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However, despite the dreadfulness of the sword, there is no fear in Qin Yichen expression.

Although this Elderly Generation is strong, don’t even try to stop his goal!


In the middle of a burst, Qin Yichen’s eyes were filled with cold and severe, one shot per person, as if the dragon was out of the abyss!


I saw the war gun Jin Yao dazzling, under the looting of Qin Yichen, it turned out to be like a dragon and howling, and took the initiative to attack the old man!


A long spear swept across, a sharp wave burst in mid-air, and even after seeing a sword, it was severely chopped into 2 pieces, sinking into the ring!

“Ding ding ding ~ ……”

When every electric and light staggered, and the shocking and crisp sound broke out, I saw a sword, pierced by a war gun, and the slender silhouette like the Qianlong out of the deep, and the tip of the gun in his hand, was away man is getting closer!

Looking at the gun-like shadow of a dragon, there was a lot of curiosity among the old man expressions, even when Qin Yichen had pierced half of the knife, and when it was still severe, the old man couldn’t help murmuring secretly.

“This Little Brat is okay. If it is correct, in the future, I should be able to tune in with Martial Nephew Ye, huh, Xiaoxiang, Smelly Brat, the more I think the more uncomfortable …”

Half of the sword is already the result of Nan Xiaoxiang’s defeat that year, but Qin Yichen has broken the record with cold and severe.

While a path of light burst and dissipated, Qin Yichen was even able to see the sternness of old man’s favor, as if he did not want to be proud and hurried.

All this, but in an instant, until Shangguan 绫 came back to his senses, that slender silhouette broke the record of Nan Xiaoxiang!

However, this way to kill, that handle like a dragon gun, it seems that Guangyao dim a bit for it.

What made Shangguan’s heart tremble was in front of the old man, controlled by both palms, giving out a sharp blade, but not the last blade!

That blade was not touched by Nan Xiaoxiang at that time. However, at this time, Shangguanyu saw in his eyes and still felt that if he was tested in the field that year, I’m afraid that he would have to be learned by Martial Ancestor!


At this moment, the heavenly blade 罡 on the sky was severed by gun shadows. However, just as Qin Yichen’s war guns were swept back, they saw an emanation of torch in the eyes of the old man!

“Little Brat, you have to cultivate well in the future, next time, don’t fall here again!”


The words did not fall, the blade glow was a flash of Guanghua, and Guanghua swept the room, and even the eyes and soul could be cut to pieces!

At that moment, she felt a tremor in her heart. She had never heard of any Pill Master who had just finished the fight and had not passed the test. She could pass the test of Vice Palace Lord!

However, the sky is full of blade glow, which is enough to determine the victory and defeat, Qin Yichen’s figure is not hiding, even the war gun does not mean to go back to defense, instead, it pierces the old man’s brows!

“Senior, I said, I’m at the top of my last lesson!”

The next moment, the Jin Yaozun body, which was just like the scorching sun, actually burst out into the sky!

That Tingguang seemed to break the peace of this Secret Realm, emerged from Qin Yichen, lingering to his arms, and finally, the war gun trembled and thunderous!

This spear glow cut off the sword, and it even made the old man’s favorite eyes hide, and there was a shock of surprise!


Spear glow, half an inch away from the old man’s eyebrows, came to an abrupt end, but behind the old man, it was set off by wind and wind, and even this incarnation of the old man was a twist and disorder.

“Senior, let us know …”

Tingguang gradually dissipated, but the old man was standing in the midst of the sky, and it was even difficult to emit the dazzling ray of light in his eyes.

The young man’s voice with sincerity and respect resounded in his ears. After a long time, he saw the old man figure trembled. Instead of being annoyed by the junior, he was full of ecstasy!

“Tingwei, your kid is actually Tingwei … Where did you get it from ?!”

Before Qin Yichen’s answer, I saw the old man waving like a self-confidence: “Forget it, this is the creation of your boy, the old man is not talking too much!”

Immediately, when I saw the old man looking up at Shangguanyan, he looked to be wild with joy: “Wait girl, why didn’t you say that this boy was white!”

“Tingwei … this stuff, old man is envious of it! Tsk tsk, do you want old man to possessed you here?”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, but when I saw the old man, he laughed again: “hahaha, it ’s funny for your kid to play, it really possessed you, everyone Ancestor Master must kill the old man!”

“However, this time, my sect was able to reap a genius with a great power, and it was a huge profit!”

“Boy, you go to Ye Fenghua directly after you go out, and it is almost time for him to accept his apprentice. You said that it would be better for you to appear a few years earlier. Tianfeng does not need to discipline Xiaoxiang that Smelly Brat …

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, I can see that this old man is also happy for the immortal Sect Immortal Sect, but he is a little embarrassed, don’t just cause Nan Xiaoxiang to be displeased by the former everywhere, then the joke can be a big deal …

Shangguanzhen came back to his senses from surprise, and was happy for Qin Yichen, but he suddenly thought of something, and quickly said to Qin Yichen sound transmission: “Yichen Pill Master, Martial Ancestor is the former Vice Palace Lord, maybe Can help you! “

Qin Yichen naturally knew what Shangguanzhen was talking about. In terms of his way, Alchemy Dao was able to beat the battle, and Honglian was absolutely the best!

Every time Tingwei is revealed, the enlightenment powerhouse is envied. It can be seen that the most feared force in spirit cultivation in this world is not a fame!

However, at this moment, not just thanking Honglian, Qin Yichen was stunned, and faced the old man with a smile on his face: “Senior is lifted up and can worship the heavenly Immortal Sect. It should be the honor of Junior. “

After the conversation turned around, Qin Yichen’s face was full of regrets, and he said, “But Senior, Junior also wants to join the worship, but the troubles I encountered, and some Immortal Sect’s immortals, I’m afraid I don’t agree!”

“What trouble !?”

I have to say that Qin Yichen’s performance is very old man’s temper. Even when his complexion is sinking, his short-lived anger spreads out: “The other Immortal Sect masters dare to control who is my immortal Immortal Sect?” Who is it, girl, after you go out, let your Master go to them and talk about life! “

Shangguan sakura licked her lips, but Qin Yichen took out Shangguanmiao’s jade token and handed it to the former.

“Senior, Frankly, Junior this time, is really asking for your sect, and I am afraid that it is not a big trouble that Shangguan Senior can solve alone …”

Old man hearing this, there was suspicion among expressions. After taking the jade token, while instilling Spirit Power, the tone of the guardian did not waver: “There is still such a big trouble? Why, you can slaughter Immortal Sect, Or did you discard the other true masters?

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