighten his eyebrows. Although the True Dragon statue that banned the jade tube changed, it clearly recognized his Bloodline.

However, the statue was not completely cracked, but instead lingered on the jade tube, a reminder and caution, poured into Qin Yichen’s mind immediately.


Qin Yichen’s figure faltered, and suddenly felt that the inheritance in this jade tube was extremely deep, and with his current Bloodline awakening level, forcible cultivation and display would lead to unbearable consequences!

“How is this going?”

In amazement, the Teana Sect Founder also came together, looking at the jade tube, and with its deep cultivation base, even if it could not penetrate, it was possible to see how mysterious it was from the fluctuations in it!

“Senior, do you know what happened?”

Teana Sect Founder shook his head slightly, then pondered then said: “When Senior Senior Hao Wu gave the token to the old man, he didn’t mention anything about it.”

However, when Qin Yichen was slightly regretful, he saw the light flashed in the eyes of Sect Founder: “Yichen, how much of your Bloodline Strength can you play today?”

Qin Yichen froze and did not intend to conceal anything: “Ashamed to say, even less than half of my clan’s power …”

Teana Sect Founder slightly narrows the eyes. Although Qin Yichen has a modest attitude, the details of the blood essence dripped from him just now, the former faintly guesses, even if it is less than half, it is estimated to be fast.

After a few moments of silence, I saw Sect Founder opened the mouth and said: “Old man guessed that what is recorded in this jade tube should be an extremely powerful means for your family!”

“The reason why the ban is not dispersed at this moment, I am afraid that Senior Senior Wu Haowu, worried that the inheritance of Bloodline is weak, forcibly cultivates and exerts it, but will cast the price that he does not want to see …”

Qin Yichen expression changes slightly, but I also know that this is Hao Wu Senior’s consideration for his descendants, but the Teana Sect Founder pupil light is dignified: “Yichen, you don’t need to be discouraged, even, this jade tube records you Once in control, the old man can guarantee that it must be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering! “

Qin Yichen hearing this, can not help but stared brightly: “Senior really take this word !?”

“Can I lie to you?” The first room of the Sacred Sect Founder, differently asked: “With your current immortal dao realm, and the level of Bloodline Strength, the level of Immortal Technique, can you do it?”

Qin Yichen thought about it, and if the annihilation in the hunting battlefield was counted, Sect Founder was right that day.

When the Sect Founder saw the situation, there was a deep surprise between the expressions: “The ban of this jade tube still warns you, but it only shows that the records in it are probably at the level of Immortal Technique. Terrible means! “

“Day Order Immortal Technique !?”

As soon as this word came out, Qin Yichen suddenly took a breath, and the jade tube sealed inside turned out to be the legendary Heavenly Order Immortal Technique! ?

This can only be inherited once and it will be lost to the world by Heaven’s Jealousy!

Don’t say Qin Yichen was surprised. The Teana Sect Founder is full of envy. The Heavenly Order Immortal Technique, even his Teana Immortal Sect, has never been owned!

“I really want to see and see, what means would be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering …”

Teana Sect Founder was surprised, and said: “Yi Chen, you should treasure it first. After you absorb those Dragon Crystals, you may have a clue.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head and took the jade tube as the income of Supreme Treasure. The preciousness of these inheritance, he no longer knew what to say.

On the other hand, the Sect Founder was a little sighed. Before this boy, Bloodline Strength was less than half, he could extinguishes a Sect by himself. If it was not for his weak origin, I am afraid that it is already the most brilliant Heaven’s Chosen in many Star Domains!

It is conceivable that when the dragon’s blood condenses, I am afraid that this world will change for it …

At the moment, Qin Yichen also has a lot of good feelings for the Teana Sect Founder. Not to mention anything else. It can be regarded as a friend if he can watch him take a lot of opportunities into his pocket without moving his mind.

You know, if Teana Sect Founder is really deliberate, with his current strength, he can’t get out of Teana Immortal Sect …

Qin Yichen is looking forward to the jade tube, and at this moment, there is only the last inheritance in the token.

I saw a golden brilliance like a damask floating in the token. This brocade, full of dazzling gold, Qin Yichen stared in awe, and faintly saw countless dense patterns on the damask.

The silk satin slowly fluttered out, and the terrible breath contained in it made Tianqi Sect Founder complexion changed, and even Qin Yichen felt vaguely familiar, but much stronger than him, the wave of the world’s overlord!

“this is……”

Qin Yichen still murmured, but saw the sound of Tenji Sect Founder’s body suddenly shaken, thanks to his constant force, his voice seemed to tremble: “This thing, is it Haowu Senior’s inverse dragon tendon !?”

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