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Lei Gongming handed the scroll’s palm, trembling deeply, just like his hoarse voice: “Oh, Your Majesty, this is our injury in this battle …”

On the throne, it used to be like War God, and the battle emperor of the realm has no end. At this moment, it is also an expression of sadness. It seems that a very important friend in life has left him.

Looking at the battle damage that looks like blood dyed red, Wu Wuyuan shivered.

“North Hongcheng, can’t you keep it?”

After murmuring, Zhan Wuyuan raised a bitter smile.

Since Li Muchen’s arrival in the northern war world, the spirit and morale of the world clan have skyrocketed. At first, their allies in the three war worlds were able to resist together.

But one month ago, the battle strength of the Eastern War World was withdrawn. In this regard, Zhan Heng did not blame Nie Heng because he knew that the latter had to guard Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect.

If the huge monster of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is involved, Nie Family will not survive!

But the withdrawal of troops from the Eastern Warfare Group made it impossible for the offensive of the Clan tribe to resist it. After several consecutive battles, the North Korean Warfare suffered heavy casualties, and the Beihong City was about to fall into ruins!

“Yichen, if your kid is here, how dare you be so arrogant?”

Zhan Wuyuan smiled miserably, but he clenched his fists, making the smile proud!

That’s right, in this life, he can make such a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, he is proud of no battle!

From Nie Heng’s mouth, the domineering understood Qin Yichen’s domineering a Sect’s domineering, as well as the tough spirit of Li Muchen and Shen Xiao Immortal Sect who have been jealous of even the Northern Warring States!

But now, Qin Yichen doesn’t give birth to him …

“Yi Chen, don’t worry, the Emperor will do his best to take a last breath, and he will also take a Golden Immortal to bury you!”


At the same time, Immortal Sect, before a bronze stone gate, there are countless mysterious lines carved on the stone gate. Just a glance, it seems that people are traveling in the world.

Outside of the stone gate, there are two figures waiting outside, 2 people bowed slightly, their looks looked very respectful.

But even so, the Spirit Power fluctuations emanating from these two figures are extremely terrifying! Even when Huang Fuzhen was in front of him, he would be ashamed.

After a while, I saw countless secret lines on the stone gate, a path of light burst out!

The light grew stronger and stronger, until finally, it became a light curtain.

Behind the light curtain, there is a mottled space. In front of this light curtain, there is a wave full of awe inspiring cultivation!

And a silhouette, with its feet shining, seems to return from the universe, and the light curtain is in front of it, like awesome avoidance, that silhouette, slowly coming out.

When they saw this, they admired immediately: “Welcome Senior Brother!”

“Congratulations Martial Uncle, this time the retreat has improved a bit.”

Looking ahead, that silhouette, dressed in a wide robe, can’t be considered burly but tall.

And the silhouette, like waterfall white hair and vicissitudes of time, is hardly like the handsome face carved by the sword, especially the eyes and pupils, seems to glance, even the Star River will be penetrated by it !!

The old man stood there, just like a boundless ocean and deep ocean, 10000 things between Heaven and Earth, seemed to change and tremble because of his hands and feet.

And the most awesome thing is the old man’s full of British spirit, and the righteous spirit between the eyebrows!

“No need to be courteous. Speaking of which, thanks to the life-long efforts of Ancestor Master, I have left this Supreme Land for me to wait for the descendants of Dandian.”

The old man said faintly, and then glanced at the two of them: “I have nothing to do with the outside world during this period of retreat?”

After thinking about that one-and-a-half-year-old man, he said, “There is no major event. Elder Sun has gathered the materials and wants to make an elixir. I have made it for Junior Brother.”

Beside him, he was slightly younger, and he respected the old man as a middle-aged man named Martial Uncle, and also opened the mouth and said: “Alchemy Dao, under the convening of Elder, has also started in order. Now, it is about to be carried out. second round. “

Old man slightly nodded, and then, seeing what the middle-aged man seemed to think, after groaning, he said, “However, in Shen Xiao Star Domain, a major event occurred.”


Old man hearing this, frowning slightly, and middle-aged is saying: “Martial Uncle should know that 2 months ago, it was the hunting experience of Shen Xiao Star Domain Ten Great Immortal Sect.”

“And more than a month ago, after the end of the training, I am afraid that Martial Uncle would not have thought that Qin Yichen, who had been convicted by Gu Suyi for being deceived, was by the strength of oneself, killing Immortal Sect nearly 1000 disciple. ! “


Old man startled, it’s hard to imagine that Mount Tai’s collapse can hardly make his expression change and calm. After hearing this news, his pupils trembled and it was hard to hide.

“One person, slaughter extinguishes a Sect?”

That middle-aged person mentioned the incident and seemed surprised: “The news came from Shenxiao Immortal Sect, and it’s absolutely not wrong.”

“But unfortunately, then Qin Yichen wanted to carry the incident alone, and was shot and killed by Jiang Haoqiong himself outside the hunting field …”

Paused, a half 100 old man on the side added: “However, it is said that Qin Yichen seemed to self-destruction a divine object with Supreme’s rule, but under the prestige of Jiang Haoqiang and divine object Self-destruction, Skeleton doesn’t exist, I want to come … it’s gone. “

2 people said that there was a pity between expressions.

Only the old man, after he was out of his mind, murmured: “Are you dead?”

When the words came to an end, I saw an old man with two fists and a towering Spirit Power, which shivered Heaven and Earth: “It’s a god Xiao Immortal Sect, even a junior, even the Sect Master shot it himself!”

“That kid is tough, didn’t expect his Martial Dao strength, so out of the ordinary!”

2 people hearing this, although they are also very sorry, but half a hundred men persuaded: “Senior Brother, it has come to an end, it is useless to say anything, this child alone cut off the future of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, Jiang Hao The sky is full of anger. “

However, these words were heard by the old man’s eyes, and his anger was even worse: “Are the people dead? Will his aunt Su Yi be able to take a nest?”

As soon as this word came out, the two looked at each other. The middle-aged man looked bright, and seemed to feel unfair about the matter, but the other man was smiling with wry smiles. The temper of the Palace Lord Senior Brother was from their childhood So upright masculine!

When I heard about the Immortal Sect, the Senior Brother was this expression …

Sometimes he couldn’t help feeling that this character would be killed sooner or later. However, the old man in front of him is using the heavenly defying innate talent and hard work, step by step, ascending the heavenly Immortal Sect Dandian, becoming The role models and masters of this Star Domain Alchemy Dao!

And because of the masculinity and righteousness of the old man, it was not only convincing to take the oral cavity up or down that it was the target of admiration and chase.

This person is the Palace Lord of the Dan Temple Immortal Sect-Shangguan Miao!

After a while, Shangguanmiao listened to the details of the hunting battlefield, and Yin Mei couldn’t help but raise her arms: “You mean, Qin Yichen, at first is not Huang Fu’s disciple?”

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