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After a long period of silence, I saw the old man slowly said, “Sister, go back, tell the Master about it first, and then wait for the results …”

Shangguanyu took the command, and after saluted, he left, and the illusory shadow of the old man was finally included in Secret Realm’s between Heaven and Earth …

Time, I do n’t know how long it has passed, or Qin Yichen at this moment, I do n’t know what time is.

Because there is only an endless darkness before his eyes!

Although he can stand in this darkness, everything he touches is like the cold in the ten thousand zhang ice cave.

Not only that, Qin Yichen also felt that his Tao and his Sea of ​​Consciousness seemed to be suppressed or even abolished, and in this darkness, they became trivial ants.

One after another despair, since Qin Yichen in the depth of one’s soul has emerged, and it is only this only emotion that can make Qin Yichen feel that he is alive.

However, despair, it may be difficult to shake Qin Yichen’s heart, because he has seen too much in the darkness of this world.

But the despair at the moment is not groundless, but really makes Qin Yichen tremble, because now, he can not even feel the True Dragon Seal, and the law body, White Tiger inheritance …

These until now, accompanied by Qin Yichen’s birth and death, even made him extremely proud of his incredible trust. All of them disappeared!

This helpless despair was never experienced by Qin Yichen, because before, when he looked up towards the sky, he could see a faint dawn!

When he was hiding in the river when he was a teenager, he saw Lin Family and his parents in a tragic death. Although he was full of grief and indignation, at least, he left his life and still able to turn around, and the Alchemy Dao innate talent who seemed to be awakening after a long time behind him also let him. He is not stingy in this life.

And before that, even the worst result caused the Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, the North Korean World, and even the Human Race to be overthrown. Qin Yichen can also believe that he can bite his teeth and survive for a long time. Step into the Divine Heaven Sect door!

But in this endless darkness, Rao is the heart of Qin Yichen. Despair is like the vines appearing wildly, and even he began to doubt that he could … come out of this endless darkness? Is it necessary to go out?

This life is too tiring, it is better to stop here.

“Do not!”

With a shout, there was no ripple at all. It seemed to be swallowed by this endless darkness, but Qin Yichen shook his head fiercely, and in the eyes of the star, the flame that was almost extinguished was finally saved.

“I won’t fall here!”

Between his teeth, Qin Yichen took steps, but the endless darkness in front of him seemed to have not changed, and even he could not confirm that he was really moving forward?

In this darkness, it seems that it is difficult for people to find the way forward …

And with every step that you think you take, the flames of those eyes are swaying constantly, because Qin Yichen feels that he is not moving forward, but is entering a darker abyss!

After a while, in the darkness, there were several silhouettes, just before Qin Yichen’s eyes.

“Aunt, Aunt Su Yi … let go of the red sleeve, she’s still young, she can’t threaten you!”

Qin Yichen couldn’t believe that Qing Gao was as imperial as Huang Fu, but he was kneeling at the feet of Gu Suyi. His Primordial Spirit was held in the palm of his hand like a strangled dog.

However, Gu Suyi, who was so pleading, could not change her sympathy. Instead, she looked at the trivial ant who was kneading at will, and looked towards shiver coldly.

“Jié jié, I heard nothing, even your Master said, it was the kid who was wrong!”

“But unfortunately, who told you that there is such a good Junior Brother!”

The body with a red sleeve was curled up at the feet of Qin Yichen. He could even feel the fear of the former …



Looking at Huang Fuyi’s crushed Primordial Spirit, Huang Fuyi fell into despair, the mournful sorrow of red sleeves, and Qin Yichen, a subconscious step back.

Even at that moment, Qin Yichen never thought that he would back down …

Zhan Hongshou seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly turned his head. The once innocent face was resentful at the moment.

“Why, why are you showing up!”

“Why do you have the limelight alone, but have caused the Master and the burial funeral!”

Zhan Hongshou was like a ghost, and suddenly rushed to Qin Yichen, who evaded the guilt in his heart.

Because all of this seems to be the fact that will happen soon!

When Qin Yichen turned around and fled, a row of silhouettes appeared in front of him!

Duanmu climbed into the wind, bathed in blood, and seemed to be slain at the feet of Li Muchen.

Li Muchen smiled very proudly, just as he could be unscrupulous outside Beihong City, almost as proud as when pinching to death and Jin Rong.

“Tsk tsk, although it is a bunch of waste, but it is smelted into puppets and reduced to fairy slaves, is my sect to make fairy crystals forever, it is not bad.”

Duanmu Dengfeng suddenly looked up, fiercely said: “old dog, when Senior Brother Qin killed Lige that day, were you in a good mood !?”

Li Muchen complexion sank: “What’s your name?”

“Master Qin …”


Before the words fell, I saw Duanmu Dengfeng look pale, and Li Muchen’s palm front directly pierced his heart.

“Senior Brother!”

Nie Yuntian was full of grief, but Li Muchen’s face was lifted up and enjoyed, and slowly turned his head: “old man heard that you and Jin Zilan were married to the boy, right?”

“Now, old man asks again, who is that kid? You think about it, now that old man has stopped, your Senior Brother Duanmu can still live. If you say wrong, it will be more comfortable than just dying. ! “

Nie Yuntian lowered his head and gritted his teeth, as if fighting between heaven and man, while Li Yiyang looked at Li Muchen and turned his head and sighed: “Nie Yuntian, do you really want to be a dead person, so that we might as well die?

Zhao 100 Chuan also begged: “Nie Yuntian, what are you good at ?! Why did you bring that kid to our Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect!”

“His compound Dan just let us taste a little sweetness, but it caused the whole blood to flow into a river …”

“Why ?! What about compound Dan ?! No matter how precious, can we still survive our lives !?”

Looking at the painful expression of Duanmu Dengfeng, Nie Yuntian seemed to decide what, and looked up shouted: “It was Qin Yichen who deceived the world, it was him who opposes Master Su, it was him …”

Qin Yichen stared at it all, at that moment, he didn’t seem to feel the heart.

Even at that moment, Qin Yichen wondered if compound Dan really benefited Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect and others?

Without his compound Dan, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect still does not lack Zundan, and although Zundan’s Dan effect is single, the grade is above the compound Dan …

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