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Between the bitter smiles, I saw Qin Yichen breathes deeply, gnashing his teeth: “Three seniors, Juniors have been out and out in recent years, and they have a little net worth on their own. Regarding compound Dan, today, Sheng Dan has also been developed, plus harvest in the hunting field Many Immortal Grade Xianbao, I hope 3 Seniors …… “

This is all the net worth he can take out, but for everything he needs to guard, Qin Yichen doesn’t mind taking out the treasure that is enough to impress any party Immortal Sect!

However, tone barely fell, but I saw Shangguanmiao’s eyes freeze, and the sound of reprimand made Dewei Tianfeng all startled: “Stupid boy, you are confused! Old man, if you want to get those things, now I am cricket Immortal Sect, also It’s been a long time since then! “

Although his speech was full of reprimand, Shangguanmiao knew very well why the young man in front of him would say the words just now, and even savour them carefully, and he couldn’t bear the pain of the former.

With this in mind, Shangguan Miao Wang looked at the two Junior Brothers: “Wei Junior Brother, do you want to talk about the rules? Then Senior Brother tells you the rules today!”

“Not to mention Senior Brother, I’m a Palace Lord. With a single command, the weight of within the sect is very important. Just to say that Alchemy Dao is the top of the list, can’t I still enter the Immortal Sect Dan Temple ?!”

Having said that, he stared at Ye Fenghua again: “And you, Junior Brother Ye, why, didn’t you tell us a few days ago that you saw a good seed? Didn’t you show off with Wei Junior Brother, this guy you fancy , Is it better than Xiaoxiang Martial Nephew? “

“When I heard that this child was the Qin Yichen who was hunted down by Immortal Sect and said that the apprenticeship of teaching should be repented !?”

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Fenghua’s face changed suddenly, and between the eyebrows, there was a sharp anger: “Senior Brother, when did I say that I want to regret it? I said Ye Fenghua, I chose disciple, but not who Face! “

“That’s good.”

After Shangguanmiao was lightly nodded, it was Wei Tianfeng who looked gloomy and uncertain again: “Wei Junior Brother, you should also consider this carefully. I am the top of the ranking list of Immortal Sect. It is the person who oppressed Su Suyi and is the Immortal The person Sect chased after, let’s blast it out of Sect, and the matter spread, what’s the face of Immortal Sect you let me !? “

“Either his aunt Su Yi, or Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, is not qualified yet!”

One word at a time, drinking like thunder, made Wei Tianfeng bow his head, and even the concerns between his eyes and eyes were gradually raised under the light of the torch pump light in Shangguanmiao.

After a long time, I saw Wei Tianfeng said: “If Yi Chen did not go to hunt the battlefield, then it’s okay to say that, but now, Yi Chen has suffered immense injustice, but the next generation of Immortal Sect is almost dead The account must be eager to ask for Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, even if you are the Senior Brother, you may not be able to use it … “

Shangguanmiao dismissed it: “That’s his god Xiao Immortal Sect deserve it! Blame it, and blame her aunt Su Yi for lack of greed!”

When Wei Tianfeng saw this, he smiled bitterly. The two people’s thoughts seemed contradictory, and there was no possibility of mutual understanding.

But at this moment, Ye Fenghua, who had never spoken before, suddenly said, “Senior Brother, this matter has come to such an extent that, to be honest, Martial Dao same sect is more important than us.”

Shangguan Miao’s sword frowns slightly, but it is also the head of approval. Indeed, there is no possibility of resolving these bloody hatreds. In the final analysis, who is the most fist!

Ye Fenghua said again: “And in this case, if you want to be fair, you can’t run Sect Master Senior Brother. You must also ask the fellow apprentices of Martial Dao to help out. Besides, Martial Dao, everyone Fellow apprentices I do n’t know how to comment. If you want to support Senior Brother Shangguan, you have Senior Brother Wei … ”

Shang Guanmiao had to admit that Ye Fenghua said that, although in his position, with a wave of his arms, Martial Dao 20 pulses, he will definitely take the slightest hesitation without him, but it does not mean that he only speaks 3 words and 2 words. , So that those Golden Immortal same sect, so willing to a speaking of which young people who have no relationship with them, to another star domain overlord Immortal Sect.

Ye Fenghua saw this and took a deep look at Qin Yichen. The favor in her eyes has not changed at all until this moment. Even in her tone, she has a strong expectation: “Just now, Junior Brother, I think One way, or only this way, can decide this matter. “

Qin Yichen hearing this, almost subconsciously hurriedly asked: “What’s the solution?”

It’s not that he is too impatient, it is now that he is unwilling to let go of any life-saving straw.

But I didn’t see it. The Shangguanmiao was beaten by the pump light. When hesitation between expressions spread, he was full of worries. Even Wei Tianfeng’s complexion was extremely complex.

Ye Fenghua also gave a long sigh, and seemed to be stunned by this method: “Please Grandpa, please!”

Qin Yichen jumped out, but Ye Fenghua said, “Yi Chen, you should have heard Yan Brother Brother talk about the origin of my Teana Secret Realm?”

Qin Yichen bowed his head and Ye Fenghua said: “The Secret Realm is the most famous Sect Founder of our sect, and in the Alchemy Dao Secret Realm, a strand of Primordial Spirit with Ancestor Master is still there.”

“The Primordial Spirit, in addition to blessing the blessings of my ancestors, can also be regarded as wanting to witness the growth of my generations of disciplines. Of course, if I want to come, I would also like to help him by Senior Disciple of grand disciples.”

Speaking of which, Ye Fenghua’s three faces are full of respect, with a calm voice: “And what you have to do is to enter Secret Realm and get the approval of Sect Founder. Since then, it is equivalent to calling Ancestor Master. … “

Tone barely fell, and then saw the two people in Shangguan Miao in unison: “I am up and down Immortal Sect, do not dare not obey!”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes, which seemed to be vicissitudes after being bumpy, could not help but hope!

“Junior begs three Seniors to give Junior a chance!”

At this moment, Rao is Wei Tianfeng, who has always prioritized the overall situation, and he is actively waving his hand: “Yi Chen, this opportunity is what you have fought for yourself. As the top of the list, you have already been eligible to enter Secret Realm.”

“Moreover, I can guarantee that as long as you can be recognized by Ancestor Master, not only me, the fellow apprentices on Martial Dao, but even the Sect Master Senior Brother will help!”

Qin Yichen trembled. He had heard Yan Tai mention the Ancestor Master of the Immortal Sect. The weight of within the sect is almost like a Spiritual God.

If he can get his approval, then he will hopefully turn over!

How does this keep Qin Yichen from getting excited?

However, at this moment, I saw Wei Tianfeng complexion slightly changed, and then said, “Yichen, please listen to me first. Although the Ancestor Master decree, I will never violate the upper and lower Immortal Sect, but I want to get the Ancestor Master. Recognition … “

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