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“Thief, it seems you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin!”

Li Ge gave a cold, one step out, a majestic breath erupted suddenly from within the body, and then, his body moved directly into a stream of light, like a thunder, facing Qin Yichen stormed away.

“Don’t think that if you let Immortal Sect lose your money, you will have the capital to fight against Immortal Sect. Today, I will kill you with my own hands, and see how arrogant you are!”

Li Ge’s body fluttered out, and in his hand, he shot out sharp lights and shadows, tearing open the space directly, and violently stabbing away at Qin Yichen’s body.

In front of many Immortal Sects, they were challenged by an Immortal Monarch. This is a great shame for the disciples of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect. Li Ge didn’t expect that as soon as he entered, he met Qin Yichen. In his opinion, this is simply an opportunity for heaven to give him evil air!

“The streamer erodes the bone sword!”

Light and shadow looted, and immediately came to Qin Yichen. Lige was coldly shouted. The light and shadow suddenly filled a layer of Ice-Cold Qi, and then fell suddenly.

“What shit erodes the bone sword, break for me!”

However, in the face of such severe offensives from Lige, Qin Yichen was sneaked and stepped out. His body almost swelled a hard luster and a terrifying power in the muscles. The turbulence opened.

The next moment, Qin Yichen held it in the palm of his hand, and a ripple of power visible from the naked eye swept away, like an invisible giant palm. He grabbed all the cold glow into his palm.

“hmph, courting death!”

Seeing Qin Yichen dared to grasp his sword energy with his flesh, Li Ge’s eyes flashed a stunned color. Immediately, he was coldly snorted, immortal strength, and the cold glow on the sword energy was even worse. Want to shred Qin Yichen’s palm directly.

“clang! clang!”

However, the sword energy of the Heaven Immortal powerhouse fleshy body, which is enough to easily hurt the ordinary Heaven Immortal powerhouse fleshy body, burst into a path of spark when cut into the palm of Qin Yichen, as if cut on a piece of indestructible steel, emitting crisp golden iron. The voice of friendship.

“At this point of ability, you are also trying to seize the token. Are you too whimsical?”

Qin Yichen sneered, a sudden grip of the palm, a force of terrifying surged out, and with a slamming sound, in many shocked eyes, those sword energy turned out to be squeezed out.


Seeing his own word energy, he was so easily pinched by the latter, and Li Ge was shocked by the flesh. At this moment, he just came to his senses. The gloomy wolf was caused by the guy in front of him!

At this point, Li Ge suddenly realized that he was determined to move back quickly when he was in shape.

“Since it’s all here, what are you leaving?”

However, Qin Yichen obviously didn’t plan to let him go back. With a deep drink, he stepped on his foot, his body swept out, and appeared in front of Li Ge in a flash.

“A catastrophic erosion of the bones!”

Seeing that Qin Yichen actually took the initiative, Li Ge’s palms immediately burst into a majestic and cold immortal strength, and then smitten angrily at Qin Yichen’s heart.

As a disciple personally conveyed by Immortal Sect Elder of God Xiao, Li Ge is by no means an indecisive person. He was a bit shocked just now, but once he starts, his means will be extremely ruthless!

Facing Li Ge’s offensive, Qin Yichen seemed to have expected it. He held it in the palm of his hand, and the light and flint caught him directly.

“You think you can kill me? You are not qualified!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes were fierce, and among the dantian, the shadow of cricket flashed suddenly, and an overbearing strength of Devouring swept out.

“How can this be?!”

At this instant, Li Ge’s eyes flashed again. He obviously could not think that Qin Yichen’s response was so fast. What shocked him even more was that the terrifying suction did not let him pull out his palm for a while.


And just at the moment of Lige’s shock, a terrifying distance suddenly struck, and the sound of the fracture of the skeleton suddenly sounded in in the sky, and then, immediately, a scream of screams followed immediately.

“Jack, let go of Senior Brother Brother!”

“Thief, dare to impudent in front of me!”

The two played against each other, but in a short time, when I saw Li Ge was injured, the disciples of several Shenxiao Immortal Sect screamed and immediately moved. More than 2 Shenxiao Immortal Sect powerhouse did not care about their faces. Rushed away towards Qin Yichen.

“hmph! ”

Seeing this, Qin Yichen could not help but coldly snorted. In his eyes, cold glow flashed. When he was about to fight the last game, his eyebrows were suddenly frowned, but in the end it was just coldly snorted, kicked in Lige’s chest.


Under this foot, Li Ge spurted a mouthful of blood, his body looked like a sack, and he shot at the powerhouse looted from the rear.


In this regard, the many powerhouses of Shenxiao Immortal Sect can only forcibly converge the Magical Powers in their hands. After all, Lige has been wounded. If they are accidentally injured again, I am afraid that his hunting battlefield will be nothing to him.

“Senior Brother Li, are you all right?”

After catching Lige, several disciples of Immortal Sect asked quickly, the others were glaring at Qin Yichen, and their immortal strength surged around, apparently they could suddenly explode at any time.

However, it seems to be very afraid of Qin Yichen’s thunderbolt method. At one time, not at all took the lead.

“Li Ge was so defeated ?!”

Looking at the disordered Lige, many powerhouses around were full of shock.

Although they all heard about Yue Wuhua’s fiasco, Li Ge is the direct disciple of Immortal Sect, a Golden Immortal Elder, and its strength is more than that of Yue Huahua. Even, it is to fight for the truth. He has to stay on the front line.

However, just such a powerhouse, but just 2 face-to-face efforts, have been wounded by Qin Yichen. It was shocking to see the powerhouses in this scene.

At this point, the powerhouses of Tianfeng Immortal Sect were even more at each other in blank dismay. They obviously did n’t expect that this would be the result. In their opinion, although Lige was a little careless, it should not be so. It ’s about to lose, you know, the latter’s realm, but not even Heaven Immortal!

“What are you still doing? Take him down!”

Feeling a path of strange eyes, Li Ge only felt a burst of hotness on his face, he directly swallowed a danxiang 4 spilled elixir, and did not intend to wait for the breath to calm down, and his anger shouted.

“Everyone who shoots at this thief, I am immortal Sect will be very grateful. If I personally kill it, I will guarantee it to him, and Elder Su’s reward will be a lot!”

Li Ge pushed his disciple away, his finger pointed towards Qin Yichen, shouted loudly.


Hearing this, a lot of strange expressions flickered in the eyes of many powerhouses around, and it was intended that some of the powerhouses of Ligge would be even more impatient.

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