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“Life road?”

There was a murmur in the battle, and a cloud of confusion appeared in the cloudy eyes.

True Dragon True Phoenix was defeated and Heaven and Earth changed hands. In order to preserve the True Dragon Bloodline, the puppet clan fought blood for clan, even if there was only one person left in the end, they never took a half step back.

Life road, why did they want to have it?


Looking at the mist in those eyes, Qin Yichen couldn’t help sighing, and after taking a deep breath, said firmly, “I swear here that in my lifetime, I will cut off the demons, for my ancestors, for Family, Seniors of the White Tigers Revenge! “

Hearing this, the body of Yan Zhan trembled suddenly, and a faint light appeared in those eyes.

“My lord, absolutely not reckless …”

After a while, the battle sighed again and said, “I see my Lord today, it seems that the blood of the robes is not wasted!”

“However, this Heaven and Earth is no longer the old days. The most important thing for our Lord is to protect ourselves. As for revenge …”

Fighting shook the head, did not continue.

He didn’t want to attack Qin Yichen’s arrogance, but he knew how powerful the enemies True Dragon lineage had to face, and Qin Yichen’s strength was only the Immortal Monarch 3 Heavenly Layer. Even with True Dragon Bloodline, he could not go with those The enemy contends.

“The old man is far away, my lord, although I have no ability to save your friends, you only need to use a hint of Bloodline Strength to protect them.”

He Zhan looked at Qin Yichen with a smile and proudly said: “Although there are many evil spirits, even a trace of Prestige of True Dragon is enough to make these evil spirits dare not offend.”

“Bloodline Strength?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen frowned, when he was in Human Race, he knew that his mighty righteousness in Bloodline Strength had great restraint against demons, but how can he shelter Duanmu Dengfeng and the others here?

“Our Lord just has to cover Bloodline Strength on the person you want to protect.”

Seems to see Qin Yichen’s distress, and he pointed at the light curtain ahead, Tao.

“Can it still be so?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen pupil suddenly shrunk, looking at Duanmu Dengfeng and the others in the light curtain, and he no longer hesitated. With a little finger, a ray of great vitality surging out, quietly covering Duanmu Dengfeng, etc. Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect powerhouse.

And as this breath spreads, those Remnant Souls who were killing Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect powerhouse, as if they saw something extremely terrifying, screamed sharply, and then quickly backed away.

“many thanks Senior!”

Seeing that it worked, Qin Yichen quickly cup one fist in the other hand, thank you.

“Little trick that’s all.”

Shook the head. Although his only Remnant Soul was unable to help, but this space was created by his divine power after all, and he could only do this for Qin Yichen.


Faced with several Remnant Soul’s cullings, a Heaven Immortal sect disciple who had been exhausted waiting for death, and waited for a while but didn’t hear the kind of pain he expected, he couldn’t help but open his eyes: “I … I’m not dead ?! “

“This… what is going on?”

At this time, this person only found out that those Remnant Souls who wanted to kill themselves did not know when they were standing outside their feet. Although their eyes were still full of violent killing intents, they did not continue to flutter. Kill, as if there was anything in this direction that made them extremely daunting.

“Which Senior Brother has freed up to save me? Not to mention, I’ll fight a few more Remnant Souls!”

This discrete clenched the teeth, turning to be thankful, but found himself on the side of several same sects, but also a look of doubt.

“What’s going on? Why did these Remnant Soul suddenly retreat?”

At this time, Duanmu Dengfeng and the others, who had been scattered apart, also took the opportunity to quickly gather together, and they watched Remnant Soul outside the several feet vigilantly, quickly adjusting their state.

“Senior Brother Duanmu, what happened to these Remnant Souls?”

Nie Yuntian swallowed 2 compound dans and asked.

“do not know……”

Duanmu Dengfeng shook the head. Obviously, he was also confused. At the same time, he stretched out his palm and motioned for some elixir.

“Is there something hidden in the Senior Brother normally. At such a critical moment today, the spirit of the king is urged, so let these Remnant Souls be terrified?”

Nie Yuntian spread his hand, saying that he had no compound Dan.

“You have 2 swallows left!”

Seeing this scene, Duanmu Dengfeng’s face sank, so stance, as if he could not wait to tear Nie Yuntian’s mouth open, dig out one.

“haha ……”

Seeing this, a lot of heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect’s disciplines couldn’t help laughing out loud, and the original tight atmosphere suddenly became a lot more relaxed.

Seeing that the purpose had been achieved, Nie Yuntian did not joke and threw 2 mellow elixir directly. He also knew that after entering the ruins of Chunyang, Duanmu Dengfeng and the others were certainly not as lucky as them, although with the star Immortal Sect joined forces, but I’m afraid there have been battles before, and Duanmu Dengfeng’s elixir is probably exhausted.

“Dear everyone, don’t panic medicine, let’s ask that guy after we finish!”

Duanmu Dengfeng glared at Nie Yuntian, swallowed the elixir, shouted loudly.

“Composite Dan was developed by Senior Brother Qin. Without it, we can reach out, haha!”

“Yes, when we kill a blood path, we must ask Dandan and Senior Brother Qin for more compound Dan when we return!”

“Haha, didn’t expect this medicine efficacy of Dan to be so good, I am fighting again!”

With Duanmu Dengfeng’s words falling down, the many disciplines of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect also laughed out loud.

“Hmph, let you slap your tongue again. I’ll take a look. With your waste, how many people can go to the end!”

At this time, Roger and the others in front of me also heard these applause, but in the face of the endless Remnant Soul, they didn’t turn their heads back, just sneaked and didn’t care.

Although Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect was accompanied by the thighs of the stars of Immortal Sect and Tianluo Immortal Sect, but without Peak battle strength, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder!

In Roger’s view, these Remnant Souls are enough to make the Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect powerhouse completely lost even if you do n’t need to do it yourself. Even if there are 2 a fish that escaped the net running out, they can be as easy as Blowing off dust.

“Didn’t expect Duanmu Dengfeng and Nie Yuntian also have some leadership qualities.”

Behind the Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, Liu Yueyan whispered, a touch of intolerable light flashed in the beautiful eyes, but this expression soon disappeared.

On this continent, the powerhouse is respected, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, since they want to alliance with them, and let them work against the Immortal Sect, it is bound to pay a certain price. Opening the way for them is part of this price!

Moreover, Liu Yueyan also understands that the current situation is very unfavorable to them. Even if someone with Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect opens the way, I am afraid that they will not be able to come to an end safely. They can only minimize the loss of their Immortal Sect powerhouse to In the end, there is capital that can compete with Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

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