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Liu Yueyan hearing this, this is the sandal lip slightly stretched, taking the compound Dan, and beautiful eyes looked at Qin Yichen complicatedly, but then, the pretty face was flashed with surprise, this is just a few breaths, compound Dan It has taken effect, even more prominent than the Zun Dan she served first.

What’s more important to Liu Yueyan is that this compound Dan has no conflict with other Dan medicines!

Liu Yueyan understands that this alone is enough to make Gu Yiyi!

At the same time, a restraint on the light gate dissipated, and a dark ancient tower floated to Liu Yueyan.

Although the ancient tower is only half-height high, Qin Yichen knows that once urged, I am afraid that it can be turned into a giant tower, and the tower has numerous mysterious curses.

At first glance, this tower is suffocating, as if imprisoned in the tower, it will be difficult to see the sun again, and finally destroy both body and soul!

Qin Yichen took a few glances, and then smiled: “This tower is pretty good. In terms of Chief Liu, the harvest of this battle is really enviable.”

Three wins in a row, two of which were treasure, were considered to be good among the ten Immortal Grades, especially the dark ancient tower, which made Lige jealous while watching.

But Liu Yueyan heard this, but it was a bitter smile: “The harvest is not small, but unfortunately, it has not improved me much for the time being.”

That fairy armor, Liu Yueyan must not, the bone blade is the same, and this dark ancient tower mystery seems to slightly overlap with the Yuewu fairy.

However, Liu Yueyan was still very happy and could not hide her heart. No matter what, she got 3 Immortal Grades, which was really good.

Thinking of this, Liu Yueyan was smug on her pretty face, and glanced at Li Ge, as if you were asking, how many Immortal Grades could your Immortal Sect win?

However, what just said made Lige complexion ashen, at this moment being provoked, how can he bear it? !!

Especially in the last sentence, what does it mean that you can’t make your own shot? Is it that in Liu Yueyan’s eyes, she doesn’t deserve to be on the equal terms with the thief?

“Slut, if it weren’t for your help, the thief’s body would have been flattened!”

Thinking of this, Li Ge was annoyed for a while, and Gloomy face came forward and said, “Yue Yueyan, when is the ownership of this Immortal Grade, it’s your turn to decide?”

As soon as this remark came, Liu Yueyan’s beautiful eyes were cold, and the manpower on both sides glared at each other: “Li Ge, what do you mean?”

Li Ge sneered for a while, not forgetting to glance at Qin Yichen: “It’s very simple, you can harvest 3 Immortal Grades, I Li Ge, it is not necessary!”

Having said that, Li Ge was ruthlessly said: “Next time, I’ll take the shot myself, who has an opinion?”

After the words came to an end, Lige was glaring at Qin Yichen, as if he was warning the latter, and then, looking at Liu Yueyan, who had not completely recovered her blood on the pretty face, suddenly said with a sneer: If you think about it, talk. If I were you, shut up now and resume your breath! “


Liu Yueyan clenches the teeth, what Li Ge means, it is clear that she has just had 3 games in a row, and her state is not good, so as to seize the right to speak!

The original meaning of Liu Yueyan was to let Qin Yichen play first, for nothing else, Immortal Grade, there is no reason for Shenxiao Immortal Sect to succeed first, right?

But at this moment, Brother Li is somber and tough!

Liu Yueyan glanced at Qin Yichen, but found that the latter was indifferent, even facing Li Ge’s threatening gaze, and he didn’t care: “Since you want to go first, then you are welcome. Now. “

As soon as this word came out, Liu Yueyan immediately stopped and said, “Qin Immortal Monarch, no!”

Although you want to get any Immortal Grade, you have to go through a hard battle, but you can take the initiative and control the initiative to a certain extent!

However, Qin Yichen shook his head slowly, sound transmission said: “Chief Liu, you forgot a bit, if I shot at this moment, and then end up, I am afraid that the state is the same as you, when the time comes, if Li Ge is worried … … unless, Chief Liu wants to tear his face with Shen Xiao Immortal Sect here completely. “

As soon as this word came out, Liu Yueyan startedled, yeah! If not Qin Yichen reminded, she only paid attention to Immortal Grade, but forgot the threat from Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

“It’s cheaper this guy!”

After Liu Yueyan snorted, it was said with a sneer: “Since you are so confident, it will be as you wish, but don’t lose your Immortal Grade, but lose your life instead.”

“Hmph, don’t need you to talk!”

Lige was coldly snorted, turned around and walked towards the Transmission Array. In front of the major Immortal Sects, Liu Yueyan showed some mighty power, but how could his god Immortal Sect be compared?

What’s more, even if it’s not face, he can’t be cheap!

Of course, although Li Ge’s attitude is strong, but he also knows from the bottom of his heart that when it comes to strength, he is slightly inferior to Liu Yueyan. However, there is no problem in defeating 2 games.

Even better luck encountered some weaker monsters, winning 3 games in a row, why not! ?

With this in mind, Li Ge was holding his head up, stepping into the Transmission Array with a touch of pride.

“Come on, those Immortal Grades, Young Master really want them!”

Li Ge has his hands on his back, and looks like a master. No matter what the hearts of the Immortal Sect think, there is a compliment on his face.

“There are 3 games left, Sir Li shots himself, I’m afraid they will be solved together.”

“Who said no, Senior Brother Li took the shot and let Tian Luo Immortal Sect see what the gap is!”

In the face of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect touting Li Ge, from time to time the scornful eyes cast, Qin Yichen has a look of indifference, the former wants to come, then let him follow.

Furthermore, although there are only six bans, there are ten Immortal Grades. Can he still get the remaining seven Immortal Grades?

If he had that strength, would Li Ge still care about Tian Luo Immortal Sect?

At this moment, I heard a sound of loose chains, but this time, what filled everyone’s ears, was not as fiercely roaring as before, but like a ghostly whisper in the night.

Although the voice is light, even with a faintly discernible cymbal, but it makes a cold hair stand upside down, like the fear in the bottom of my heart, is evoked at this moment.

Li Ge also had his eyes fixed. His previous attitude was mad, in order to maintain the majesty of the Immortal Sect, but in fact he was not stupid. On the spot, he was vigilant: “What is this monster?”


With a flash of light flashing, the fourth monster appeared!

However, everyone was surprised that this monster was different from the previous three, but a gray shadow that looked like an ordinary person.

The shadow was off the feet, floating slightly, silent, and even a little awesome breath was not emitted.

“this is……”

Seeing this monster, Liu Yueyan, who had meditated cross-legged, couldn’t help squinting her eyes, and to her surprise, in this shadow, she couldn’t detect the breath and general realm of Immortal Monarch powerhouse!

This is completely different from the previous three monsters. Even if you close your eyes, Liu Yueyan can hardly detect the existence of that dark shadow!

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