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However, when Qin Yichen looked at the eyes of the battle, he suddenly was dumbfounded. Although the latter was still a kind smile, his eyes were full of comfort, but in addition, there was still a touch of sadness and perseverance.

After a long time, I saw a bitter bitterness in the laughter of the battle: “My master doesn’t have to say it, so recasting, it’s considered … let the old man stay with my master, even if it is only for a period of time Yeah. “

The tone was like, just an elder who wanted to accompany Junior and care for him through a section of the road.

Qin Yichen was silent. After a long time, he saw his gritted teeth. He stunned deeply: “Xian Jia is in his hand, and the immortal soldier is in his body. Just like Senior accompanied him to motivate him left and right, Junior … will not relent!”

Xun Zhan smiled. In the smile, she was full of relief, as if the last wish of her life was realized.

Immediately, I saw the two gold and bronze brilliances, merged with 2 angels and the White Tiger blade!


In a short time, Qin Yichen saw the two treasures that accompanied him for the longest time. After the fusion, he was covered with a bunch of gold and copper, as if it were the blood of a senior who was pouring!

With the recasting of the two immortal soldiers, the silhouette of the battle is becoming more and more illusory. Until the end, 2 streams of light fly to Qin Yichen again!

At this moment, the White Tiger’s blade is in hand, and the 10000 Taoist armors are very different from the previous ones!

I saw the original Cold glow, the baleful qi’s aggressive White Tiger blade. At the moment, there was a touch of gold and copper shining on the blade, and you can feel that the blade’s killing gas is even more fierce!

Not only that, Qin Yichen can feel that today’s White Tiger blade, like, no stronghold one cannot overcome, Heaven and Earth, is just cut off between this blade!

The promotion of 10000 Taoism armors is even more violent. Although the gold and copper glare is no longer visible, it is not disappearing. It seems that they are hidden in the fairy armor and have golden light a little bit, lingering around the body.

Most importantly, Qin Yichen found that in the middle of 10000 Taoism armors, which is the position of the belt, there is an extra head of grandmother, the grandeur of a grandmother, extremely magnificent, like the War God aura.

For a time, Qin Yichen’s complexion was complex. He only felt that the immortal soldiers and immortals were very heavy. As if they were among them, they shouldered numerous burdens called responsibilities.

Similarly, he felt that this fairy armor gave him an incomparable sense of security. The White Tiger blade gave him the courage to move forward, as if he was no longer alone, and there were countless powerful ancestors, who accompanied him around, and Together with him, stabbing thorns!

As Qin Yichen said, the fairy armor will be worn for a day, he will not forget this way, and the ancestors who threw their heads and shed their blood and buried their bodies around the world!

“Junior Qin Yichen, thank you Senior!”

Qin Yichen’s voice was low, staring at the extremely faint, faint, but faint smile, the staring eyes were red.

“In the future, the old man will be able to fight alongside my master True Dragon …”

This long sigh of gratification made Qin Yichen’s body tremble suddenly.

But the battle was kind of pump light, supporting the last strand of Remnant Soul, and laughing: “Now, let the old man this Remnant Soul, and finally help my master to take this step …”

After the speech was over, I saw the silhouette of the battle, and it gradually dissipated. Qin Yichen was shocked and desperately wanted to hold the 4 scattered lights in the palm of his hand, but found that the lights not only disappeared, but poured in. Got his within the body.


In just a moment, Qin Yichen is red with star eyes. At this moment, he only feels 4 limbs on four limbs, burning and metamorphosing, as if, becoming more resolute, like, within the body, is flowing with a touch of blood!

But what really makes Qin Yichen tremble is the heartbreaking …

“Why, why every goodbye is goodbye.”


Maybe it ’s burning blood, or it ’s heartbreaking, so Qin Yichen yelled in the sky. It seems like I have to ask Heaven and Earth here. Why did the havoc cover the world!

However, no one in this palace responded to the roar of Qin Yichen. Eventually, the light dissipated. On the skin of the former, a layer of gold and copper light was gradually hidden in the flesh and blood, and the whole person was as indestructible as stone.

Inside the palace, only that token was left and floated to Qin Yichen.

“Fight, fight, fight, fight …”

The name of each and everyone, as if remembering the glory of the original, makes Qin Yichen’s heart as keen as a knife …

Until the end, even the palace of gold and bronze gradually collapsed and dissipated, leaving only a slender silhouette standing in place.

“hong long! ”

A thunder, rang through the 8 sides, shook Heaven and Earth, the slender silhouette, slowly raised his head, but now facing the Thunder Tribulation, which is feared by countless creatures in the world, he no longer awed, but instead, pump light Extremely cold!

Qin Yichen only knows that every time he spends a thunder, the distance is close to revenge for those Seniors!

I want to break the thunder for 9 days and dare to ask the Spiritual God to know True Dragon!

“bang! !!”

Heaven Immortal, come!

At the same time, on the hilly plains, as the major Immortal Sects struggled to fight, Roger was all closer and closer to the scarlet flower.

Even, everyone can already feel the vastness of the increasingly Supreme from the blood glow that the blood-colored flower is gradually blooming!

The heartbeat of Roger is also surging, but the only thing that makes him unhappy is that the speed of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is getting faster and faster!

According to his expectations, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect may be dead in the hands of these Remnant Soul, but now it is gradually catching up!

When Li Ge saw this, it was a burst of gnashing teeth: “This bunch of waste is so hard for people to use as cannon fodder. Today, you must let you die here!”

Nonetheless, in Roger’s view, nothing is more important than this scarlet flower, let alone, from start to finish, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is in his eyes a group of wastes that can be easily eliminated.

“Hmph, this bunch of waste is just a stubborn one that’s all before dying, do you still expect Tian Luo Immortal Sect to dig a grave for them?”

However, there was another person at the moment that made Roger irritable, although in his opinion, that guy was like a mouse hiding in the shadows.

“It’s all this time, the thief hasn’t shown up yet, does he really want to snatch this Supreme Treasure at a critical moment?”

As soon as this word came out, I saw Lige said with a sneer: “He dares!”

“If the thief really dares to make this Supreme Treasure’s idea, let him skeleton doesn’t exist!”

After sneer, what did Li Ge think of, stunned and teased: “Senior Brother Luo, you said, would the thief escape with the cape as early as possible?”

Roger is startled, pump light is blinking, let alone, this is really possible!

However, I don’t see any regrets for him. As long as I get the Supreme Treasure here, when the time comes, what Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, and the so-called Northern War World … everything related to Qin Yichen will be destroyed and slaughtered !!

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