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It was just this scene that made Luo Ronghao’s face a little gloomy, but then he whispered: “What about the top powerhouse Pill Master? Yan Junior Brother, don’t you think this boy, one person can defeat Wang Sui 4 of them? “

Even if you have 3 top powerhouse Pill Masters in Yan’s lineage? Even if the kid’s sudden outbreak of spiritual dignity makes the great hall gathered in the powerhouse slightly amazing, what can happen?

With the strength of Wang Sui’s 4 people, they can still capture their jade tokens and drive them out of the stone altar. Without Spirit Power, is there a fart in Xeonjing?

This time, I want you to get 3 top powerhouse Pill Masters from Yan’s lineage, and at least 2 will be eliminated in the First Round!

With the end of Luo Ronghao’s snoring, many powerhouses in the great hall just shook their heads a little and couldn’t help shaking their heads.

The former is right, the top powerhouse Pill Master does have some noticeable qualifications, but it also scores. As for the opponents that Bai Xuanxuan and Qin Yi face at the moment, they may be eliminated by the First Round quiz. What else can be said? of?

Yan Taiyi ’s father and son ’s recent joy was also poured in cold water, her smile froze, secretly thought that Qin Yi ’s strength is happy, but when Zhang Yang scores, right?

If you leave the jade token and leave, then with the strength of 2 people, plus the 2 jade tokens of Qin Yi, the problem of getting through the First Round quarrel is not big, but you have to compete with Wang Sui to the end, this is not to Are all the last chances buried?

Thinking of this, Yan Taiyi couldn’t help sighing: “True, you’re right, this kid, indeed has several points of overpowering, now, I can only hope that he can finally converge and keep the rest of the jade token … “

Meanwhile, within Secret Realm.

“Qin, Qin Yi …”

Bai Xuanxuan, who was paralyzed, felt the surging spiritual dignity, and her pretty face was astounded.

However, even the dazzling Jin Yao couldn’t dilute the despair in her beautiful eyes.

“Qin Yi, go!”

The power of the top powerhouse Pill Master did make Bai Xuanxuan move, but it couldn’t change anything. Now, I just hope that Qin Yi can break through Zhou Wei’s block, at least, there is still a chance.

However, at this moment, Wang Sui and others were also came back to his senses. Although the spiritual dignity made them feel wronged, the sneer reappeared on their faces when they thought of their advantages.

“I said why your boy dared to be so crazy, he still hid it!”

“However, what if you are a top powerhouse Pill Master? Do you want to pick 4?”

“Bai Xuan Xuan is nothing like a wasteman now. Boy, hero, not only need strength, but also score occasions!”

Wang Sui’s arrogance was not shaken at all, because he and Li Xiong 2 top powerhouse Pill Master and Zhou Wei helped each other to deal with a top powerhouse Pill Master, not yet with no difficulty! ?

However, looking at the sarcastic expressions of 4 people, Qin Yichen’s eyes were getting cold, and his voice was even more indifferent: “You’re right, today, Young Master, I just want to pick 4!”

At first, if it wasn’t for Bai Xuanxuan, who was chasing the Divine Stone forest, would he run away?

Just now, it was Bai Xuanxuan who wanted to hurry up and restore Spirit Power.

Now he can’t bear it!

And Wang Sui’s 4 people have already urged Spirit Power, the stone altar 4 sides, and the wind surged: “boy, I want to see, why are you so crazy!”


Daodao Spirit Power, turned into a sharp sword, or giant palm, all fell on that slender silhouette!

In this scene, Bai Xuanxuan trembled. She even felt something in her throat, which made her choked a little, but, as Wang Sui said, she couldn’t help at all at this moment!

However, at this moment, I saw Qin Yichen’s staring eyes condensing. In the face of the offensive of 4 people, he actually did not retreat, and he was surrounded by Jin Yao, directly smashing the oncoming Spirit Power!

Not only that, when the sky was bursting, Wang Sui 4 felt that the round Spirit Power of the stone altar was condensed into that slender silhouette!

“This, this is … a mysterious technique !?”

Very terrifying, this kid, is it possible that still want to absorb all the Spirit Power of the stone altar! ? “

I saw the full of Spirit Power in the stone altar, all poured into Qin Yichen’s eyebrows. In a short moment, there was only Spirit Power beside Bai Xuanxuan!

This sudden change suddenly surprised the frustrated Yan Taiyi, father and son, and even many of the Elders in the Dan Temple were full of eyes.

Luo Heng, who lives in the temple, couldn’t help but frown at the moment. His relationship with Yan’s lineage was not good, but before that, he always had a disregard. Because there were ten people in Wang Xi, there was nothing worth him. Unexpected.

But at the moment…

Luo Ronghao stood in front of the light curtain and looked at Jin Yao, who was almost condensed into a Spirit Power vortex. He was shocked on the spot: “This, what means !? How can there be such a strong Spirit Power secret technique!”

“Masters Martial Uncle, this kid is obviously cheating! During the fighting, these methods are not allowed!”

However, Yan Zhen heard this coldly and retorted in a cold voice: “Luo Ronghao, are you the Luo Family’s Luo Family ?! I ask you, Qin Yi’s method, isn’t it Spirit Power?”

Elder Sun, holding his silver beard, stood up and said the truth: “This child’s method is really just mobilizing Spirit Power. Why talk about cheating?”

However, in this short period of time, the overbearing means of forcibly absorbing Spirit Power, even a group of Heaven Realm Pill Masters, are surprised and enviable.

At this moment, Qin Yichen in Secret Realm is full of vitality. His path has been low-key enough. If there is no limit to the means, then in Secret Realm, there have been corpses all over the place!


The sky was shining and bursting. The Spirit Power originally attacking Qin Yichen was instantly broken, and with the aftermath, there were 2 giant palms that seemed to be under pressure from the mountains!

In front of that giant palm, Li Xiong and the two saw the Spirit Power hurriedly urged by them, and they were able to consolidate in the future, and they were suppressed into fan powder.

The next moment was a strong horizontal momentum. When the two were flying backwards, coldly shouted came from their ears, which made them shudder like a ice cave!

“You should be glad that this fight is not allowed to hurt Sea of ​​Consciousness!”

Li Xiong was full of fright. Who could have thought that a moment ago he was ridiculed by this kid who should have been desperate and allowed them to oppress him, but now it is returned to him intact!

In the air, the two Li Xiong saw their jade token and were taken away by an overbearing force.

“Do not!”

However, Qin Yichen ignored the desperate voice of the two and turned around suddenly, staring like electricity, directly locking Zhou Wei who was trembling with fear in place.

“Very good, blocking the retreat of the Young Master, right? But this time, the Young Master didn’t want to run at all!”

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