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Behind the scenes, Duanmu Dengfeng was so nervous that they sweated for Qin Yichen, but in order not to be affected by blood glow, they had to turn around, but they all listened cautiously, for fear of missing a little sound behind them.

Qin Yichen has a compass in his hand. With his impetuous Spirit Power urging, and then using the Spirit Power left by the emperor in the compass and a lot of Alchemy Dao powerhouses, he actually tears a path in front of the monstrous blood glow!

That road, leading to the sea of ​​blood, seemed slightly inadvertent, so it was assigned to eternal damnation!

But Qin Yichen’s pace is still so determined.

It was just that Qin Yichen stepped towards the blood beads step by step, but he did not notice that deep inside the blood sea, the skeleton silhouette of the original venomous pump light noticed this scene, but it turned out to be cunning, like, dormant for a long time The hunter finally waited until the prey came to the door.

At the same time, Qin Yichen is not moving fast because he not only has to keep himself safe, but also blocks blood glow in front of Duanmu Dengfeng.

As he marched, the ears sounded like roar of 10000 1000 evil spirits, but these sounds quickly dissipated in front of Qin Yichen’s powerful Spirit Power.

However, as Qin Yichen marched into the depths, he saw a horrendous sea of ​​blood, setting off countless scarlet chains!

The chain, if it can tear the soul of all living things in the world, devour it!


After hearing the noise coming from behind, Duanmu Dengfeng shuddered and became more worried for Qin Yichen.

However, before these blood-colored chains were near Qin Yichen, they saw the compass, propped up a faintly discernible barrier, and shattered it.

The scarlet chains that rushed along were endless, but Qin Yichen was no longer just defensive, but chose to take the initiative!

As his body moved forward, there was a path of golden glow condensing the sword around him, exuding a sharp meaning, and blasting towards the bottom of the abyss!

The sword edge condensed by Spirit Power is extremely beneficial. Even the top powerhouse Pill Master is unwilling to face it easily. It is conceivable that with the sword out, the blood-colored chain on the road ahead of Qin Yichen is like a single The tentacles were cut off in general.

At the same time, maybe it was Qin Yichen’s move that offended the monstrous blood sea, and I saw blood glow in the abyss, even more bloody!

Qin Yichen’s eyebrows froze slightly, he found that there were more scarlet chains, and he wanted to spare him, so as to deal with the same sect behind him.

Seeing this, Qin Yichen was coldly snorted in his heart, his feet were slightly paused, his palms were on the compass, and the link was printed!


a path of the fiery golden curse, condensed in front of Qin Yichen, with the rotation of the compass, under the blessing of the fine Divine Immortal force of the imperial emperor, those curses became an indestructible barrier!

However, that barrier is not only defense, but also able to move forward!

“bang! !!”

That barrier is like a war chariot with no stronghold one cannot overcome. With Qin Yichen step by step, the countless mantras on the barrier have shattered the scarlet chains!

Qin Yichen expression grave, in this brief moment, the power of its Spirit Power is undoubted! I don’t know how many powerhouse souls have been plundered, but he can set foot on his own!

Finally, with the advancing of the barriers, a safe zone for Duanmu Dengfeng was no longer affected by blood glow.

And Qin Yichen is also the source of all this!

But, the closer it is, the heavier the sea of ​​blood, the more fierce the venom will be!

Qin Yichen’s eyebrows tightened, while the Evil Spirit roar in his ears was suppressed, the compass of his hand was also a masterpiece.

At this point, Qin Yichen can even feel that in the blood, there are countless Evil Spirits waiting for himself, wanting to swallow himself, 10000 segments are broken!

Among them, there is the disciple of Immortal Sect. I do n’t know if they have been slaughtered into the blood, their slaughter is fierce, or the hatred of their lives, which makes them unforgettable. Seeing Qin Yichen ’s silhouette approaching, they ca n’t help but erupt. Beast-like weird roar!

However, in the face of countless threats from Evil Spirit, Qin Yichen’s face did not panic, even raising a touch of scorn: “Even your chief Yue Wuhua was defeated by me, and so on. There is a strand of Remnant Soul, and dare to attack him in front of me !? “

Nevertheless, countless Evil Spirits, even if they are just a ray of souls, can be countless, Qin Yichen has to be careful.

Even Qin Yichen said it was false not to be nervous. You should know that if this sea of ​​blood erupts, you will be the first to suffer!

Nevertheless, Qin Yichen still slowly reached the bottom of the abyss, and the blood beads floated in the air, just a few feet away from him!

Vaguely, Qin Yichen found that there was not only one blood bead at the bottom of the abyss, there were still a lot of it, and even a viciously large corpse was felt.

Qin Yichen was faintly touched by the corpse who did not know if his strength was too aloof.

However, the blood is close at hand, Qin Yichen does not care about Avatar, but condenses Spirit Power to block blood glow, and is ready to try to surrender the blood!

“Sure enough, there are countless Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens and Evil Spirit Resentful Soul. It is impossible to be clever and can only be forced to lower it.”

After murmuring, Qin Yichen was a little hesitant. You know, what he is facing is like the blood of a world!

The only good thing is that this blooddrop looks like it is now a masterless object and cannot play the horror of its heyday.

But Rao is so, Qin Yichen didn’t dare to take it lightly. You know, this blood drop is probably the Supreme Treasure of Golden Immortal before his death!

And that Golden Immortal’s strength, Qin Yichen estimates, I’m afraid it should be above Duanmu Longdou!

After breathes deeply, Qin Yichen drew his mind, the blood was in front of him, and everything around him looked as if the blood was reflected.

Moreover, the bottom of the abyss is like the entrance to hell, and this blood drop is the killing god who swallows everything that dares to break into it.

At this moment, Qin Yichen can even hear the sea of ​​blood tumbling from the blood beads and the roar of countless Evil Spirits, but even after that, after a balance, Qin Yichen finally raised his palm.

In the palm of your hand, there is no match for blazing gold, it seems to suppress this monstrous blood light!

It is the spiritual dignity of Qin Yichen!

With the emergence of Spirit Power, there is finally a ray of gold in the blood red in front of me.

This ray of Jin Yao seems to be extremely small in front of the sea of ​​blood, but the power contained in it can break through the blood glow and shone away from the blood beads!

At the moment Qin Yichen’s shot, the abyss shuddered, like the terrible scene before the volcanic eruption, and the blood beads in front of it were the blood glow.

In the face of this blood glow, it seems that everything will be swallowed up and become obsessed with the existence of the slaughter …

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