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“Second, just kneel down now, and give back to Brother Kai what is not yours, and then go back to us and apologize to Xing Senior!”

For Liu Wenbin, a kid who has no background and strength is only the late stage of the Holy Order, isn’t it how he kneads?

The people on the side, after watching for so long, also regarded Qin Yichen as an ordinary background without offending Xing Family’s idiot.

Some people feel sorry for this, but more people are funny. This kid thinks that in the later stages of the sacred stage, he can take the lead in Heavenly Fire City? Do not first ask if the other party can offend!

Lin Ruyu’s exquisite pretty face also seemed to be pale because of fear. You know, when you met Xing Liu 2 in Heavenly Flame City, even his Master had to bow his head!

But the thought of Qin Yichen was also caused by Heavenly Fire City. Lin Ruyu clenched her teeth and stepped forward: “No matter what he does, we … we will leave Heavenly Flame City now, Liu Pill Master, even if this matter How’s it going? “

Shi Rong also hurried to Qin Yichen’s sound transmission: “Qin Pill Master, I don’t think we are going to participate in Kui Dou this time, these guys will definitely take advantage of you!”

If before, he still believed that Qin Yi’s Master could come forward and be able to round up the matter, but now, without Xing Sen’s backing, they will definitely show crazy revenge against Qin Yi!

However, Liu Wenbin was unmoved, cold said with a sneer: “It’s okay to go, but I want Brother and I to stop being held accountable, so this kid must crawl out!”

At this moment, Qin Yichen’s mind was filled with Lin Ruyu’s desperate dissatisfaction, and then he looked at Xing Kai’s ridiculous expression. He shrugged, expressionlessly said: “Get away!”

As soon as this word came out, there was nothing but the sound of breath taking breath away!

“Is this kid crazy! Dare to talk to Xing Kai and Liu Wenbin like this?”

“Does he think that this is the City Lord Mansion, so he can say ranting without any concern?”

“I at first only thought that he had inadvertently offended Xing Kai. Now it seems that this boy is fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”

And when I heard the words full of cold and severe, the faces of Xing Kai and Liu Wenbin suddenly became gloomy!

A kid with a mediocre background and no strength, dare to talk to them like that! ?

You know, he just sent someone to the city of fire and Nanliucheng to step on the kid’s Sea of ​​Consciousness and his head together!

Xing Kai’s crowd of pump light is flashing with fierce anger and anger, if it is not City Lord Mansion, they would have abandoned this kid!

But despite this, Xing Kai’s anger is also difficult to suppress, and even extreme angry laughed back: “Okay, good! Boy, I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you do n’t cherish it. In this case, above Kuidou, I will Let you know how honoured it was for you to climb out of here! “

However, Qin Yichen did not have the opportunity to make more nonsense, and even directly knocked Xing Kai out in an extremely overbearing posture.

Want him to crawl out? Even if Xing Sen who came behind it did not have this qualification!

At this moment, Qin Yichen heard a threatening sneer from Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was from Liu Wenbin!

“Boy, do you want to carry it by yourself? Then we will complete you. This is the City Lord Mansion. Anyone must abide by the rules. However, even if you are supervised by the adults of the Yan Family, there are 100 places in the city. , Those adults may not be able to protect everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness! “

Hearing this, Qin Yichen startedled, and even left with two people like Lin Ruyu, but Liu Wenbin didn’t know, because of his words, the former had a meaningful smile on his mouth.

“It seems that in the battle of Heavenly Flame, there is a chance to hurt the opponent Sea of ​​Consciousness. So … it is not boring.”

After a while, Qin Yichen returned to the court of Heavenly Fire City, while Lin Tianzhuo sat in a sigh and sighed, his expression was down, and as if he had met Xing Sen just now, the outcome of the dispute can be imagined.

On the table in front of Lin Tianzhuo, there are 3 jade tokens and 3 jade boxes.

“Senior Lin.”

“Master ……”

After seeing 3 people return, Lin Tianzhuo was sighed again, and then he got up and said, “Why come back so soon?”

Lin Ruyu pursed her lips and did not want to talk more. After all, whether it was the news of Qin Yichen’s fall or the conflict with Xing Kai, it was not a good thing.

Seeing this, Lin Tianzhuo didn’t ask much. He even guessed the reason why his disciple was so disappointed, pointing to the table: “Hey, this is the identity jade token to participate in the next round of quiz, and Heavenly Flame City to you Reward. “

Qin Yichen took the jade box and opened it for a glance. It looks like there is one strain per person, with a total of more than 300 strains, which is not a small amount.

However, Lin Ruyu looked at the jade token with the words Heavenly Fire City in it, but he bit his lip, and after a long tangling, he opened the mouth and said: “Master, just now, we met Xing Kai and Liu Wenbin. It’s … “

After all, Lin Ruyu talked about the conflict just now, and after listening to this, Lin Tianzhuo, who was already down, had anxiety in his eyes.

Looking at Qin Yichen, Lin Tianzhuo hesitated for a while, but also knew that the matter was indeed no wonder that the former was embarrassed by the public, and the clay figure was still 30% angry.

Moreover, Lin Tianzhuo is not in the mood to confuse right and wrong now, because the huge gap between them and the city of fire and Nanliu City is enough to crush the original right and wrong.

After turning around in the house, I saw Lin Tianzhuo stumped, and seemed to have made up his mind: “Ru Yu, do you think, now, do you still have to participate in the battle?”

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Ruyu’s lovable body shuddered, and she lowered her head, and there was a strong reluctance and grievance in beautiful eyes.

But for the Master, Lin Ruyu really does not know how to refute, because in the past, with the strength of Heavenly Fire City, it was eliminated and eliminated, but this time, it is different from the past!

However, at this moment, he saw Qin Yichen sitting directly on the chair and playing with the jade token. As for the honorable medicine rewarded by the Heavenly Flame City, he was already in his pocket.

“Senior Lin, have you made an appearance today in the City Lord Mansion?”

“If Senior who has made good friends with you and failed to see you on Kui Dou, then the blow to Heavenly Fire City’s reputation may be more serious than being robbed of a place?”

I have to say that Qin Yichen’s remarks are a hit!

Lin Tianzhuo’s anxiety at this moment is exactly this!

I was robbed of the quota, and I had already saved the quota, but I was scared to say that the other party was speaking 3 words and returned home, but the shame was too big!

However, Lin Tianzhuo is still vacillating. You know, Xing Family and Liu Family are just verbal threats now, but when it comes to Kui Dou, the threat is not so simple.

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