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“It seems that the news of us coming from Huocheng to grab the place is definitely true!”

“Who said no, this time, Master Xing came here in person, I’m afraid he won’t stop easily if he fails to achieve his goal.”

“Hopefully, Master’s disciple can fight for our Heavenly Fire City.”

Although the Alchemy Dao of Heavenly Fire City is as vigorous as it once was, today’s discussions have a lot of sighs.

At the same time, a silhouette outside the city looked at the slowly rising sun and murmured, “It’s time.”

The next moment, the silhouette turned into a streamer, rushing towards Heavenly Fire City …

At this moment, in the heart of Tianhuo Square, there was a joke of laughter, which made Lin Tianzhuo startled.

“Brother Old Lin, didn’t expect you one step early!”

Hearing this laughter, everyone in the square was startled and gave way subconsciously, and even if a few people were annoyed at the entire group that came to the scene, they could only avoid it in the face of the majestic breath. .

This line is exactly 4 people from Xing Sen!

I saw 3 people behind Xing Lu, all of them laughing at the corners of their mouths, but they only felt extremely disdainful for the pupil light from Lin Ruyu and the others!

“Old Ghost Xing, it seems that you are so determined to learn from Kui Dou!”

Suddenly, this unfriendly title made Xing Sen startled, but at this time, he didn’t care about the poor stubbornness of Lin Tianzhuo’s words that he had been pressed by him for so many years.

“Yes, Brother Old Lin, I hope, you Pill Master of Heavenly Fire City, don’t let the old man down!”

As soon as this remark came out, Heavenly Fire City couldn’t help but be angry, Shi Rong bit his teeth and said, “Rest assured, no matter how Heavenly Fire City I am, no one can touch it!”

In response, Xing Sen raised a sneer: “tsk tsk, it is really easier to say a few beautiful words than to win the next battle.”

For a moment, the atmosphere on the square suddenly seemed with swords drawn and bows bent, even if it had not yet begun, everyone could see that at this time, the battle was bound to be countless times more intense than usual!

As Xing Sen’s words came to an end, he actually saw the three Xing Lus behind him. A surge of Spirit Power surged all over. In a short time, Lin Ruyu and other Pill Masters suddenly changed their faces, feeling only a sea of ​​Consciousness. .

Lin Tianzhuo saw the complexion sank, but at the moment he was ready to go, he saw Xing Sen faint smile and said, “Brother Old Lin, the junior is warming up before the fight, you don’t need to intervene?”

Although the words are implicit, but Xing Sen’s a path of ripples, it made Lin Tianzhuo feel invisible pressure!

This scene caused Heavenly Fire City to lose one’s head out of fear, and everyone can see that Xing Sen today is to be tough, and when he arrives, he is going to give them Heavenly Fire City a chance!

Among the crowd, some people showed anger. However, under the coercion of Xing Sen’s terrible Spirit Power, even Huo Jun was reluctant to say more, how even they are!

However, at this moment, I saw a silhouette, crossing the crowd, and right and left: “Sorry, come later, borrow it!”

This silhouette is exactly Qin Yichen, and Xing Sen saw this, and the pump light glanced, as if there was a cold surge.

However, when he saw that the visitor was just an obscure junior who had just broken through the sacred order, Xing Sen sneered, and it seemed that even this silhouette even made him targeted.

However, Xing Sen didn’t care, but at the same time the Xing Lu’s 3 people’s eyes were light flashed, the sneer in the corner of his mouth was even more ridiculous.

“It turned out to be this kid. I still thought he knew something, didn’t expect, and didn’t take our words for the day at all!”

“Hmph, I don’t know how to lift, but since he’s here, let’s pack it together.”

“Just him? This kind of a frog in well, I don’t think there is even a chance to fight with us.”

Qin Yichen did not pay attention to the satire of several people, but was afraid of missing the major event, crowded the crowd, and walked in front of everyone.

At this moment, Lin Ruyu, a group of Heavenly Fire City participating in the quizzical Pill Master, looked at Qin Yichen in front of her, and couldn’t help frowning.

“This kid, haven’t been cultivation at all this month?”

“Although a month is shorter, it shouldn’t be improved at all.”

“It’s also hard to say. Without resources, innate talent is very average. In January, how can we see any progress.”

Lin Ruyu is also Liu Meimei, is this guy knowing how hard he can sprint, and it is difficult to achieve, so simply have no desire to improve?

Although the strength of Fire City is obvious to all, even she feels pressure, but if Qin Yichen is really like this, Lin Ruyu can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

At this moment, Qin Yichen is still the breath of Early-Stage of the holy order, and Lin Ruyu side Shi Rong saw this, and could not help but bring a few scorn words: “Senior Sister, let me just say, this kind of person is just for fun. What’s more, how can Holy-Early Stage be cultivated, that’s all. “

At this moment, when Deacon Yan glanced at the crowd, he said lightly, “Since everyone is here, prepare to draw lots.”

While speaking, Lin Tianzhuo began to prepare, and while warming up before the debut, the three of Xing Lu, with a smirk, walked towards Qin Yichen.

“I said, your kid really dare to come? Who gave you courage?”

“Did I not warn you, the consequences of not listening to advice?”

In the face of those pairs of proud eyes, to be honest, Qin Yichen was used to it. The last time he dared to treat him like this, he didn’t even have a grave in the hunting battlefield.

However, after one month of cultivation, Qin Yichen seemed to be in a good mood. At this moment, it was all about to relax. Star eyes turned, and suddenly there was a touch of tension and fear on the face: “I, I don’t want it either, but the Master said, let me come Alchemy Dao’s training experience is very difficult.

Xing Lu heard this, making a sudden hiss, but the joke between expressions was more intense: “Oh ~ it’s a teacher’s life!”

“Looks like this is your Master asking us to teach you something!”

“Boy, in my opinion, maybe your Master wants you to go through this battle, knowing that you have stepped into the Holy Order, and you are not yet qualified to swell.”

Qin Yichen said nothing, gritted his teeth, and seemed to be grieved for a while, while Lin Ruyu on the side seemed to be inconspicuous: “A few of you, do you have to take care of things between the master and disciple?”

Seeing Lin Ruyu come up, Xing Lu and the others were quite interesting: “Lin Pill Master, this guy and you are not related, so instead of protecting her, consider your Heavenly Fire City quota first.”

Lin Ruyuqiao face sank, she is willing to come forward to protect her. First, the conversation with Qin Yichen was indeed more fun than when she was with Shi Rong and the others.

Immediately, I saw Lin Ruyu dragging Qin Yichen over, and looking at Xing Lu’s beautiful eyes frosty: “Who wins or loses, not necessarily!”

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