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“Dare to sneak attack my Kong Hao Senior Brother, are you kidding me?”

“Brothers, if we can make Xing Kailian pill success medicine, what is the face of the Kong family!”

“Qi Master hasn’t seen it yet, do it!”

In the great hall, Spirit Power is surging, but under these bursts of danxiang, there is a anger, and the subtle Spirit Power surges up!

At the same time, on the seat next to Xing Sen and Liu Dong, their faces suddenly changed, cry out in surprise: “Not good!”

The moment before, they were secretly happy, that little bastard failed at least pill concocting today, and it is very likely that the Sea of ​​Consciousness will end.

However, when Qin Yi forcibly seized Xing De’s Spirit Power, Xing Sen realized that it was wrong!

This little bastard was just installed!

However, Xing Sen had not yet spoken, but felt a gloomy gaze cast beside him.

“Xing Sen, yes, you’re away from the fire city’s ability!”

The person of sound transmission is an old man in a brown robe. At this moment, his body exudes a majestic atmosphere. It is the master of Kong Hao!

The Kong family, which is also in the top 30 Alchemy Dao forces, and even the strength of Kong Master, must beat Xing Sen!

Kong Master wanted to anger and yell directly, but this matter wanted to find a master Qi to discuss, the difficulty is not small, Xing Sen will inevitably deny, not to mention, at this moment, his discipline has begun to fight back!

Xing Sen felt the anger in the sound transmission and suddenly figured trembled. He knew that this matter could not be explained clearly!

Not only that, several top powerhouse Pill Masters present were always watching their own disciple, and when they noticed the Spirit Power of Xing De and Liu Wenping, they could imagine the anger in the stomach!

“Okay Xing Sen, in recent years, things have become more and more unreasonable!”

“Liu Dong, the last time your disciplinary medicine lost to me disciple, this time, even this despicable method was used!”

For a time, the digital top powerhouse Pill Master, fiercely stared at Xing Sen, and the latter felt extremely depressed at the moment!

These people have had a bad relationship with his Xing Liu family. At the moment, no one will believe that it is his explanation!

After all, the Spirit Power of sneak attack belongs to Xing De, and the initiator of all of this, Qin Yichen, has been focusing on refining his own elixir from beginning to end.

And these people, naturally, were carefully selected by Qin Yichen. After all, who remembered Liu Dong’s expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune during the First Round, he remembered it very well.

Xing Sen was frantic at the moment, although he actually hoped that Kong Hao and the others pill concocting failed, but without his instructions, Xing De could not make his own claim!

All this is that little bastard provoked alienation in secret!

At the same time, Xing Kai was completely silent in pill concocting, but before he knew what was happening, he felt that there were several needles in the back of the head!

Suddenly, Xing Kai figure trembled, and his face suddenly changed, and his heart became more chaotic.

What a special situation! ?

This pair of opponents in normally who have grievances with their own family dare to interfere with themselves secretly!

However, soon, Xing Kai’s face froze, because he felt that these Spirit Powers, like needles, belonged to Xing De!

“what on earth is it……”

Xing Kai’s face was glomyy and uncertain. Although he carried the sneak attack just now, even if it can be successfully refined, the quality of the elixir will definitely drop a lot!

Liu Wenbin of another stone platform is also in shock, and his face has become gloomy and uncertain. What depresses him most is that the enemy’s interference is okay. Why is there another Spirit Power of his Junior Brother Liu Wenping! ?

The next moment, Xing Kai and Liu Wenbin trembled in coincidence with the pump light, and their faces were wonderful!

“Is it possible that … is that little bastard!”

“Qin Yi !!!”

In a short while, there was a riot in the great hall, and at the same time, Qi Master stared at Wang Pu’s pump light, showing a touch of praise.

“Okay, my son’s pill concocting technique, more brought to the point of perfection …”

Tone barely fell, but she saw Yan Zhen dragging the former corner: “Qi Master, look …”

Qi Master hearing this startled, then looked up, which could fill the scene in front of him, but made his face look gloomy!

Well, the major Aristocratic Family, take this as a battlefield! ?

Not only that, Qi Master was annoyed and found that in the stands, Xing Sen Liu Dong and Kong Hao’s Master Kong Yun were almost together, almost hitting each other’s collar!

Those subtle Spirit Powers are not noticeable to outsiders, but Qi Master, who is the Heaven Realm top powerhouse, can carefully lock his target if he observes it carefully!

Immediately, a surge of Spirit Power emerged from the Qi Master, his robes fluttered, coldly shouted mixed with anger, and it rang through the great hall!

“Okay! Above Kui Dou, dare to play with this despicable means, don’t you put the old man in your eyes? Or are you provoking the Military Leader!”

At this point, the entire great hall was trembling. Although Qi Master converged and Spirit Power did not affect the crowd concocting, this coldly shouted also made many people look up.

Not only that, the people watching outside the hall and the city were even more confused, they were not on the spot, and they were not a spirit cultivation generation, so at this moment they couldn’t help wondering why Qi Master suddenly got such a fire?

At this moment, Qi Master looked coldly at Xing Sen who was about to fight, and Shen shouted: “Now it’s pill concocting, not for you to fight!”

“The old man asks you what the hell is going on! If anyone dares to have a half-word, don’t blame the old man for being unemotional!”

At this point, many top powerhouse Pill Masters trembled under this majesty. However, Kong Yun gritted his teeth and arched his face solemnly: “reporting to Qi Master, just now, away from Fire City Xing Family despise the rules of the fighting and secretly interfere with my pill concocting! “

As soon as this word came out, glaring at several top powerhouse Pill Masters of Xing Sen, they also arched fist: “Liu Family Liu Wenping, secretly affect the old man disciple!”

Qi Master’s eyes were light flashed, but he didn’t listen to the words of the family easily, but glanced at the stone platform: “Is it?”

Qi Master at this moment, eyes like electricity, under such coercion, makes a heart tremor.

However, I saw a hot-tempered disciple from the Kong family who seemed to be unable to swallow the breath and directly gave up pill concocting, one-knee kneels, and arched shouted. concocting, but secretly interfered with by the Xing Family! “

As soon as this word came out, several others continued to support: “Yes, Qi Master, it was his Xing Family who secretly provoked!”

“Qi Master Ming Jian, Junior is willing to take Sea of ​​Consciousness as proof that his Liu Family interfered with my Senior Brother. If not, Qi Master can abandon Junior on the spot!”

Seeing so many people said so much, Qi Master’s face became more gloomy, but he understood why some people did not immediately accuse him.

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