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As the fog and mist entered the body, Qin Yichen looked inward at his immortal strength in his veins, and directly absorbed and absorbed it, becoming his own energy …

“This … it’s really as I expected!”

Qin Yichen stared, and such discoveries were a big surprise!

Subsequently, Qin Yichen did not dare to slacken the barrier, and at the same time confirmed it carefully. It is certain that it was not because of the True Dragon Seal in his dantian that he could absorb this gray mist.

However, it is able to make the gray mist be absorbed as soon as it enters. This is the credit of True Dragon Seal. Other Immortal Monarchs have no such absorptive speed of absorption!

“Looking like this, as long as the black mist formed by Yin Fiend Qi is purified, this energy can be tempered.”

Qin Yichen murmured and analyzed: “This Yin Fiend Qi seems to only be purified with Spirit Power. Immortal strength can be blocked, but it is equivalent to the confrontation of two forces. Even if it is resolved, it contains energy. The fog will be wiped out. “

The thought of Qin Yichen could not help but smile.

Looked towards the dark mist and the dark cave, Qin Yichen’s eyes are no longer a threat, but an assaults of the senses!

Moreover, there are so many “fairies” to cover the sky, and I can’t wait to drown and devour myself. How does this make Qin Yichen unhappy?

“I’ll let Nie Yuntian and a lot of fellow apprentices come in to absorb it later!”

Qin Yichen immediately thought, not to swallow it alone, but to share it with Nie Yuntian and the others, but unfortunately, now Nie Yuntian cannot enter.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s not too late for Honglian to absorb Fu Yu after conquering it.

So, Qin Yichen came to the spirit, facing the continuously Yin Fiend Qi, the gold flow barrier became more and more dazzling, while looking forward to the moment when Honglian succeeded.

And just before Qin Yichen judged the foggy time, another bang with a broken chain blew up. At this time, the imprisonment of Fu Fu’s feet was no longer there!

Although the gloomy wind behind the murderous and Murderous aura became more and more piercing, I don’t know what method Honglian used, so that the Fuyu did not violently murder.

And Honglian also noticed Qin Yichen’s action just now, and Sakura’s lips slipped away: “Oh, I wanted to remind you, didn’t expect you to be very careful.”

But at this time, the red lotus had no usual poisonous snake, but on the fair and beautiful pretty face, the sign of weakness was quite obvious, but she was still biting her teeth and continuing to gather light patterns.

At this moment, that crimson rune was already able to stand in the volley, as if only the pupils of slaughter were known, staring at Honglian.

This kind of gaze, this kind of Golden Immortal level of killing intent and coercion, Nie Yuntian and the others are here, I am afraid that it is already pale as paper, even Qin Yichen can not guarantee that the face will not change color, but Honglian seems to be fine, He even stared at Xingmou and said, “What to see! This deity is called waste recycling. Don’t thank the deity!”


The left arm’s chain swayed violently for a while, but it was useless and did not affect the light veins condensed by Honglian.

Qin Yichen turned his head and glanced at him. To be honest, he was shocked by the words of Honglian. I thought Senior, even if you are a master of art, you should be more relaxed. what!

Fortunately, although Hong Lian didn’t say anything, the means were extremely reliable, and even Qin Yichen was astounded. After a while, she only heard a bang with a broken chain, and the seal of the four limbs of Fu Fu had all been resolved!

“There is only one seal left …”

Honglian stared at the chain around the neck, and on the skin around that chain, there was a dark red curse, as if it was a formation mark that spurred Fuyu.

Qin Yichen also saw the change of Honglian at this moment. Although the latter is not a real creature, how can Qin Yichen, as his Artifact Spirit, fail to notice it.

Moreover, to conquer Golden Immortal Fuyu, even if it is a means of defective products, it is not easy to think about it.

Immediately, Qin Yichen was concerned: “Honglian Senior, are you okay? It really isn’t working, you can adjust the interest rate first, and I can hold it here.”

Honglian turned her back to Qin Yichen, so the latter did not see it. When she heard this, there was a flash of sweetness and a smile on Honglian ’s beautiful pretty face, but Wanyin still disliked: “You still have some conscience , But it’s all over, simply in a spurt of energy to solve this guy! It’s not too late to rest after your Sea of ​​Consciousness. “

Suddenly, Honglian Xing’s eyes blinked, and she saw a sharp incomparable intensity. These eyes, if let Qin Yichen see, have to be amazed, even if he is a long-lived life, he will be moved.

Not only that, Honglian’s hands pressed against her chest, and the speed of the trick was extremely dazzling. At the same time, the light powder pattern that emerged was more dazzling than before, and the fluctuations that made Qin Yichen felt gap.

And with the surge of light patterns, I actually saw the chain on the neck of Fu Fu’s neck, as if he noticed it, and it was tightly locked. This change directly caused the blood pupil of Fu Fu to enlarge, and the murderous aura suddenly became clear. !!

Even Qin Yichen can see that the futuristic Fu Lu, with one hand trying to break off the chain, the other with a bang to Honglian where he is.


The yell was trembling, but the scene in front of him made Qin Yichen really scared, but he still wanted to laugh.

Because if you do n’t know it, then Fuyu looks like hanging, while trying to break off the sling and trying to catch the life-saving straw, if it is not like killing the gods, the breath will be fierce Golden Immortal, Qin Yichen Afraid to really laugh out loud on the spot.

Is this Fu Fu really okay … Qin Yichen feels a little down-grade when taken out!

However, at this moment, Honglian, who had always been frivolous, did not want to joke any more, but she was gracious and shouted: “Be careful, this seal has a prohibition, forcibly cracked, it will lead to a backlash, which will cause this rune to erupt directly and enter the state of daughter ! “

Qin Yichen was shocked, his face suddenly calmed, even those who knew him could see from his slight physical changes, Qin Yichen had entered the state of preparation for war!

While keeping Yin Fiend Qi difficult to break in, Qin Yichen found it very embarrassing. Now, he looks like … can’t help!

So Qin Yichen had to say anxiously: “Senior, what can I do for you …”

Honglian was still trying her best, and didn’t look back. After a long while, she squeezed out 3 words from the silver teeth: “Don’t add chaos!”


Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, but I have to say more in the future, and I saw those light patterns around the red lotus, which ended with his tactics, jade hand pushed, and then turned into an aperture, towards Fu Fu’s neck Away from the chains!

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