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“Qin, Qin Yichen actually won !?”

“3 … 3 wins and 3 wins, how could he do it!”

“Is this guy a monster !?”

It took a long time for me to see the voices of the major Immortal Sect trembling with trembling. At this time, even if the enemy who knew that Qin Yichen had offended was far more powerful than himself, even the existence of the former, The countdown has entered.

But at the moment, no one dares to call him a thief!

Until this time, Liu Yueyan’s beautiful eyes were still in awe. Although she also won 3 games in a row, everyone can see that the monster that Qin Yichen encountered was more difficult to deal with than hers!

Moreover, this is not a simple addition and subtraction comparison method. You must know that if you encounter an unexpected existence, you will be in danger of death!

“This guy, did he really worship Huang Fuyu as a teacher only a year and a half ago?”

Looking at that silhouette, Liu Yueyan whispered to herself, before the Immortal Sect ceremony, she had never even heard of Qin Yichen’s name!

Tian Luo Immortal Sect is dazzling, although Qin Yichen’s previous strength is not weak, and they have an impressive record of defeating Immortal Sect. Before that, they all thought more or less that the former The reason for being able to ally with him is mostly because of the token in his hand, and also because Senior Sister Liu wants to win over the enemy of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect.

But now, they realized that the alliance of Senior Sister Liu was not Qin Yichen’s good fortune, but that the latter had such strength!

Nie Yuntian and the others, it was a ecstasy, winning 3 games in a row. A moment ago, it was only the impressive record that only Tian Tian Chief can have!

But now, Senior Brother Qin in their mouths has also done it. Even, to a certain extent, it is even more powerful than Liu Yueyan!

“Brother Qin is mighty!”

“Come on, this is the War God of my Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect!”

“3 wins and 3 wins. Once some people have lost the so-called backing, they are afraid they will not be able to do it in this life!”

Hearing this, Li Ge’s face was gloomy, but it was difficult to refute. Even at this moment, he felt a strong sense of crisis!

“When Senior Brother Luo comes, you must get rid of this thief anyway!”

Only at this moment, Li Ge was just making up his mind, looking at the slender silhouette, even him, before the same sect, did not dare to open his mouth, closed mouth to call his thief.

With the dispersal of Heaven’s Immortal power, Qin Yichen stole the blade of White Tiger, slowly walked into the Transmission Array, and appeared in front of everyone.

For these 3 battles and 3 wins, Qin Yichen’s face was calm and there was no sign of showing off, but even so, the people of the major Immortal Sects retreated subconsciously.

Liu Yueyan froze for a moment, looking at the indifferent handsome face, and finally, she raised a rare smile: “Your state, it seems that you haven’t reached the limit yet?”

“Chief Liu looks down on me so much, I’m just standing up now.”

Qin Yichen said with a bitter smile.

To be honest, Lien Chan did have a lot of loss in 3 games, but it is not indispensable if he wants to kill and kill a monster.

It’s just that the light door is open now, and what he has to pay attention to now is the Immortal Sect, which may be encountered later.

And, although they are temporarily allied with Tianluo Immortal Sect, no one can say that, in the face of interests, will the allies rebel!

While speaking, I saw a ray of magnificent light coming in. It was the Immortal Grade after the victory. Nie Yuntian saw this, and came back to his senses with ecstasy, and hurried forward: “Brother Qin, this is The spoils of war you won just now are all good things! “

Qin Yichen cast his eyes. Although he was only concerned about killing, he actually already looked forward to the spoils of war. After all, the 3 Immortal Grades won by Liu Yueyan made everyone jealous, and his spoils of war, it is estimated that it will only be better.

“This one is to win the spoils of war of the monster that almost killed someone.”

When he said this, Nie Yuntian didn’t forget to glance at the nearly frowned Lige. The look seemed to say that the monster that almost killed you was easily defeated by Brother Qin, and this spokes of war, Also captured by Brother Qin!

Qin Yichen was too lazy to ridicule Lige, but took over the spoils of war. This was a black cloak. The inside and outside of the cloak were engraved with simple curses.

Qin Yichen looked for a moment, but some of the swords frowned slightly: “This cloak should not look like a self-defense fairy treasure like fairy armor.”

Nie Yuntian laughed, “No matter what he is, don’t understood if you try it on.”

Qin Yichen think about it, although it is good to keep a certain vigilance against the strange Xianbao, but now, how can the spoils of war won by his own strength look forward?

Immediately, when Qin Yichen shook his cloak, he shrouded its slender silhouette, and while everyone was watching with expectation and curiosity, they saw that the former figure suddenly disappeared into a cloud of smoke.


“What about Senior Brother Qin?”

This scene surprised everyone, a living man, just disappeared in the presence of the public?

Not only that, they found that the signs of disappearance were similar to the previous shadow monster, has several points of.

However, what surprised everyone the most was how no matter how they used immortal strength, they could not detect the existence of Qin Yichen!

Among them, Lige was the most violent reaction, and even Shenxiao Immortal Sect surrounded them in a circle on the spot, looking at all around with vigilance, and the former looked around in four places, as if the nightmare that had almost killed him. Repeated in general.

“What about people? What about those guys !? It must be dressing up as God, playing the devil!”

be that as it may, but Lige is panicking too! If this cloak really has Magical Powers similar to that of the shadow monster, then Qin Yichen will kill him whenever he has a chance!

But to say the most shocking, it is Liu Yueyan! Because even if she urges the immortal dao rule to the extreme, it is difficult to detect where Qin Yichen is at the moment!

“This cloak is simply the Supreme Treasure of hiding!”

Just as Liu Yueyan was secretly shocked in her heart, the exclaim of a same sect behind her even shook her lovable body.

“Senior Sister Liu, look at that!”

Liu Yueyan’s lovable body trembled, and when her beautiful eyes looked, she found that there was a slender silhouette standing somewhere in the crowd!

That slender silhouette seems to be gradually out of the dark, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, isn’t it Qin Yichen?

At this moment, Liu Yueyan had slightly tanned lips, jade hand covering her face, her face was incredible.

“The cloak you got … too great!”

After came back to his senses, the envy in Liu Yueyan’s beautiful eyes was almost unveiled!

Although Liu Yueyan also knows that the dark tower and the fairy armor she got are also very good, but compared to the silent cloak of Qin Yichen, she always feels a little insufficient!

In other words, the reason why Liu Yueyan is so envious is that Qin Yichen’s cloak gave her so much usefulness!

In this regard, Qin Yichen just smiled indifferently: “Chief Liu is also good, but chief Liu has a lot of treasures, so that’s all.”

When the words came to an end, Li Ge’s tight figure finally relaxed, but for a short while, he and a lot of same sect, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and his body could not help but tremble slightly …

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