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Although everyone can see that in this battle, Li Lang was so prestigious that Ziyu Qingmu Ding was extremely successful, but the problem is that before the fight with Dan, people had asked Qin Yi.

In this way, once the victory and defeat are known, even the immortal master cannot favor Qin Yi, and Ye Fenghua knows that the personality of Senior Brother Shangguan is the most disgusted with this arrogant madness, but he finally made it awkward. behavior.

Sure enough, at this moment Shang Guanmiao’s full-faced face was filled with dissatisfaction: “Junior Brother Ye, this child’s accomplishment on innate talent is indeed eye-catching, but … he could have won today.”

Wei Tianfeng also shook his head: “Half a step, Immortal Cauldron, is not something he can compete with. Today, we can also teach this child a lesson. Hope that there will be no such arrogant behavior in the future.”

Ye Fenghua’s pump light flickered. As an immortal master, he had shown countless pictures in his mind as soon as Li Lang’s sword was exhausted, thinking about how he would respond to the young people who were optimistic.

However, in Ye Fenghua’s mind, Qin Yi could not be found.

Thinking of this, Ye Fenghua’s eyes gradually rose up with regret and regret: “Is it really that I’m wrong?”

He acknowledged that youthful vigor is not a bad habit. Besides, Qin Yi does have this qualification, but the premise is that it should not be inflated on such a significant occasion!

For a while, the sword spread across every corner of the stone platform, making the small pill furnace in Qin Yichen’s hands seem to tremble slightly.

At this moment, paying attention to the countless lights in this battle, if my heart is about to mention my throat, is it possible that these two dark horses on the top of the list will eventually be planted on their own arrogance?

When the sword hitting the sky and covering the earth struck, Qin Yichen could even see that the corner of Li Lang’s mouth after the purple jade and green wood tripod had already appeared the proud smile of the true winner.

“Qin Pill Master, let it go!”

If this move was blocked by Qin Yi, that day Wudan would be regarded as a waste. If it was not blocked, what happened to Sea of ​​Consciousness would be its stubbornness. No wonder you are!

Even if the Sea of ​​Consciousness is perfect, the Tianwu Dan in the small pill furnace cannot compare with itself!

At this moment, Li Lang couldn’t even imagine how he should lose!

When thinking of a few moments later, countless people were amazed by the rising cheers for him, and the praises of three adults, and the bright future in the future, Li Lang only felt that Jane had reached the peak of life!

In the end, the young man will eventually become a stepping stone, even if he worships Immortal Sect, he will bow down in front of him.

Swords swept through, but under countless light, the slender silhouette, instead of being cowardly, Zhang Feng still slapped the pill furnace, which felt useless, and kept pill concocting!

In this scene, many powerhouses in the hall suddenly started to fall the chin.

“It’s all this time, he still wants to make Tianwu Dan !?”

At this moment, even the elaborate Divine Immortal shield from Guan Miao is gradually withdrawn, but it is lingering behind Qin Yichen, and it seems that the former is ready to shoot at any time.

However, once he shoots, Qin Yi’s Sea of ​​Consciousness will be boundless, can be defeated, and will be completely subverted by Li Lang …

The noises burst into ears as the shield disappeared. At this moment, Qin Yichen’s handsome face was smiling.

He did want to laugh.

Qin Yichen admits that the reason why he chose the small pill furnace is that he has a lot of trust in it, and more importantly, he really wants to make Shangguanmiao more important by virtue of his excellent performance.

However, he did underestimate the Ziyu Qingmu Ding, but … it doesn’t mean he will lose it!

“Now that you’ve seen 3 Great Immortal Master, it’s time to show some cards!”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen held his head up, and in those twin eyes, Tingguang appeared, and in an instant, it seemed to be tearing the heavenly blade 生!


A drink, I saw that on the stone platform, the original sword filled the audience, Hong Hai, the sword that had occupied the advantage, was torn apart by a ray of light!

That dazzling light is extremely dazzling, among which the overbearing mighty power has made many powerhouses in the hall feel the horror of a soul trembling!

“bang! !!”

A ray of thunder, shattered the audience!

Li Lang’s face was still full of pride, but the next moment, a terrible force made him like a thunderstorm, and even the purple jade and green wooden tripod could not be resolved in time, and his figure was heavy. Come out!


This sudden scene made countless pairs of different pump light instantly replaced by intense shock!

Such as Yan Zhen and the others, even suddenly got up, the expression was incredible, the shock in my heart was even more difficult to describe in words!

And many powerhouses along with spirit cultivation are all amazed.

“This is … Tingwei !?”

“How, how is it possible, Titanway is vast, this child turned out to be Titanway !?”

Ting Wei, the spirit cultivation, the most fearful and most aspiring force!

Tingwei now appears that the purple jade and green wood tripod may not have broken because of this, but it also shook suddenly with Li Lang’s upside down. At the same time, the light was dim, and a smoldering smell came out slowly …

The crowds of Luo Clan lineage were dull at the moment, and that flashed through, tearing Li Lang’s strongest offensive, which made them feel dazzling.

In the exclaiming voice of the sky, the slender silhouette was calm and watery, and the palm of his hand waved. In the little pill furnace that many people regarded as useless, Danxiang burst out.

The small pill furnace looks simple and unpretentious, but the fragrant scent it emits, but the smell of purple jade and green wood tripod that is as strong as Immortal Cauldron, is as different as Heaven and Earth!


A muffled sound, I wonder if it was Li Lang’s landing, or a round dandelion in the small pill furnace, making many powerhouses in the hall tremble.

I saw that in front of Qin Yichen, Jin Yao lingered slowly around Tianwu Dan, his tone was flat, but at this moment it was shocking: “Li Pill Master, I gave it up.”

After all, quietly looked up and looked at the Immortal Sect many powerhouses, arched fist, not humble, but that slender figure, but upright like a sword.

“Junior’s clumsy work, I ask you Senior to correct the shortcomings.”

Qin Yichen’s voice is not loud, but at this moment, he echoes in the great hall where powerhouse gathers.

It wasn’t until Tianwu Dan filled everyone’s attention that Tiancheng Xiancheng and great hall burst into deafening exclaims.


On that day, Wudan, the quality of the grade is not important to pay attention to, because anyway, compared with a group of medicine residues in the purple jade and green wood tripod, it is a cloud of mud!

“Qin Pill Master is mighty!”

“Tingwei! Turns out to be Tingwei! No wonder Brother Qin has no fear. Tingwei is now, what about your half-step Immortal Cauldron!”

“3 consecutive rankings, No. 1 in the rankings, well deserved!”

“Kuishou Qinyi, Tianzigenius!”

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