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At the First Stage opportunity, there are ten out of the ordinary fairy soldiers. Of course, the dangers and enemies faced are not easy to deal with. Qin Yichen looks forward to the deeper ruins and more precious opportunities. Similarly, he is also vigilant that he will encounter more Difficult danger.

Of course, the thing that made him feel as if he was on the back was the threat from Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

Although Qin Yichen asked himself if he was running alone after the cloak, it is not impossible, but if he can really abandon the same selfish generation of the same sect brother, he will have the opportunity to enter the ruins alone.

After entering the light gate, as before, everyone’s body is gradually shrouded in light, like a strange sense of space-time travel.

And when everyone’s eyes went into a glare, and a path of disappeared, no one noticed that Qin Yichen’s badge and token hidden in the undershirt actually flew out, as if being pulled, and was shining in all around In the middle, a vortex was torn.

The vortex has a very strong attraction, and Qin Yichen, shrouded in light, didn’t even feel it, so he was sucked into it, as if he was on a completely different path with others.


The light gradually dissipated. When Qin Yichen came back to his senses, he realized that he was in a palace!

That palace was also poured from gold and bronze light, making all around light glamorous. Not only that, Qin Yichen also found that there were many tokens floating in the palace.

Those tokens, if you look closely, are the tokens of the Yi family!

The floating position of this token seems to be respectful and humble. Below, it is the one that Xu Ziang was lucky to get. It is unnamed, and the above ones have names.

And when it comes to the token, I do n’t know when it will be like a homing, also in it!

Qin Yichen was secretly surprised that every token in this palace symbolized the blood of a Qiang senior who had sprinkled here, and Qin Yichen believed that there were more tokens scattered throughout the hunting battlefield. Here, only a few, because Xu Ziang can find the 饕餮 token, you can see.

And what attracts Qin Yichen’s attention is undoubtedly the one that surpasses Li and waits for a group of engraved Dai powerhouse tokens, that simple token!

Above the token, 饕餮 盘踞, swallowing heaven devouring earth, and on the back, there is an awesome 2 words-饕 战!

“this is……”

For a while, Qin Yichen was still skeptical of everything in front of her, and why everyone else was not there, but she saw the many tokens flicker. Eventually, they gathered on the top of the battle token, a silhouette of a human figure, gradually blurred. Become clear!

And even if the silhouette hadn’t formed, Qin Yichen felt the awesomeness in his heart. Under the silhouette, he felt that he was so small.

As the silhouette became clearer, the feeling became stronger. Until the end, Qin Yichen’s mind had only the thought that made him extremely horrified!

That is, the silhouette of this golden and bronze light condenses, just like a Spiritual God came to the world!

Qin Yichen is in awe and he is very clear. This silhouette, at least, is not malicious to him, otherwise, even coercion will make him unable to even look up!

At that moment, the silhouette was clear, and looking at it, it looked like an old man. Although the old man was old, Qin Yichen felt that he was extremely strong and full of majesty, but he chose to treat him. There is an indescribable kindness.

“My lord … we finally met.”

“My, my lord !?”

Qin Yichen was shocked. Although he didn’t know why he appeared in this palace, he could vaguely guess that this must be related to the Dai people!

And the identity of this old man must be above the senior and senior!

This voice made Qin Yichen’s heart fiercely tremble.

The old man, however, didn’t care at all. Instead, he treated Qin Yichen’s identity as if he was solemn and serious: “The Great Elder of the Qiang people fought and saw the descendants of True Dragon.”


As soon as this word came out, Qin Yichen was shocked on the spot, and the shock in his heart was even more difficult to describe in words!

She, Great Elder! ?

From this level of identity alone, Qin Yichen knows how the senior fighting in front of him is, to rebuke Heaven and Earth, smile proudly Heaven and Earth!

After the horror, Qin Yichen quickly calmed his mind and solemnly replied: “Boy Qin Yichen, who has seen the battle Senior, and Senior is in front of him. I have two characters, and the kid is really ashamed.”

For the identity of True Dragon descendants, Qin Yichen has never regarded it as a proud capital, but rather a responsibility. Therefore, in the face of fierce fighting, he is from the heart of respect and humility.

The glorious battle of fighting this, if not willing to care too much about the details, just smiled kindly: “My lord is of such strength at this age, and he is very pleased.”

Qin Yichen was shocked, but then he understood that he estimated that his actions and achievements in the ruins could be clearly understood by senior soldiers.

However, when Qin Yichen came back to his senses, he quickly said: “Senior, boy’s same sect, and …”

He is not beside Nie Yuntian and the others, Shen Xiao Immortal Sect is afraid of no more scruples!

However, fighting this while hearing this, it was a fatly smiled. With a wave of his arm, he saw a light curtain that appeared in front of Qin Yichen.

“Don’t worry, your same sect is temporarily safe.”

When Qin Yichen looked down the light curtain, he did not see the reassurance in his eyes. The former encountered himself, and he could not carelessly inheritance or the like, but the first reaction was to think of the safety of same sect.

From the light curtain, Qin Yichen saw the situation of Nie Yuntian at the moment!

On an empty expanse, there are several light gates opening, and the silhouette of Liu Yueyan and the others is walking out of one of the light gates. Looking ahead, the people of the Immortal Sect are also present, even watching It was as if Roger had arrived early.

Qin Yichen estimates that the people of the Immortal Sect should be here, but the 1000 silhouettes are not crowded on this hill.

At this time, each of the major Immortal Sects was integrating their teams, and when Li Ge saw Roger and the others, he couldn’t help but shine, and then, with a little guilt, came forward and trembled: “Senior Brother Luo, Junior Brother carelessly, shame on our Immortal Sect … “

Qin Yichen didn’t expect, this Li Ge was not so arrogant in front of the same sect, and Luo Jie looked up slightly, looked at Li Ge and more than ten people, and then glanced at Liu Yueyan and nearly 100 Tian Luo Immortal The Sect people seemed to know what was going on in an instant.

Immediately, he saw Laojie laugh and said, “Junior Brother Li doesn’t have to blame himself. Some people rely on many people and become mad for a while. Let them pay the price later!”

The words are mixed with coldness, which makes Liu Yueyan hearing this pretty face changes, biting her silver teeth, and secretly thinking that when you joined forces to oppress Qin Yichen, why did n’t you say that there are many people! ?

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