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Although, with the strength of the blue robe youth, he could control the turning of the sword, but his hand was to force the other party to slow down!

Seeing that Qin Yichen was a little embarrassed by his own offensive Yu Weizheng, the blue robe youth’s eyes were light flashed, and he rushed for a few steps. The sharp breath spread out, and he was warning the former that you have entered my Spirit Power attack at this moment. Range, never want to escape again!

And the young man also chased him up, but ran all the way, so that both of his hands supported his knees, panting like a cow, and even the condensed Spirit Power seemed disordered, but there were expressions, but full of pride and fierceness: “boy, you Why do n’t you run? Now, where do you see me running? ”

However, looking at the two people who were short of breath, Qin Yichen just exhaled a long breath, and was not disturbed by the siege. Instead, he still wanted to laugh.

“Because if I run again, I’m afraid you two can’t catch up.”


These words made the fellow apprentices two people silent for a while, it seems that this guy is not at all wrong!

But who did this? !! Alchemy Dao is not fighting for strength!

And, to the youth’s unhappiness, is this something that a desperate person should say? Now it’s clear that this guy was caught by them!

In contrast, the blue robe youth has to look a lot more mature, although his face is gloomy, but the first reaction is to feel all around with Spirit Power. When he found not at all others, only a touch of light appeared in his eyes. Joke.

“Senior Brother, this guy is just talking hard, but it’s bluffing that’s all!”

The blue robe youth was lightly nodded, and then sneered in the face of Qin Yichen: “Boy, did my Senior Brother not tell you, am I close to him? Or is, know that I am here, you dare to grab his jade token ? “

Qin Yichen hearing this, but it was shrugged, with a smile on his face: “What’s the difference?”

This wait-and-forth attitude made the blue robe young man irritated. I saw his slightly narrows the eyes, and his Spirit Power turned into a path of invisible chain surge.

“Boy, it seems that you are refusing a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, and now I will tell you that hard mouth and fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness are at a price!”

While speaking, the blue robe youth Spirit Power is condensed, and the breath is so much better than its Junior Brother!

And the young man was also proud of himself: “Boy, I told you already, my Senior Brother has comprehend the unity of man and god, and you regret it too late!”

Blue robe Youth ’s Spirit Power slowly condenses, and the chain and Doudouri sword linger around his body, making his entire popularity awe-inspiring: “Boy, climbing the Fengfeng Mountain can also take my Junior Brother’s token, and if you want to come, some of you ability, but unfortunately, in your current state, in my eyes, it is a lamb to be slaughtered! “

In the great hall, there was no smile on Yan Zhen’s face, but he was worried, but some people were happy and some were worried. Luo Ronghao and the two people who passed the true story were now full of joy.

“Senior Brother Yan, my people have said long ago, how good it is for him to take out the jade token obediently. It must be so stiff, but don’t let Kui Dou affect our relationship.”

That true biography, Normally and Yan Zhen are not as fierce as Luo Ronghao, but at this moment, his own winnings are in his hands, which makes him ecstatic.

Yan Zhen looked in his eyes and didn’t say much. If Qin Yi had killed the other party just now, it would have surprised him a little, but now he can’t help worrying about the former’s situation.

When Yan Tai looked in his eyes, he shook his head slightly. He had heard about the dark horse from his Heavenly Flame continent, and Qin Yizhan’s revealed strength and the master behind him really made him care.

However, at this moment, after climbing Laofeng Mountain, and after some snatches, he was finally forced by two people in the same team to die. Yan Taiyi can only say that this child’s luck is too bad …

At this moment, the Spirit Power of the blue robe youth was surging to the extreme. Suddenly, the chains and swords cut out the flowing light and went straight to Qin Yichen.

“Boy, your jade token, I will take it myself!”

Seeing this, the young man also shot arrogantly: “Senior Brother, I’ll help you!”

The majesty of the Spirit Power teamed up by 2 people caused the air to shatter all around, and the joy on the faces of fellow apprentices spread out. With their pinch, this boy was not qualified to resist!

However, at this moment, Qin Yichen’s staring eyes were condensed, and Spirit Power turned into a giant palm and a fist, like a meteor meteorite, suddenly blasted down.

“go away!”

A giant palm directly fanned the Junior Brother youth once again, and the attitude seemed to be one against two, without any fear!


The chained swords collided with the giant palm boxer, and every bit of power caused the plain to tremble, the wind was surging, and the sand was flying.

And through the brilliance of Spirit Power, the blue robe youth looked cold, said coldy: “No wonder you are so hard-spoken. It turns out that you also comprehend the unity of man and god!”

“But in your current state, why fight me !?”

Suddenly, the young Spirit Power of the blue robe came out like a flood, but it was a sea of ​​Consciousness that was enough to engulf the soul of the Sea of ​​Consciousness!

“Boy, hand over the jade token!”

These offensives made the two in the great hall Na Luo Ronghao good at the same time, but also made Yan Zhen’s face even more ugly. One against two, even if it was Qin Yi’s heyday, I am afraid it is extremely difficult, let alone now.

However, just at this moment, facing the turbulent torrential sea of ​​Spirit Power, Qin Yichen’s body is as tall as a sword, and his Spirit Power is also surging!

“Want a token? It depends on your ability!”

“Don’t you think about it, why would I let you catch up !?”


The dazzling golden light, like a rising sun, bombarded a gully directly from the sky, which seemed to make the flood dry, and went straight to the blue robe youth!

In a few short breaths, the young man’s fierce offensive motivated by the merits of man and god combination was shattered by Qin Yichen!

Not only that, the blue robe youth felt a thorn in his eyes, making his Sea of ​​Consciousness toss, and the trembling in the depth of one’s soul was difficult to suppress …


A scorching sun that Jin Yao condensed burst into the air, and suddenly, the blue robe youth flew out.

“Senior Brother!”

Seeing this scene, the youth’s complexion was pale and even suspected that he had hallucinations!

His Senior Brother, although it is also the top, is comprehend the accomplishment of the unity of man and god, and the strength is more than one grade better than him!

Rao is so, but also subverted by the other party!


The youth fell to the ground with Spirit Power lingering, although not too embarrassing, but it is also distributed at the moment. The most important thing is that the jade token hidden in the undershirt has been taken away by a hand of Spirit Power.

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