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“this is……”

This monster, Qin Yichen is very familiar, even deeper in his memory!

Because at the end of the Shen emperor battlefield, when they fled the Asura field, the repression under the jade monument seemed to belong to this monster!

That monster on the battlefield of Shendi seems to be punished, but it is terrible when he finally wakes up. Qin Yichen has never forgotten it!

“Not good, this time, Senior Sister Liu seems to be out of luck!”

After everyone came back from his panic and came back to his senses, he looked at that tall and burly, black and ink, but with the words of curses and flashes, just like Asura’s killing monster, it’s all trembling!

Even Liu Yueyan is an expression grave. If she is close to the enemy, this monster is just a breath, which makes her feel very tricky.

Although Liu Yueyan didn’t know what the ten monsters were like and did not know the ranking, the one she encountered was probably the most powerful one!

When Li Ge saw this, he was secretly taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “It seems that it is really important to me, Liu Yueyan, do you think you are still prestigious this time!”

Qin Yichen expression was serious, condensed: “Chief Liu, be careful!”

No need to remind him, Liu Yueyan also knows that this battle will be extremely difficult!

Ten 2 The jade moon appeared, but before Liu Yueyan took the lead, she saw the monster in front of her, and her body suddenly disappeared!

“So fast!”

Liu Yueyan’s face changed abruptly. If you said that the Bloodwing Monster just now, from an outsider’s point of view, perhaps the speed is sharp, but for her strength, it can still be captured.

But the speed of this monster made her feel wrong all the time!

Not only that, it was almost instantaneous, and everyone felt a sense of coercion, as if tore them apart, even the elites of Shenxiao Immortal Sect were ugly.

Li Ge guessed that if he faced this monster directly, I am afraid that under 6 Heavenly Layer, even this coercion cannot be countered!


At this moment, a more astonishing scene appeared. At the moment when the monster’s figure appeared, the curse of his arms surged out a fierce force like Asura’s birth. With just one punch, ten immortals were destroyed Boom back!

After the punch, the monster ’s other punch broke out again, and Liu Yueyan’s palms resisted with the elimination of the centipede. After the air of the confrontation was extremely distorted, she saw the former’s lovable body, which was difficult to support the general back and forth. .


After the jade foot wrapped in the fairy armor boots fell to the ground, a terrible air wave broke out, and Liu Yueyan’s figure was unbearable!

“This guy, really strong!”

This point, let alone Liu Yueyan, everyone in the audience was frightened!

Tian Luo Immortal Sect is even more anxious. Senior Sister Liu has an extermination fairy in his hand, plus a fairy armor, to be able to compete with this monster!

And it’s clear that the boxer just now is just the monster’s most common attack method!

While speaking, the monster has already attacked again. Liu Yueyan doesn’t seem to dare to slam this time, but chooses and fights and wins, but even relying on the advantage of Immortal Grade, she still falls into passive.

“Looks like it can’t be hidden anymore!”

Liu Yueyan gritted her teeth. Suddenly, she saw her jade arm waving and a pink cloak. The cloak was like Fairy’s clothes. It was dim and dim, but if you look closely, you can see that the cloak has a formation mark on it!

“Moon Dance Fairy!”

Seeing this treasure, Lige was shocked again, and then he seemed a little jealous and said, “Tian Luo Immortal Sect, I value this woman very much!”

I saw the moon dance fairy turned into an elegant radian, which actually wrapped around the monster’s waist. Instantly, Qin Yichen felt that the speed and strength of this monster were obviously restrained a little!

Not only that, Qin Yichen can also feel that the Moon Dance Fairy is more and more banned, as if the formation mark on the badge is more powerful!

These troubled enemies, Supreme Treasure, Qin Yichen, in the eyes, are envious: “This treasure is really incredible. Once you get trapped, not only will the killing be affected, but even the immortal strength can be sealed. It ’s getting tighter. “

“I’m afraid, if this monster is not tyrannical, and against other people, this month’s dancing fairy, can hang the enemy directly!”

Qin Yichen curl one’s lip, secretly thought Tianluo Immortal Sect is indeed rich and imposing. He has worked hard all the way, but there is no endless stream of treasures like Liu Yueyan.

Of course, if you let Nie Yuntian know that you are afraid to vomit blood on the spot, Brother Qin, just your immortal spirit Ziyun, has already made many people jealous! ?

Not to mention the Immortal Grade such as the White Tiger Blade, Qingyang Sword Box, 10000 Taoism Spears, etc., besides, if Qin Yichen is too moralistic, the spoils of war of Immortal Sect can make him rich!

However, after envy, Qin Yichen kept his eyes on the one person and one demon on the stone platform. He found that although the Moon Dance Fairy was very out of the ordinary, the bondage to that monster was very limited. The monster’s curse printed on his body flickered, and the bondage of Yuewu Xianyu was obviously resisted.

“Is it possible that, is this monster born to suppress Xianbao?”

Lige also found this, and immediately said with a sneer: “Even if there is a moon dance fairy, the outcome is still uncertain!”

Liu Yueyan’s silver teeth clenched tightly. At this moment, she couldn’t be distracted by facing the monster at all, and even felt a little distressed when she exposed the moon dance fairy.

Although this treasure can be reused and made visible to Lige, it is tantamount to the defense of Shenxiao Immortal Sect!

“Moon Dance Magic Kill!”

Qingyuemang flashed, Liu Yueyan seemed to grab the opponent’s weak spot, one of which was destroying the fairy, piercing the monster’s right arm, and the other was piercing the heart!

What surprised her, however, was that in the face of the monster, the smug face of the monster raised a touch of pride and cunning!


Destroy the fairy as Liu Yueyan expected, grab the weak spot and pierce her heart. However, with a groan, the former was discovered in amazement. Her fairy soldier can only penetrate into the slightest!

“Really strong horizontal fleshhy body!”

When it was difficult to go deeper, it was realized that Liu Yueyan was wrong, but she was still too late, and saw the monster’s fierce mansions appearing in the monster’s pupil, and then, the left arm suddenly bombarded!


Under this fist, Liu Yueyan’s fairy armor burst into ripples, and her sandal lips couldn’t help but burst of blood!

“Senior Sister Liu !”

Seeing this scene, Tian Luo Immortal Sect was terrified!

“Where is the Transmission Array! Senior Sister Liu, let’s stop playing!”

“Senior Sister Liu, there is no need to fight anymore …”

However, no matter how many people shouted, they could not stop the monster’s offensive!

“roar! !!”

I saw that monster exploded, and at the same time it was trembling, and the ten handles of immortal maggots that were attacked were shocked by Qi Qi!

Immediately, the curse of the monster’s body emerged from the dark purple evil mansions, and his body was squirming. At this moment, it was like a ferocious body!

Qin Yichen can even see that monster arms are as if energy is flowing in within the body, and finally, they gather in the boxer and become the boxer, surrounded by a raging black glow!

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