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With Li Lang’s shouted in a low voice, the two-handed swords suddenly cut out the dazzling brilliance and slashed away at Qin Yichen!

And the mighty power of the sword, perhaps in the eyes of Shangguanmiao many powerhouses, can’t be considered, but it is enough to make young Pill Masters like Kong Hao feel trembling.

“Really strong Spirit Power attack …”

“With Li Lang’s strength, this Secret Realm is exhibited again, I am afraid that under the strongest state, we cannot find an enemy in one!”

This is the secret skill of concentrating the sword with Spirit Power. When Li Lang was among the top powerhouse Pill Masters, Luo Clan lineage gave him the reward he gave him to cultivate him. He added the value of Luo Clan lineage. Knowing the grade of this secret technique is absolutely extraordinary!

He was urged by Li Lang, looking at the oncoming sword, Qin Yichen was staring slightly, but there was no fear on that handsome face.


Shouted in a low voice, I saw Qin Yichen’s eyebrows gushing out of the road, and in the blink of an eye, it was a war gun condensed into a sharp and domineering, and the war gun was golden glow. Few people feel that the air in front of them seems to be tearing!


Although there is only one war gun, at the moment of confrontation, it actually blocked the offensive attack of the two swords!

All of a sudden, while Spirit Power surged, in front of the shield laid by Shangguanmiao, there had to be ripples.

However, Shangguanmiao felt the feedback from the shield, and her majestic and righteous face flashed a slight satisfaction.

“Yes, it’s possible to cultivate to such an extent outside of Immortal Sect. This is not easy for Qin, and Li Lang hasn’t talked about Ferro Junior Brother Heng’s cultivation.”

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

In just a few breaths, the double-knife and war gun are once again confrontation. A path of Spirit Power ripples swept away, so that many powerhouses in the great hall can’t help but be astonished. Secretly thought is indeed the top of the list. The competition for the second is really a battle of dragons and tigers!

In particular, the crispness between the two’s shots let everyone see that no matter whether it was Li Lang or Qin Yi, from the very beginning, they did not intend to test their politeness.

At this moment, although the two of them are waving at the front of the palm, keeping the Tianwu Dan in the furnace cauldron refining smoothly, but everyone knows that the real confrontation is a mid-air knife and gun battle!

While Li Lang controlled the double knives, he felt the Spirit Power of the rifle was complex, slightly changed, this move, in the Secret Realm of the first round of fighting, he had been taught, and naturally knew that it was powerful.

“It seems that trying to win this guy is not so simple.”

After all, the smashing rifle of Spirit Power was directly measured by the other party as the value of waiting for the same Immortal Technique in Xianshi. Although it has several points of price increase, it can be regarded by Honglian as a stable profit. Even if it is displayed alone, it has its out of the ordinary.

At this moment, when Qin Yichen’s eyes were seen, there was a sword-like splendor again. Suddenly, the eyebrow Jin Yao surged again, and Spirit Power was actually a knife and gun that crossed the mid-air confrontation. Li Lang attacked!

This scene just appeared, which made many powerhouses present exclaimed: “This is, doing three things at the same time!”

“This Qin Pill Master is so young, he has so much control over Spirit Power!”

Multi-tasking, although when it comes to the stage of Immortal Sect, as long as it is a more powerful Pill Master, it can be displayed.

However, multi-tasking is also a matter of level.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Yi doing three things at the same time at that moment.

First of all, at this moment, we must always focus on refining Tianwu Dan, and Tian Wudan, but Human Realm Zun Dan, replaced Wang Xibai Xuan Xuan and other Pill Masters to make it, even if there is no outside interference or distraction, Both are likely to fail, and extreme care must be taken.

Qin Yi not only keeps pill concocting, but also uses a war gun condensed by secret techniques, which is doing two things at the same time.

But whoever wants it, even if it is so, Qin Yi can separate himself from the double offensive and take the initiative to attack Li Lang!

Wei Tianfeng looked in his eyes, and squinted his eyes slightly. Ye Fenghua praised the youth in front of him for a while a few days ago. He was still doubtful, but after seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but affirm that the Spirit Power of this child can achieve it The vision of Junior Brother Ye!

This single hand alone is enough to prove why Qin Yi’s performance is above Li Lang!

The Nan Xiaoxiang and the tall woman behind couldn’t help but praise the nodded: “This colleague is really good. He can refine the elixir of his own environment, and can also perform a double offensive. No wonder Martial Aunt Ye praises him.”

The tall woman also slightly moved her fair chin. Although the status of the two of them is enough to disdain other disciples in the Immortal Sect Dan Temple, they can occupy the top of the ranking and the second genius, and they have not shown superiority. attitude.

Even for Nan Xiaoxiang, this wonderful battle is just like the original one. Why should you degrade?

At this moment, Li Lang looked at the Spirit Power that struck him, and he couldn’t help but be shocked. He acknowledged the accomplishments of the other party and was above himself. However, he didn’t expect that while maintaining pill concocting and secret skills, he could start the offensive again. !!

Moreover, the strength of the Spirit Power contained in this offensive is not weak. In a hurry, Li Lang urged the Spirit Power to condense in the purple jade and green wood tripod. His body shape still shook slightly while resisting.

“This guy’s accomplishments and Spirit Power are so arrogant!”

Li Lang was horrified in his heart, but he didn’t dare to think about it. The Sea of ​​Consciousness surged again and again, and the double-knife in midair was even more powerful!

And Luo Heng was by the side. When he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but clenched his fist slightly, and secretly thought this child’s accomplishment, it was obviously more than a star ahead of Li Lang.

“Li Lang, you are a smart person, but you must make this child behave like this!”

At the time of the fight, Luo Heng could not rumor, but as expected, Li Lang counterattacked after stabilizing the state, and at the same time, he had already calculated his mind.

“On accomplishment, I am indeed inferior to Qin Yi, and let him doing three things at the same time to interfere with my pill concocting, not only to be passive, but also to make 3 adults favor him more …”

In front of the three people in Shangguanmiao, Li Lang naturally refused to be so disadvantaged. Immediately, it was the pump light that shocked and used most of the mind and Spirit Power to spur the sword in the air!

For a time, the strong winds on the stone platform started, and many powerhouses under the stage were watching secretly.

“This Li Lang is a fierce offensive …”

The more visible Dandian Elder, seeing the mystery, could not help exclaiming: “At this moment, Li Lang, for the refining of Tianwu Dan, seems to want to ensure that the elixir does not fail. The focus is all on the offense. . “

“Since then, Qin Yi’s pressure has risen sharply. I don’t know if he can handle it.”

“No way, today’s Dou Dan is different from the previous round of fighting. The loss of Spirit Power is all in this battle. In terms of Li Lang, it has an advantage.”

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