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The words were over, and within the great hall, there was a little agitation. Looking at it, the teams of all parties were flexing their muscles and pumping light.

And Wang Yan and the others are no exception. While looking forward, do n’t forget the sound transmission reminded: “Qin Pill Master, the jade token of each team, there are fetters, you can let other companions feel after entering Secret Realm. General direction. “

“After entering Secret Realm, let’s try to meet with our companions first.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, and he also knew that the ruling rule, not at all, forbids more people to bully less people, so the number advantage must be quite important.

This may also lead to a violent fight between Spirit Power and the teams on both sides. As a result, the teams in Secret Realm are aware that in the end, a winner is identified.

It can be imagined that once entering Secret Realm, the situation is bound to be complicated, with various levels of battles constantly, and listening to Luo Heng’s meaning, it seems that Secret Realm itself will also have a test.

At this moment, Qin Yichen’s teammates are looking at competitors while adjusting their mentality. The former found that Yan Zhen was really honest and honest, and the overall strength of their team is indeed up to, or even weak!

In the hall, Qin Yichen even faintly felt that there were a few people’s breath. Compared with Li Lang, they were all in no way, and Li Lang’s realm near Human Realm Peak was enough to be proud of the 200 Pill Masters. capital.

Bai Xuanxuan, who was playful in the past, was full of seriousness at the moment.

Although she has entered the top powerhouse Pill Master, she has just broken through. It is not false to be able to rank in the top 100 alone, but in Secret Realm, if it is too bad or targeted, there will be no Small twists and turns.

But Bai Xuanxuan is still like this, the mood of Kong Hao and the others can be imagined, according to half the elimination rate, 6 of them are very hanging!

Not only that, Yan Zhen was also worried for Qin Yi, although the former man and God’s accomplishment was not to be regarded as a soft persimmon.

But looking at what it was just now, Qin Yi was obviously caught by Luo Ronghao’s people. If he is unlucky in Secret Realm, he will most likely stop at First Round.

However, a few people in Wang Yi, not at all, were frightened. Instead, they clenched their fists tightly and were able to get to this step. All of them were talented geniuses, and temperament is by no means mean.

Not to mention Qin Yichen, at the moment, there seemed to be a lingering sharp sword in Ling Ran’s eyes.

The goal of others is to enter Inner Sect, or to worship His Majesty Elder, and his goal is actually higher than Wang Yan and the others!

Similarly, Qin Yichen also knows what it takes to get the Immortal Sect’s Immortal Master to rectify his name. First of all, he has to show enough strength to enter the other party’s vision!

To this end, Qin Yichen must spare no effort, and this heavy battle of Heaven’s Chosen does not allow him to be regarded as a leisurely play when he was on the Heavenly Flame continent.

“If you ca n’t call the Immortal Sect, I can just walk away, but I’m afraid no one can stop the Immortal Sect in the world!”

Furthermore, Qin Yichen suspected that today’s Shen Xiao Immortal Sect may have retaliated, and although he can walk away, relying on the resources at hand to retreat cultivation, but when he has the power to level Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, as well as the North Korean War, have long become a grave.

So Alchemy Dao, Qin Yichen will take it seriously! Even in the final battle, he could tell Tianmao Immortal Sect with the power of Tingwei and transcendent Spirit Power, that Qin Yichen who extinguishes a Sect is still alive!

At this moment, as Luo Heng sang loudly, the Formation in the great hall turned, and the light curtain of Secret Realm gradually opened.

“Kui Dou starts, enter Secret Realm!”


After drinking and drinking, I saw a silhouette of a breath of Ling Ran, scrambling to jump into the light curtain!

Qin Yichen was unwilling to fall behind. After looking at each other, he followed most of the steps, and watched by Yan Zhen, stepped into Secret Realm!

Just stepping into the light curtain, Qin Yichen felt surrounded by a strange power. At the same time, the jade mirrors on the sky of Tiancheng Fairy City were also brightened. In the endless Secret Realm, there is a path of light curtain The silhouette of the package gradually appeared.

When the power that wrapped Qin Yichen disappeared, the former was a staring eye, looking all around.

As far as my eyes are concerned, there is an uneven hilly plain. On the hilly plain, there is no silhouette.

Among them, Qin Yichen was able to feel the Spirit Power fluctuations within Secret Realm. Above the sky, it was shrouded in light curtains, and a path of ripples spread out. It seemed that the people who supervised could witness Secret Realm. Every move within.

Even when Qin Yichen glanced at all around with Spirit Power, he could still capture a few breaths, but those breaths seemed to converge and hide quickly after standing firmly.

Suddenly, most of the 200 Pill Masters who entered Secret Realm didn’t want to be at first and were high-profile. Qin Yichen was no exception. Even in a black robe, he didn’t need to suppress the Spirit Power too much at all, which was enough to avoid other people’s perception.

This vast Secret Realm is like a dangerous 4 volt hunting ground. Everyone may be a hunter, and it may be reduced to a prey by others.

Qin Yichen perceives it a little to confirm the end point, and can’t help whispering: “This distance is not close.”

According to his estimation, at least, it will take a few days. Of course, this is calculated by Qin Yichen at the speed of participating in the Pill Master. If he explodes immortal strength, less than the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, it is Can reach the end.

However, this method obviously does not work. Qin Yichen picks up the jade token to perceive, and can indeed perceive the general direction of the other 9 teammates.

Unfortunately, Wang Yan and the others are far away from him. It seems that on the other side of Secret Realm, the closest to Qin Yichen is Bai Xuan Xuan, but this is also a long way to go.

After putting up the jade token, Qin Yichen looked at Qiu Yuan. After a while of thinking, he finally confirmed the direction: “Cross this Qiu Yuan before meeting with Bai Pill Master.”

Just walk away.

However, when Qin Yichen was just about to step forward, he saw that Qiuyuan was actually setting off a path of fierce wind!

These gusts of wind, like being able to shatter human souls, are utterly bone-in, and directly hit the Sea of ​​Consciousness. It sounds like they are agglomerated by Spirit Power in Secret Realm!

For a while, on the hilly plain, I saw Qin Yichen silhouette thin, like a calm boat in Desert, it seems difficult to move forward.

A path of howling wind, the invasion, the denseness and the degree of lingering, it seems that there is no plan to give the insiders a chance to dodge, and can only be forcibly resisted by Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, the sudden gust of wind just stopped Qin Yichen’s pace and paused for a moment. Then, I saw him step out, and a pale-gold ripple emerged from the whole body, making the gust wind close to several feet Inside, everything was scattered …

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