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Luo Ronghao said, it was the young man who looked towards the booth, and faint smile said, “What’s the price of Void Spirit?”

When Yan Zhen saw this, his eyes flashed, and expressions revealed a few disappointments: “Senior Brother Luo, I have bought this Void Spirit grass. If you want to find fairy grass, you should go shopping.”

Luo Ronghao heard this startled, and then showed regret, but in fact, of course, he knew that Yan Zhen had paid his chips!

But this did not affect Luo Ronghao’s plan in the slightest. After seeing that he rubbed his forehead, he put out a few wipes of helplessly said: “This way … However, Yan Junior Brother also heard, Li Lang, with this thing, it is likely that Shocking Earth Realm, I can’t get into this. “

After the speech was over, Luo Ronghao’s mouth flashed a sly arc, looking at the booth’s youth: “So, what is the price of Yan Brother Brother, and on this basis, plus a few strains of Earth Realm, how about it?”

As soon as this word came out, Yan Zhen and the others suddenly changed to complexion, which made it clear that they were looking for differences!

Such a thing as robbing treasure is not very rare in Xianshi, but Yan Zhen did not expect that it is the same sect that contends with himself, but also in front of the person of the outer sect!

This caused Yan Zhen to rise up in disgust, and in the presence of Wang Yan, he refused to give up. Immediately, his tone became more indifferent: “Senior Brother Luo, I repeat, this Void Spirit grass, I have bought it It ’s going to be impossible, Senior Brother Luo is in our city of Tianxian, I do n’t know why I came here? ”

Luo Ronghao hearing this complexion slightly changed, but soon he chuckled again, wanting to take him over and press him? dream!

Immediately, Luo Ronghao was the young man who was laughing and looking at the booth: “It’s right to come first, but the various sects come to my Tianxian Xian city, but nothing more than to earn more treasure, right?”

The youth in charge of the booth smiled bitterly. He was not blind. At this moment, how could he not see it? This is the true story of the 2 true Immortal Sect!

As the so-called Celestial Immortals Fight While Mortals Suffer, after the young man smiled bitterly, he could only say weakly: “The two true adults have a point, but the villain is just looking at the booth for the master … I also hope that the two adults will not be in trouble. . “

However, facing Luo Ronghao’s pump light, the youth had to add: “No, but the Master sent villains, and he really wanted to sell more.”

Having said that, the young man explained to Yan Zhen with a bitter face: “Opening a door to do business is naturally based on profit, and I hope Yan Zhen will forgive me.”

Yan Zhen frowned slightly, he would not be angry with each other, not to mention, the cause of this matter is not young, but Luo Ronghao to find the fault first!

“Well, there are 3 top-grade medicines, and I have them too. This Void Spirit grass is also very important to Wang Ye.”

Seeing Yan Zhen’s tone became tough, Luo Ronghao’s smile gradually converged, and his tone was inexplicable: “Yan Junior Brother, you are so disappointed with Senior Brother.”

Having said that, Luo Ronghao glanced at Li Lang and the others, and turned around: “This is a rare thing, no wonder Senior Brother doesn’t let you today, plus 3 strains of Heaven Realm respect medicine, this forgetful dust Void Spirit grass, I want to order ! “

As soon as this word came out, Yan Zhen’s complexion had become gloomy, and the side of Wang Xi was not much better.

“This guy, in order to find a difference with the Young Master, even at such a price!”

Wang Xi’s heart was defamatory, but they couldn’t speak at all in this scene.

What’s more worrying about Wang Yan is that Luo Ronghao in front of the background and net worth is indeed stronger than Yan Young Master.

Although this equivalent code hasn’t reached the point where the two true passers are hurting, if you continue to argue, Yan Young Master will definitely not take advantage …

Yan Zhen is also slightly narrows the eyes. As the same sect, he naturally knows that Luo Ronghao’s confidence is better than himself. Because of the Elder Luo of the Dan Temple, the richness of the Luo Clan lineage’s heritage must be in his Yan Family. Above.

As Yan Zhen’s face grew more and more gloomy, but when he saw the distance, a young man in a black robe whistled in a good mood and came over.

“I can find you, Young Master!”

The black robe youth, it was Qin Yichen who came out of Tianbao Pavilion and wandered around Xianshi, finally meeting with Yan Zhen and the others.

Qin Yichen waved his hand and walked towards the others with a smile, however, at this moment, Yan Zhen was only slightly nodded and motioned to stand behind him.

Qin Yichen frowned, he saw that the atmosphere was wrong from a distance, but didn’t think much about it. He walked towards Yan Zhen. However, for some reason, he passed out with Luo Ronghao who was facing him. “Yan Junior Brother, this is one of the ten Pill Masters in your Heavenly Flame continent. It looks a bit rude!”

After the coldly snorted was completed, Luo Ronghao burst into a cold and severe breath. Qin Yichen’s steps were startedled, but he did not wait to fight back, but saw that Yan Zhen had been standing in front of himself: “With each other, I did not see Li Lang them. Saluted to me. “

At this point, Li Lang and the others complexion stiffened, of course, they would not be polite to their young Master’s counterpart.

Luo Ronghao was reluctant to tangle the matter, and he said directly: “Yan Junior Brother, gossip, I forgot Void Spirit, you can give it to Senior Brother now, everyone can save some price code, and keep going. It’s not good for you. “

At this moment, Qin Yichen just said hello to Wang Ye, and when he heard this, he couldn’t help blinking: “Forgot the dust Void Spirit grass?”

In his teaching to him, this is Immortal Medicine, which is very helpful to Spirit Power realm!

Immediately, Qin Yichen’s eyes turned, and he quietly said to Wang Ye sound transmission: “Wang Pill Master, what’s the situation?”

Seeing this, Wang Ye slightly sighed then said, it was sound transmission that explained: “The Young Master just bought 3 Void Spirit grasses. This is the true biography of Luo Clan Elder lineage, Luo Ronghao.

After the explanation, Wang Yan glanced at Luo Ronghao again and asked: “Qin Pill Master, we can’t intervene in this matter, don’t talk more.”

Qin Yichen nodded for a while, but he understood the entire process of development.

However, as soon as Wang Ji sound transmission fell, he saw the palm of Qin Yichen and patted it on the table of the booth: “Sir, look at this, can you buy this forgetful Void Spirit grass?”


Such actions made Kong Hao and the others look silly on the spot!

Especially Wang Ye, his face is extremely wonderful, did I just remind you not to talk too much? You really go in your left ear and go in your right ear!

Even if you really want to give the Young Master a good look, Qin Pill Master, it wo n’t be your turn to show off!

You know, after Wang Ye and the others were equipped with space, there was n’t no treasure, and there were a lot of them, but they did n’t say anything, because Li Lang and their net worth were definitely not worse than themselves!

Qin Yi is so arrogant, it will make Luo Ronghao have more excuses to find fault!

However, when everyone saw the treasure shot by Qin Yichen on the table, they couldn’t help but stare …

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