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The battle between Qin Yichen and Shi Hefan was obviously extremely shocking. In just a few days’ effort, it spread throughout the entire 10000 ethnic continent.

Because of this news, the 10000-family continent is also boiling for it.

After all, the people of Holy Peak were able to defeat top powerhouse in the front. This kind of deed is unprecedented in the entire 10000 continent.

Of course, in addition to shocking Qin Yichen’s evildoers, the entire 10000 ethnic continent was also in tension because of the Nightmare Clan incident.

A few 10000 years ago, Nightmare Clan landed on top of the 10000 ethnic continent. During that time, the people were plunged into an abyss of misery where Nightmare Clan passed. I do n’t know how many races were destroyed in their magic claws. under.

Even the Sovereign level race is extremely frightened by this sudden appearance of the outer demons. Not at all, the Imperial Family race dares to take risks to organize forces to fight Nightmare Clan.

However, just as countless races panicked, Nightmare Clan finally caused the anger of the elves because of the mass slaughter of the elves.

In the first World War, the two Real Real top powerhouses of the Elf Clan personally led the elite army of the Elf Clan, swept past them, and wiped out all the puppet races controlled by Nightmare Clan. In the final battle, they also removed “King” hit hard!

However, although the battle caused Nightmare Clan’s vitality, but even exhausting the power of the elves, he failed to wipe out the remaining sins of Nightmare Clan.

Under the leadership of the “king” of Nightmare Clan, Nightmare Clan quietly disappeared.

For thousands of years, many races have forgotten the catastrophe that Nightmare Clan once brought.

However, when the words “outer world demons” appeared again in the sight of everyone, countless 4-class powerhouses still felt a strong sense of crisis.

Although there are almost no witnesses to the existence of the catastrophe in the powerhouse of 10000 ethnic groups, they are clearly recorded in the ancient books of various ethnic groups.

After several 10000 years of incubation, Nightmare Clan must have recovered its vitality. Even from the current situation, I am afraid that Nightmare Clan’s strength has far exceeded the expectations of countless 10000 clan forces.

The high-levels of the Imperial Family of Water Mist are all reduced to the puppets of Nightmare Clan. Fortunately, Wu Xiao has not died because of Qin Yichen’s rescue, and this is only a few decades of work, except for Water Gate. Apart from many high-level and backbone forces, most of the powerhouse of the Water Mist Imperial Family has not yet fallen.

However, except for the Water Mist Imperial Family, Nightmare Clan has a more powerful puppet among the intelligence that swept the 10000 continent.

When thinking of the bloody land that made the Sovereign level races heartily, the forces of countless 10000 continent continually rallied.

In the land of blood, there is a bloody tribe that makes the Sovereign level race jealous!

Because the blood crickets are too violent, they have not become the Sovereign level race. However, from the strength shown by them, the blood crickets definitely have the power of the Sovereign level race!

Moreover, this is only the most superficial situation. After 10000 years of rest, I am afraid that the details of Nightmare Clan are far more than what they see.

When receiving this news, countless races and forces have sought refuge in the Sovereign level races near them, but these Sovereign level races are worried about causing trouble and have not directly agreed.

Among them, although some of the forces that are usually good for Guest Elder have been promised, they may also know that those Sovereign level races just talk about that’s all casually. Once it is time for crisis, I am afraid that they will be abandoned first. It’s them!

At this time, countless forces are terrified. Nightmare Clan and other extraterrestrial demons are not like the native forces of the 10000 ethnic continent. They are fierce and violent. They do not start wars only for their sites and resources!

Once Nightmare Clan arrived, it almost symbolized the disappearance of a race!


Star Lion Imperial Family. imperial city Among the most central temples.

At this time, the silhouettes in it are Ling Li, and on top of each silhouette, there is a powerful terrifying atmosphere fluctuation. These silhouettes are truly a top powerhouse!

However, the atmosphere in this great hall seemed extremely depressing at this time.

Lion Li Kaijing was sitting on the throne in the middle of the great hall, his face also looked a little gloomy, and those majestic eyes, with a touch of cold glow, stared at the lion He Fan who was kneeling in the middle of the great hall.

On the left and right sides, the eyes of a top powerhouse also glanced at Shi Hefan from time to time, but in their eyes, they all had a touch of anger.

The battle between Lion He Fan and Qin Yichen has been passed back. For the final result, the entire Star Lion Imperial Family was furious!

Dignified a top powerhouse, defeated by a holy junior!

This is a shame to the proud Star Lion Imperial Family!

With the spread of this news, I did n’t know how many angry sounds were heard among the Star Lion Imperial Family. The powerhouse of countless Star Lion Imperial Family even wanted to send soldiers to the breeding ground of Human Race and transfer Human Race. Settle with that junior!

After returning, Lion He Fan was immediately imprisoned, and until today, he was declared in the palace.

“Lion He Fan, just for your strength, you might as well give blood to the ancestors!”

Looking at the silhouette kneeling down in the great hall, next to Shi Hong on the left, a top powerhouse could not help but coldly snorted out of the channel.

“My clan gave you that many resources. It turned out to be a shameful waste!”

“Hmph, you missed the first 2 times, and you also made unexplainable excuses for each and everyone, this time, you have nothing to say?”

“Patriarch, use him to sacrifice the ancestral spirit, to heal clansman’s anger?”

With the opening of that top powerhouse, a coldly shouted sound was heard in the great hall.

Regarding this a path of angry drinking, Lion He Fan said nothing, and bowed his head with bowing motionless.

After a good moment, Li Kaifang, the lion above the first, raised his palm slightly. Suddenly, the noise was gone.

“He Fan, you are too disappointed.”

Lion Likai took a deep breath, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Patrick, He Fan convicts!”

Upon hearing his voice, Shi Hefan’s head was lowered, and it seemed that he knew he was wrong, and he simply did not justify himself.

Losing to a holy junior, even if he has 10000000 million reasons, he can’t elute this shame for himself, and then justify it, it will only make him a laughingstock!

“Repent and take the penalty.”

Lion Likai sighed slightly, not at all too much blame, but waved his hand, lightly saying.


Hearing this, Lion’s body shuddered slightly, and immediately, he was saluted in response to a hoe.

Repentance, which is a place specially set up for the sinners of the Star Lion Imperial Family. Those in there, everyday all have to accept different punishments. It can be said that entering the repentance is more uncomfortable than killing them directly!

However, in the repentance of the mountain, there has never been a top powerhouse. Lion He Fan obviously broke this precedent!

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