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In the stone forest, from time to time, the stubborn girl came with a bit of coquettish drink, which made people feel pity.

However, under the attack of Wang Sui’s two people, Bai Xuanxuan’s defeat became more and more obvious. Even if she chose to contend in the end for dignity, she still could not change anything.

In the great hall, Luo Ronghao saw this scene, but he couldn’t help exulting, and smiled at Yan Zhenzhang: “Yan Junior Brother, it seems that Bai Xuanxuan wants to worship Martial Uncle Sun. Something is hanging, you can Don’t blame me for bad things. “

Yan Zhen’s face was gloomy. He could see that Bai Xuanxuan didn’t hand over the jade token because of dignity.

However, this will make Baidu Xuan’s queer battle worse, because after being consumed by Spirit 2 by Wang Sui, the likelihood of wanting to seize another person’s jade token will be even lower.

Although it is forbidden to quiz not at all, the Pill Masters of the same team donate jade tokens to each other, but how about Wang Xi’s side?

After all, this First Round quiz, it can be said that Kong Hao and the others, are all insecure. They can bring a jade token to the end, and they are all burning incense. Even Wang He has to be cautiously …

At this moment, it seems that Bai Xuanxuan’s luck is so bad that it is difficult to walk out of the stone forest safely …

However, at this moment, he saw what Luo Ronghao seemed to notice, and exclaimed, full of joy: “Yan Junior Brother, your surnamed Qin friend seems to be heading towards the stone forest!”

Needless to say, this is definitely Qin Yi’s perception of Bai Xuanxuan’s direction, and he wants to merge with it!

However, this discovery made Luo Ronghao extremely ecstatic!

Because in his view, Qin Yi rushed to meet so much, wasn’t it the jade token delivered to the door? !!

And, not one of them!

When thinking of the scene of being dismissed in Xian City that day, the corner of Luo Ronghao’s mouth could not help but grin and groan: “tsk tsk, I’m afraid this guy doesn’t know yet, what is waiting for him!”

“I hope that when this boy sees Bai Xuanxuan, don’t abandon his companion on the spot and run away …”

When Yan Zhen saw this, his face became more and more ugly. He could overlook Secret Realm, but Qin Yi didn’t know the situation of Bai Xuanxuan at all!

If Qin Yi does not support, then Bai Xuan Xuan will be defeated by Wang Sui to take away the jade token, but even if Qin Yi merges with it, I am afraid that he will not only be able to save Bai Xuan Xuan, even his 2 jade tokens will be taken away. go!

Especially when I thought that Qin Yi had fought with two people before, I was afraid that he was not in better condition than Bai Xuanxuan, and Yan Zhen’s heart was more and more worried.

One is his dark horse in Heavenly Flame, and the other is one of the only two top powerhouse Pill Masters out of ten. Is it possible that, should we stop there?

However, at this moment Qin Yichen in Secret Realm naturally did not know these things. Instead, he felt the position of Bai Xuanxuan, ran on the plain, and in the eyes of the stars, a large looming outline of stone forest gradually emerged.

“If not wrong, Bai Pill Master should be near this stone forest.”

Qin Yichen murmured, but although the speed at his feet was not reduced, the sword eyebrows were slightly raised.

If he remembered it correctly, after he grabbed the jade token of the blue robe youth, Bai Xuanxuan’s position had not been moved significantly.

“Is it possible that, is this stone forest with a mysterious mystery? Or is, Bai Pill Master is in danger?”

Looking at the stone forest, the mysterious fluctuations from it made Qin Yichen’s vision have several points of blur. He shivered in his heart, and quickly shook his head, concentrating, I am afraid that this stone forest is indeed weird!

However, in any case, Qin Yichen’s face was dignified, and the speed at his feet accelerated, and he must hurry to merge with Bai Xuanxuan!

However, looking at that slender silhouette, Luo Ronghao’s sneer rose even more, yes, that’s it, run faster, and later, you have no chance to regret it!

At the same time, at the edge of the stone forest, with a humming sound, Bai Xuanxuan suppple as if boneless’s lovable body receded for a while, and the back of the jade was against the rubble, so that it would not fall to the ground.

But at this moment, her condition is extremely poor, and the loss of Spirit Power is already more than half.

Although the Sea of ​​Consciousness is not exhausted, it is Bai Xuanxuan’s last strength left to her, not to mention that even if she runs out of the last Spirit Power, she can’t beat Wang Sui 2!

At this moment, Wang Sui and two people approached slowly with a smirk. Although the fighting was down, the two were also attributable. However, compared to Bai Xuanxuan, there was nothing can’t be considered.

“White Pill Master, why are you so stubborn? You must refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!”

Looking at Wang Sui’s sneer, Bai Xuanxuan clenches the teeth, and suddenly thought of something that made her blush, but at this moment, she couldn’t care about that many, took off the jade token of the willow waist, and stuffed it into the heart of the shirt Office.

With the girl’s violent gasping because of severe wear and tears, the undulating radian of her heart, if it is changed to usual, it will inevitably make Bloodline spray.

“If you don’t care about Pill Master and dare to shoot Meng Lang, then get it!”

Bai Xuanxuan bit her sandal lip. This kind of behavior made her feel quite ashamed. In the past, how would it be like her?

But now, she is forced to do nothing! Maybe this way, they can make Wang Sui 2 frightened.

However, the girl was desperately helpless, forced Wang Sui to startled, and there was a fiery glow in her eyes.

But then, Wang Sui was a complexion sank, and he was laughed at.

This is obviously Bai Xuanxuan playing hooligan!

Although Wang Sui acknowledged that Bai Xuanxuan was indeed a rarely seen beauty, if there were no four people, he could not guarantee that he had no other ideas.

But now, in the great hall, I don’t know how many eyes are watching!

Even if you use Spirit Power to capture it, you will definitely touch Bai Xuanxuan’s privacy …

Wang Sui 2 people looked at each other and had a feeling of being teased!

However, at this moment, Wang Sui doesn’t care about that many. After came back to his senses, he couldn’t help saying with a sneer: “White Pill Master, but you don’t care about your image, so don’t blame it!”

Zhou Wei was also shouted by the side: “Yes, Kui Dou 10000 has attracted a lot of attention, but everyone who knows right and wrong knows that it is not me and Meng Lang who are frivolous, but Bai Pill Master, you deliberately do it!”

Bai Xuanxuan’s lovable body shuddered. This last resistance seemed to be of no help. Wang Sui looked in his eyes and became more proud: “Pill Master, take it out yourself, you and I will be embarrassed.”

Finally, in this stone forest, have you been taken away by jade token … myself, I just came to Secret Realm a Heavens, Ah!

However, when Bai Xuanxuan 10000 was disillusioned, he saw in the distance, a slender silhouette, rushing towards the speed of the Pill Master, almost rushing!

This silhouette, upright like a sword, looks so strong and resolute under the rippling sunlight of Secret Realm!

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