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“It is indeed the painstaking effort of Luban’s ancestors. Even the immortal soldiers can be recast and repaired!”

Qin Yichen has no doubt that with his own refinery skills, it is impossible to repair the flame war rifle.

However, the hammer of the giant is like a great palm, which contains the refiner, like a great palm, like a kind senior, who can help him as a junior.

At this moment, even Honglian’s pump light, which looks towards the Giant’s Hammer, is full of awe, one person and one spirit. For the Giant’s Hammer, those preconceived opinions and doubts from the weak 10000 mainland continent are all turned into nothing at this moment!

Qin Yichen also secretly thought a word, that is, the hero does not ask the source!

Even to say a word of boast, he, who is also from the 10000 ethnic continent, can now extinguishes a Sect by himself. Will the Luban ancestors be inferior to the refiner?

Origin and environment may be able to limit realm, limit the bottom line, but they cannot limit the effort and accomplishment!

To put it simply, if Luban’s ancestors were born in the powerful Aristocratic Family of a refining machine in the Star Domain Star Domain, will they still be trapped in the 10000 family continent?

“This time, thanks to the hammer of the giant …”

Qin Yichen murmured, and the red lotus beside her also converged on the pump light, throwing herself into the flame war gun, and looking at it, the lovable body shuddered, and couldn’t help but shouted, “Boy, you can! You Look at the war rifle in your hand. Now, it’s not a 5 grade Peak, but … Grade 6 fairy soldier! “

Qin Yichen startled, and then suddenly picked up the war gun, as she said, the fluctuations coming from the war gun at this moment have exceeded Jiang Yutian’s hands.

Qin Yichen hasn’t seen Grade 6 Fairy Soldiers, but isn’t it Grade 5 on the 6th Peak?

“Grade 6 fairy soldier, this time, it really made a lot of money!”

Grade 6 What is the concept of immortal soldiers! ?

Qin Yichen is convinced that not every Elder can take out Immortal Sect on this day!

The nearby Red Lotus was also heartily delighted for Qin Yichen: “This war gun can bring it up a level, thanks to your kid’s blood essence out of the ordinary, of course, the craftsman hammer is the greatest contribution.”

Qin Yichen felt itchy when he bowed his head, got up and waved a few war guns, among which not only chopped the air, but also the trembling of the immortal dao rule in the dense room, which made him extremely satisfied!

Caressing the gun body, Qin Yichen knows that the White Tiger blade is better than this war gun because it is bound to its own Bloodline, but if you change it, the war gun may not be comparable to the White Tiger blade. !!

This is also the reason Qin Yichen’s mood is surging. Grade 6 fairy soldiers, even some of the fairy masters of Dao of Refining, may not be able to cast them!

Of course, because of this, Qin Yichen’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is almost exhausted at this moment. Even with the help of the master’s hammer, the spiritual dignity is better than the Divine Immortal power condensed by Primordial Spirit!

However, this price is not worth mentioning at all compared to this harvest. After Qin Yichen took the next elixir, Honglian was happy beside him: “This war gun is now dominated by you, you also Is it time to name it? “

After all, Honglian seemed to think of something, and the pretty face was outraged: “If you dare to call it Fire Burning Stick or other messy names, Ben Senior will beat you down!”

Suddenly, when it came to awakening, Qin Yichen’s arbitrariness of her own name, Honglian has always been worried …

Qin Yichen hearing this didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but then looked at the golden red light Yao Liuhua ’s war gun, and the expression puffed up: “In this war gun, there is my blood essence condensed, so Call it dragon’s blood! “

Honglian sidelined, “dragon’s blood war gun, this name is not bad …”


For the dragon’s blood war gun, Qin Yichen can’t help but feel the burden because he has an extra blade. After all, the Grade 6 fairy soldiers are waving without rules in their hands, and the power is enough to scare many powerhouses too.

Moreover, in the realm of Heaven Immortal Realm, Martial Dao’s accomplishments are already found mystery, and all kinds of swords can be described as brought to the point of perfection.

Therefore, Qin Yichen is convinced that with the White Tiger blade and dragon’s blood war gun in hand, his battle strength has skyrocketed after all!

After a while, Qin Yichen gathered everything and looked up and asked, “What shall we do next?”

On the pretty face of Honglian at the moment, she had grown tired and stretched out a lazy waist. The exquisite figure did not even consider converging in front of Qin Yichen.

“You first adjust your interest rate, and this Senior must also recover well. Just to suppress the fluctuation of the dragon’s blood war gun, the loss is too great.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, indeed, it is also fortunate that the dragon’s blood war gun was only recast and not the first time it came out, but this is so. In order not to alarm the heavenly Immortal Sect, one person and one spirit also worked hard.

Therefore, Qin Yichen relied on the Dan effect to adjust his breath cross-legged all night, and in the early morning the next day, the glory in the eyes was restored as before!

“Next, it’s time to consolidate the annihilation of the spearhead?”

For the condensing of the annihilation gun soul, for Qin Yichen who practiced the annihilation dragon pattern gun, it is much easier than recasting the dragon’s blood war gun.

a path of Spirit Power, as the first chapter of the World Extinction Dragon Gun appeared in my mind, it gradually turned into a path of mantra and fell on the dragon’s blood war gun.

Over time, a path of Jin Yao cursed on the dragon’s blood. Although the process went smoothly, Qin Yichen was really surprised by the mystery of the extinct dragon pattern gun.

“The Senior who created this Immortal Technique, the accomplishment of his lifetime is definitely his existence.”

Half a day later, on the dragon’s blood war gun, mantras have emerged and are intertwined with each other. With Qin Yichen’s thoughts, those mantras are better integrated into one, flashing in the gun body.

Qin Yichen smiled with satisfaction, but then he looked towards the top where the tip of the gun was connected to the gun body, where the record of the extinct dragon pattern gun was deduced from Lintong, a curse of the True Dragon charm.

And this mantra seems to be able to affect the power of all mantras, and it also determines the horror of the extinct dragon pattern gun!

However, even the person who created this Immortal Technique can only deduced from nothing. The condensed method of this curse is vague and descriptive.

Suddenly, Qin Yichen knew that this was an expression to the descendants who obtained the extinct dragon pattern gun. Regarding the True Dragon charm, he could only use his own opportunity to find deductions …

However, Qin Yichen sees in his eyes, but his eyes are exquisite!

“I don’t know if the Senior who created this technique ever thought that one day, the extinct dragon pattern gun would fall into the hands of a True Dragon descendant.”

Others are helpless, but Qin Yichen is different!

I saw her closing her eyes slightly, and then her heart poured into dantian, trying to call the lifelike True Dragon Seal.

The secret room was extremely quiet. Suddenly, Qin Yichen seemed to be called, and slowly raised his palm. As the True Dragon Seal flashed a faint light, on the palm of his hand, a True Dragon coiled curse gradually formed. Seal …

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