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Liu Yueyan 2 was surprised by this expression, the expression seemed complicated, they thought that Qin Yichen would throw their faces away, but did n’t expect, the latter was so open-minded, and then thought that they were only thinking about their own sect, the former felt immediately A touch of guilt.

I saw Liu Yueyan nibble on her teeth: “If there is no Qin Heaven Immortal, there will be 7 cases today. I will not survive my life. Yueyan, thank the Junior Brother Junior Sister who survived, thank Qin Heaven Immortal!”

Wen Wugui also sincerely said, “Previously, this Wen was unwilling to be second, and today, Qin Heaven Immortal’s courage, this Wen, convinced to take it orally!”

Two people bowed, but more of them were sighs. Who ever thought that on the Immortal Sect ceremony, they were small like ants, and they were kneaded by Gu Suyi if they wanted to, but now they are God Xiao Immortal Sect this generation of Heaven’s Chosen, kill as many as possible!

Qin Yichen saw it differently and smiled indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, but we have a common enemy.”

Although he laughed lightly, but with a different kind of deep meaning, Liu Yueyan 2 as the chief, naturally is not stupid, and looked at each other suddenly, his face changed.

Subsequently, Qin Yichen laughed again: “Speaking of this battle, the gains of the two are not worse than this Qin.”

As soon as the words came out, Liu Yueyan’s lovable body trembled, and naturally she understood what the words meant!

Speaking of which, the moment she saw Jiang Yutian fall, the joy in her heart was no less than Duanmu Dengfeng and the others.

In this battle, the discipline of Shenxiao Immortal Sect can be described as vitally injured and lost all its strength. It can be said that the next generation of Shenxiao Immortal Sect will have a great discount on its overall strength and heritage!

In this way, when his Tian Luo and Xing Dou two sects today ’s disciple have completely grown to the level of successor Zong Nei, the right to speak in front of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect is naturally more important!

Maybe you can’t see anything now, but the development of Immortal Sect is not just in front of you, but the inheritance of generations. The battle of Qin Yichen is almost hurting the future vitality of Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

How difficult is it to cultivate the true elite of Jiang Yutian Luojie? Besides, during the re-cultivation of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, would he stop at two sects?

Qin Yichen’s remarks poked at the heart of Liu Yueyan’s two people. After seeing the silence of the two, she saw a sincerity flashing in Liu Yueyan’s beautiful eyes, and suddenly opened the mouth and said: “秦 Heaven Immortal said Extremely, but have you ever wondered why the wall grasses haven’t come to Qin Heaven Immortal until now? “

Qin Yichen hearing this Frown, though he doesn’t care about compliments like Xu Ziang, but should act in accordance with the latter, there should be no response.

You know, when Shen Xiao Immortal Sect was very powerful, Xu Zi’ang almost offered Luo Jie as his father, and now he beheaded Luo Ji, and Xu Zi Ang should be more aweed.

Suddenly, Qin Yichen thought of something, staring with a horror of surprise, and even the face of the original Daquan triumph was instantly gloomy!

When Liu Yueyan saw this, she was sighed, but she had already spoken, or said or not, Qin Yichen had to face it.

“Qin Heaven Immortal, you know that this hunting battlefield is one of the most important experiences of the major Immortal Sects. At the end of each experience, the Golden Immortal powerhouse of the major Immortal Sects will definitely come to pick up.”

Paused, Liu Yueyan said: “What’s more, this time, the old lady Sui thief offered a sky-high reward to take Qin Heaven Immortal your life, if he also comes, then the powerhouse that Shen Xiao Immortal Sect came to pick up must Will be more … “

Glancing at the deep pit blasted out by the annihilation finger, Liu Yueyan mood grave: “Also, Shen Xiao Immortal Sect pays great attention to Jiang Yutian, and will let him come to hunt the battlefield. It is very likely that Divine Heaven Sect Lord … will be there too! “

As soon as this remark came out, the smiles on Duanmu Dengfeng’s faces froze, and replaced by a burst of lose one’s head out of fear.

“It’s over, how can I forget, Shenxiao Immortal Sect’s group of Old Guys, I’m afraid I’m already waiting in Zhancheng!”

“How to do……”

Liu Yueyan’s beautiful eyes looked at Qin Yichen solemnly, but her meaning was clearer. Although the latter battle was famous for various sects, her hatred against Shen Xiao Immortal Sect was even bigger!

If before, the oppression of Qin Yichen was mostly because Gu Suyi wanted to monopolize the compound Dan, but now, Qin Yichen and Shen Xiao Immortal Sect are definitely irreconcilable, and the blood is in deep hatred!

Even Duanmu Dengfeng and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect will surely bear the anger of Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

Because this is not the death of two disciples, but the future of the Immortal Sect of Shenxiao! Qin Yichen has cut off its future, and that God Xiao Immortal Sect will naturally not give Qin Yichen and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect a future!

Therefore, whether it is to avenge revenge or the strategic consideration of Shenxiao Immortal Sect, it can be said that Qin Yichen is now the number one enemy of Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

Not only was Duanmu Dengfeng’s loss one’s head out of fear, but even Liu Yueyan and Wen Wuregan seemed worried, not to mention that their hands were stained with the blood of Shenxiao Immortal Sect disciple.

As Qin Yichen previously analyzed, in order not to let the two sects of the bottom two control the right to speak in the future, Shenxiao Immortal Sect will surely take thunderbolt to suppress it when these years are still prosperous!

It can be said that today’s news, once it reaches the Zhan Jue Cheng, then the anger of Shenxiao Immortal Sect will surely smooth everything like howling wind and torrential rain!

Duanmu Dengfeng and the others are desperate. You must know that the rise of Qin Yichen has made them see a proud future, the innate talent of the former, plus the chance of harvest, and the golden Immortal Scarlet flowers, future achievements, absolutely inestimable!

However, Shen Xiao Immortal Sect will never give Qin Yichen this chance! Even Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is likely to be buried!

Duanmu Dengfeng has no blame or plans to clarify his relationship with Qin Yichen. Now, in his opinion, even if Qin Yichen didn’t really learn from the teacher, it is also their brother, why not live and die together! ?

But the thought of the cataclysm that Sect is about to greet, Duanmu Dengfeng can’t help trembling: “No, no, Brother Qin, rest assured, this time, Huangfu Martial Uncle will definitely come, Master and Wei Martial Uncle they also Will come! “

“When the time comes, Master them, they will surely at all costs protect you, Brother Qin, there must be a way to save the risk …”

However, such words made Liu Yueyan’s bitter smile. She was not doubting the importance of Qin Yichen to Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, but the problem is that if Duanmu Longdou and the others can have the power to compete with the high-level Immortal Sect , Will the patience of being oppressed swallow these years?

Nie Yuntian also looked bleak, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and hissed, “Yes, are there other methods to leave the hunting field? Why not let Brother Qin leave now …”

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