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City Lord Mansion, Lin Tianzhuo is drinking tea, and his old wrinkled face has been so happy for a long time.

Qin Yichen is now different from Lin Ruyu and no longer stands, but like Lin Tianzhuo, sitting there enjoying the tea and cakes of the City Lord Mansion.

Qin Yichen was also welcome, and a few pieces of sticky osmanthus cakes were heard by Lin Tianzhuo and said with a smile, “Qin little friend, this is a relief for my Heavenly Fire City.”

In Lin Tianzhuo’s view, although Qin Yichen was not his Heavenly Fire City background, but defeated the smashing field from Fire City, that was a big help for him.

Moreover, the Pill Master in the later stages of the Holy Order, the Master behind him must be better than himself, would Lin Tianzhuo mind being good with him?

Qin Yichen pats’s cakes, a mouthful of tea: “Master Lin, you’re welcome. You can give Xing Sen’s bet to Junior. Thank you, Junior. It’s too late.”

Lin Tianzhuo is startled, but how sophisticated is he? Qin Yichen said this to remind him that he might have promised the reward for defeating Lihuo City.

Lin Tianzhuo can’t help but feel funny, he can see that this kid is not a fledgling gimmick at all. Whether it is strength or the ability to deal with people, it is not comparable to his Little Brat in Heavenly Fire City.

However, Lin Tianzhuo must do what he said. After all, if Xing Sen was really successful, then his loss of Heavenly Fire City would not be able to make up for with a few top-level respect medicines.

Qin Yichen accepted the medicine, but listened to Huo Jun’s emotions: “Qin Pill Master is Alchemy Dao handsome, but now, from the fire city, Xing Tao has not been eliminated.”

As soon as this word came out, Lin Tianzhuo’s smile froze. Next, he was the top four. If his two disciples meet Xing Tao, they will be eliminated.

After all, Lin Ruyu and Shi Rong cannot compare with Qin Yichen.

The top powerhouse Pill Masters who were present were also speechless. Although these two games had already made Xing Sen look awful, but in the last game, who knows what means to play from the fire city.

However, when everyone was worried, they saw Qin Yichen putting down the tea cup, as if chatting, and asked leisurely, “Lin Master, I don’t know. During the fighting, is it forbidden to discuss Pill Master in private?”

Lin Tianzhuo said for a moment that Alchemy Dao was not in a position to prevent Pill Master from competing in private. After all, Kui Dou doesn’t care what others usually do.

However, looking at Qin Yichen’s faint smile, Lin Tianzhuo suddenly realized, and immediately smiled and said, “No, no!”

When Qin Yichen saw this, he smiled and talked to smart people, and he was happy: “How about Master Lin and Junior, visiting Xing Master together?”

“Good! Good!”

Will Lin Tianzhuo refuse, and a few top powerhouse Pill Masters on the side laughed: “Brother Lin, Master Xing, but my colleagues, when visiting, how can we not bring us?”

Lin Tianzhuo smiled and bowed his head, looked towards Huo Jun, the latter startedled, but as the City Lord, how could he not understand the former and Qin Yi’s intentions.

Therefore, Huo Jun stated on the spot: “Yes, Master Xing, but a VIP of Heavenly Fire City, when visiting, it must be courteous. This City Lord will now call Li Vice-City Lord.”

After a while, I saw a crowd of well-dressed silhouettes in the City Lord Mansion hall. These people, in Heavenly Fire City, all have heads and faces. Qin Yichen glanced at it. Okay, the powerhouse on the counter in the city is almost here. .

“Qin little friend, shall we go?”

Lin Tianzhuo cast a smile, Qin Yichen hearing this, just got up, but when he got up, he indifferently coughed 2 times. Then, the former turned his eyes, and some did n’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Dear friends, Qin little friend went to visit Xing Master just now, and he should take care of some spiritual medicine.”

Suddenly, there were 2 top powerhouses who thoughtfully put together another 6 top-grade medicines. Qin Yichen took it into his pocket and stretched his back—departure!

Aside, Lin Ruyu and the others can also follow the Master to make this fun, while the former looked at the slender silhouette, but the jade hand gently covered the cherry lips, revealing a smile.

“This guy, it’s really unprofitable …”

However, this does not make Lin Ruyu disgusted Qin Yichen because of this, and even makes her feel that the former is interesting, not to mention that she also wants to be rewarded by the Master, but what strength is not enough!

As a result, Heavenly Fire City entire group, the mighty, is to march towards the mansion where Xing Sen lives, but just before leaving, Deacon Yan thought about it, and finally declined the invitation of his peers.

Sitting in the hall, looking at the young silhouette who was being talked about by Lin Tianzhuo, Dean Yan frowned slightly, and the pump light turned.

“It is not unusual to be able to develop a Pill Master in the later stages of the Holy Order.”

“However, Xing Sen did not to be trifled with. This time he came to Heavenly Fire City, but it was a high-level disciple from the fire city.”

Deacon Yan knows that Xing Sen’s three disciples staying away from the Fire City are the real pride of the former!

And the strength of those 3 people, all appeared in the last Kui Dou, they are all late stage!

“That kid, I’m afraid I don’t know how much trouble I’m in.”

However, Deacon Yan is flashing pump light. After these two battles, he can also see that the young man named Qin Yi is by no means a brainless person. Instead, he can eat two heads, only this mind. And means are not comparable to ordinary people.

“Is it possible that …… The teacher behind Qin Yi is also a Master similar to Xing Sen? Even, even above Xing Sen !?”

Thinking of this, Deacon Yan was shocked, but he felt that this possibility was too low. After all, Xing Sen was in the Heavenly Flame mainland and had several points of fame.

“Ah … forget it, I hope the kid won’t be too much, otherwise Xing Sen will regret him in Heavenly Flame City.”

At the same time, Xing Sen’s place of residence was not difficult to find, even Huo Jun knew it long ago, so it didn’t take much time for Qin Yichen to come to that grand mansion.

At this time, Xing Sen was still sitting inside the house, his face was extremely gloomy, 6 steps to respect the Dan! His heart is bleeding!

To him, this is by no means a small sum!

Although the Tianzun Medicine given by Lin Tianzhuo is also very precious, the problem is that he lost both Zun Dan and was beaten by Qin Yichen. His plan to refer to Heavenly Fire City was also a complete failure!

At this moment, Xing Tao healed the injury on Xing Lu’s face while yelling: “Master, the next round of competition, if the discipline encounters the kid …”

Will not be beaten up! ?

Xing Sen’s corner of mouth twitching, this time, he really drew a disciple.

But at this moment, he heard a heroic laughter from outside the government.

“Brother Xing, this Lin is here to visit. I haven’t seen him behind closed doors, isn’t it rude?”

“Lin Tianzhuo!”

When Xing Sen Spirit Power swept away, he noticed the gloom that had never faded when he noticed a silhouette of a young man outside the door.

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