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The sharpness of this long spear condensed by Spirit Power made Li Lang, who had wanted to humiliate Wang Xi, shrink his eyes and suddenly looked back. The next moment, the boxer and long spear violently collided!


All of a sudden, the Spirit Power exploded, and the horrible Yu Wei made everyone around the towering tree tremble. However, Li Lang’s face was gloomy.

“It’s your kid!”

Looking at it, a slender silhouette, like an arrow off the string at this moment, rushed towards Li Lang with a stern gesture. At the rush, the Spirit Power had already turned into a golden road and burst out!

Come, it is Qin Yichen!

Seeing that Wang Ji and the others were in a critical situation, Qin Yichen couldn’t care less about that many, and Bai Xuanxuan, who was thrown behind him, also clenched her teeth and hurried quickly.

At this moment, Li Lang was slightly narrows the eyes. He moved his palms and reflected on the previous offensive: “The hit just now … is spiritual dignity!”

That kid who hit the Young Master turned out to be top powerhouse Pill Master!

“Boy, it’s quite deep, but are you in such a hurry to come out with them?”

Li Langyan smiled, his heart was a little depressed, why did the people of Yan’s lineage come together, but he did not see the silhouette of Wang Sui 2?

However, this did not affect the fun of Li Lang’s mouth in the slightest, because in his opinion, even if Bai Xuan Xuan came, they were just sending jade tokens!

Packing them up is more than enough on your own!

“Xuan Xuan, Qin Pill Master!”

Looking at the 2 people who came to the support, Wang Xun was in shape, exclaimed, but it was a little incredible. Qin Yi, when did he become the top powerhouse Pill Master?

Kong Hao and the others, can’t help flashing his face at this moment, but now, it’s not the time to consider these.

Even when seeing Bai Xuanxuan and Qin Yi coming, Wang Yan’s face was deeply remorseful.

It doesn’t matter if he is stepped on by Li Lang, but 1000 should not be 10000 and should not involve Junior Sister in them!

“Junior Sister, and Qin Pill Master, you guys go! Leave us alone!”

However, the exclamation of Wang Yan and the others failed to make Qin Yichen 2 turn around and leave, even Li Lang saw his mouth rise, cornering his mouth, pump light cold and severe: hand in the jade token, where do you want to go? “

“This time, let you Yan’s lineage, all eliminated here!”

As Li Lang’s words came to an end, the companions behind him also laughed.

“Is your kid against the Young Master? Did you meet us today and count your bad luck!”

“Hmph, do you think that the supreme situation can compete with us? Don’t you see that Wang Ye has been stepped on by our feet !?”

“Want to save someone? I see, you are just here to send jade tokens!”

For a while, Li Lang took a shot, and despite the support of the 2 Xeon State Pill Masters, it was already a force that should not be underestimated.

However, Li Lang didn’t panic, because even with the Qin Yichen 2 people, Yan’s lineage still has more power at the moment, only 8 people!

And they, whether it is top powerhouse Pill Master or the overall strength, still have nearly crushing advantages!

However, in the face of several surging Spirit Powers, Qin Yichen was silent, but Jin Yao was even more dazzling and turned into a path of boxing. It seems that he must directly break through the block of several people!

“Kid, courting death!”

“bang bang bang!”

In a hurry, the storm surged, and the towering tree shuddered like a wind and a candle.

Even in the face of the joint efforts of several people, Qin Yichen is still looking unchanged, his eyebrows are shining brightly, and he is even shouted: “Give me away!”


After drinking and resounding, I saw two figures as if they couldn’t bear the impact of such an overbearing Spirit Power, and the figure flew out.

This scene made Li Lang and the others can’t help but feel a little surprised. You know, the two people who were bombed by the fly, no matter how they say, it is also the holy state, in the presence of this kid, it is so impossible to withstand a single blow!

However, this situation not only did not make Li Lang feel frightened, but the pump light became more and more cold and severe.

“Very good! It looks like your boy is Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin today!”

At this moment, Li Lang gave a dismissive glance at Wang Yan, and then, instead of giving up the humiliation of the former, he slowly walked out. The whole Spirit Power climbed to a terrible level in just a few breaths!

Suddenly, Li Lang intends to solve the boy who dares to collide with the Young Master and bring about one’s own destruction!

Seeing this, Wang Yan and the others could not help but tremble, but stood up.

“Wang Wang, what now?”

“What else can I do? I can’t run away, only one battle!”

Wang Yan wiped the corners of his mouth, be that as it may, but Li Lang ’s strength still made it difficult to dissipate the fear in his eyes: “You, I am all alone in this matter, only hope that if the mountains and rivers are exhausted, you can Make sure that Junior Sister and Qin Pill Master reach the end! “

While speaking, Wang Yan expression decidedly, Spirit Power emerged. At this moment, for the glorious shadow in front of him, he seemed to ignore the weakness and exhaustion from the Sea of ​​Consciousness!

At this moment, Bai Xuanxuan, under the cover of Qin Yichen, rushed forward, while resisting the strikes of Luo Clan lineage, beautiful eyes flushed: “Senior Brother, what are you talking about! Go, go together!”

At the same time, Li Lang took a double-handed grip and actually used Spirit Power to condense 2 dazzling blades!

“Boy, please clean up you first, and then let you take a good look at how your Pill Master from Heavenly Flame mainland was stepped on by my each and everyone!”


The two swords are fierce, because Li Lang ’s Spirit Power fluctuates, which is comparable to Human Realm Peak. It cuts out, causing the air to burst!

In this scene, Wang Xi felt trembling. As a Number One Person in the tiny continent, Li Lang’s strength was absolutely beyond doubt, and even the second round queer battle was a solid win for him.

How could Qin Yi be his opponent?

However, Qin Yichen didn’t step back in the face of Li Lang’s energetic breath, and his palms condensed, which also turned into a powerful war gun!


The battle gun and the double-knife confrontation, the Spirit Power that erupted, when viewed from a distance, it seemed like a wave of light turned into ripples, sweeping the 8 sides!

What surprised Li Lang slightly was that the war gun condensed by the opponent Spirit Power did not show any signs of rupture.

You know, with his strength, and the double knives in his hands at the moment, there is also the Dao Xuan mysterious curse, the Spirit Power of the Pill Master, which can be easily broken!

“This war gun should be like mine, but condensed by the secret technique!”

Li Lang expected it well. This war gun was motivated by Spirit Power alone, so he exhibited the secret technique of the dismantling of the dragon gun of World Extinction.

But despite this, Li Lang was also in full swing, and Spirit Power climbed again: “I said, today, you Yan’s lineage, no one is spared!”

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