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However, when everyone found that there was no one left or right, they suddenly realized that they had been deceived.

“Xu Ziang, you have a long ability! I dare to talk nonsense next time, I’ll pack you first!”

“I don’t know who wanted to tokenize the Immortal Sect, but made a joke! Want to change to a new owner so soon?”

In the face of the anger of everyone, Xu Ziang laughed. He didn’t refute or say more. He seemed to think of being threatened by Duanmu Dengfeng and Qin Yichen in the ruins, and let him complexion sank, muttering: “That guy, must I really see the righteousness More important than life? “

“If I have the strength of that guy, plus that treasure, I will desperately fight, I may not escape …”

At the same time, the high-rises of the Immortal Sect in the battlefield stare intently at the twisted starry sky that isolates the hunting field from the outside.

However, at this moment, I saw a stream of light, breaking through the twisted starry sky, and rushing towards the city of Zhan Jue at a sharp speed.

The appearance of this silhouette made all the seniors of Immortal Sect startled. However, the smile on Gu Suyi’s face was gradually solidified, and replaced by a coldness.

Because, this slender silhouette made him feel quite familiar, but it just happened, it is impossible to appear here like 10000!

And as the slender silhouette approached, the atmosphere inside the battle-hardened city became weird.

Until the silhouette volley stood on the Zhanjie City, and when the cape was dropped, a shout of exclamation broke out in the Zhanjie City.

“Hey, isn’t this kid Qin Yichen? How could he come out alive?”

“Aren’t we going to be a hell? Are the thieves dead?”

Duanmu Longdou is horrified, as if they can’t believe their eyes, although they really hope that this silhouette will return alive, but when the facts are in front of them, they can’t help but have a dreamlike confusion. .

“It’s Yichen, Yichen is back!”

“How about them? Why is there only Yichen?”

For a while, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect was extremely wrong, and Duanmu Dengfeng and the others were absent, and why Qin Yichen was the first one to leave the hunting ground … All kinds of mistakes made it difficult for all Golden Immortal to be powerful in a short time. Clear your thoughts!

Not only Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, but even the major Immortal Sects are horrified. You know, after the young man enters the hunting battlefield, he is clearly a huge reward for walking!

It can be said that Qin Yichen is one of the least likely to live out, none of them!

What’s more, the major Immortal Sects don’t want to understand. What is the elite of Shenxiao Immortal Sect? is it possible that But if this is the case, it will never be possible to return to the battle!

For a time, the appearance of Qin Yichen made dozens of Golden Immortal eyes full of surprise.

However, looking at the volcanic silhouette, the indifferent face, Jiang Haoqiong’s pump light is gradually gloomy.

“Brother Su, the one who stole your hard work, is this thief?”

Gu Suyi’s face was also gloomy, and there was even a mistake: “It’s him!”

In the next instant, Jiang Hao’s dome fluttered, and the whole city was trembling. As if it were trembling and difficult to stand, a coercion of crushing the stars shrouded all directions!

“Boy, it seems that you are going in the wrong direction?”

In the coldly shouted period, Jiang Haoqiong was a little bit ridiculous. In his opinion, Qin Yichen was probably fortunate to escape hunting. He has only dared to show up since hiding in Tibet in the hunting battlefield. Unfortunately, he is too idiot or lucky Poor, actually ran back to the direction of Zhancheng!

However, the next moment, Shenxiao Immortal Sect’s high-level executives couldn’t laugh, because when Qin Yichen saw them, instead of panic on his face, instead of coldly shouted, he raised his palm and emptied a residual sword. Throw it!

“People, I killed them! I want to get revenge on you of the disciple of grand disciples, come here!”


Although the residual sword was severe, a ripple was cut in the starry sky, but without Jiang Haoqiang’s shot, Li Muchen, one of the Elder behind him, flickered, and the next moment, he saw the residual sword, which was pointed by his 2 fingers with no Difficulty of clamping.

Looking at the remnant sword, Li Muchen’s face suddenly gloomy, “This is … the fairy soldier of Roger Martial Nephew!”


The next instant, Li Muchen pushed his fingertips, and the residual sword burst into a powder. At the same time, the whispering voice in the battle city suddenly quieted down. The place where the Immortal Sect and the Golden Immortal stood was like a place. Volcano is about to erupt!

“What’s wrong, is that remnant sword, is it Logger’s blade? Why is it in this kid’s hand …”

“This kid … but Heaven Immortal, why did you get Logger’s Blade?”

An open Golden Immortal glanced at Qin Yichen, the atmosphere of Heaven Immortal, which just made his tone a meal. There were various sects at the scene, and there was no such thing as a surprise, because Immortal Monarch 3 Heavenly Layer and Heaven Immortal didn’t make any difference in their eyes!

What really surprised them was why Qin Yichen came back alive, and also claimed to have killed the disciple of Roger and Shen Xiao Immortal Sect!

“Senior Brother Duanmu, what’s going on?”

Hearing Wei Jiang’s voice, Duanmu Longdou’s face was glomyy and uncertain, and he didn’t know what was going on, because the development of things was different from every one of his expectations!

“I don’t know, it’s just that Yichen’s hand, why is there a sword for Luo Jie? Isn’t it said that Luo Jie is 6 Heavenly Layer?”

“Anyway, this child, Yi Chen, shouldn’t be back!”

Hearing the high-level horror of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, at this moment, there are various sects in the stricken city, the thoughtful powerhouse, but the suspicion has spread in the heart, can’t help thinking, why, this can only be cut by Luo Jie and Heaven’s Chosen. In other words, the kid who was ordered by Gu Suyi will go out of the hunting field first?

Moreover, if Logger’s death is really related to this kid, in the hunting battlefield, Shenxiao Immortal Sect will inevitably turn Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and he will also smash the kid into 10000 segments, but why, but not at this moment A silhouette of Shenxiao Immortal Sect?

For a while, the atmosphere inside the battle city was strange, but Jiang Haoqiong was a lightly narrows the eyes. Between the openings, as if this Heaven and Earth, Qin Yichen was crushed to shatter: “Boy, if you just said it, you dare say it again ? “

However, what is unexpected is that in the face of the coercion of the well-known figure in the Golden Immortal diignified Immortal Sect Sect Master, I do n’t know if it is fearless or how it is. Qin Yichen ’s face is not the same, but it is still rising. A touch of sneer sneered: “A Sect Master, can it be deaf? I said, man, I killed! I want revenge, even if it comes to me!”

Jiang Haoqiong’s pump light was cold. It was one thing for Qin Yichen to dare to provoke his anger in front of the high-level Immortal Sects, but he valued it more, but this is the kid of Heaven Immortal. Can I fear without kneeling under the coercion of my power?

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