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Gorgeous rays of light bloom in the mid-air, and a terrifying storm of energy also sweeps away. The silhouette wrapped in 3 colors of energy is drowned by this glory almost instantly.

Under this horrible storm, the entire Heaven and Earth is trembling unceasingly, and on the ground outside Saint Tian City below, a path of huge cracks has cracked.

If it wasn’t for the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor who had already prepared and shot in time to protect the entire Holy Tian City, I am afraid that the Holy Tian City would also be affected.

Numerous 10000 ethnic powerhouses watched the scene of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the speed of their hearts beating could not help but intensify. Fortunately, they escaped fast, otherwise, at least half of them may be in this storm The 10000 tribe powerhouse will be buried in that kind of storm.


In this splendid brilliance, a silhouette shot back from the wolverine, blood spewed out from his mouth, and then his silhouette fell fiercely directly into the plain below, with a nearly 1000 After Zhang’s traces, it was the wolf that stabilised.

“That’s … Lion Ho Fan ?!”

“Oh my god, he was badly hit!”

“This kid, it’s worthy to be called a demon!”

“However, under the detonation of Shi Hefan, his end should not be better?”

Looking at the silhouette of the wolf howling, countless powerhouse faces are horrified. Immediately, a line of sight is looking into the sky.

“Died ?!”

The eyes of Jingxu and Red Storm also have a touch of embarrassment. They never dreamed that a lion, He Fan, who is more powerful than them, would be forced to such an extent by Qin Yichen. See the silhouette of the wolf howling below, although and Missed, but it was definitely badly hit!

“The owner …”

In front of Shengtianfu, powerful faces such as Wu Ji were also dignified.

When they saw Qin Yichen fighting against a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering like a top powerhouse, they were also very proud. However, at this time, they were simply not in the mood to be complacent, but were more worried about Qin Yichen’s safety. After all, the last burst of power of the lion He Fan is too terrifying. I am afraid that even the ordinary top powerhouse can hardly retreat from it?

Above the sky, the gorgeous brilliance gradually dissipated, and the space that could not be torn apart also gradually returned to normal.

Countless people’s eyes are staring at the space tightly. At one moment, their pupils suddenly shrink, and a thin silhouette suddenly appears in everyone’s sight.

At this point, the shadow of the True Dragon that had been entangled in Qin Yichen’s body was extremely dim, and his appearance was also extremely miserable. Although the 10000 Taoism armor was not broken, there was a path above the armor. of Glare bloodstains.

And looking at its breath, it is also chaotic. Obviously, after fighting with Lion He Fan to the fullest, and then blocking such a terrifying explosion, he was not badly injured.

Qin Yichen was breathing heavily, the original powerful breath became extremely debilitated at this time, and the scarlet rays of light in those black eyes were also scattered.

This fierce battle is too much for him.

The strength of Lion He Fan is indeed strong. If he did not absorb blood essence divine fruit, I am afraid that his eight-nine will be crushed by the latter.

Bloodline Strength flows within the body of Qin Yichen. His severely wounded body is gradually being repaired. However, looking at this posture, it may take some time to heal.

With this recovery, Qin Yichen’s sharp eyes are looking at the end of a gully below. Although he was severely wounded, he is undoubtedly much better than the guy who has passed out below him!

“It’s really hard to kill …”

Looking at the silhouette with only a weak breath, Qin Yichen sighed involuntarily.

Originally, Shi Hefan had no resistance. He thought that relying on that attack was enough to kill the latter. However, Qin Yichen obviously underestimated the power of the top powerhouse. At the last moment, Shi Hefan relied on the avenue. He did not resolve the dragon’s breath, but it greatly reduced its power, so he could survive by chance.

However, the end of this war is completely visible.

“This waste can’t even kill a Human Race ration ?!”

At this moment, Shi Hong’s eyes stared at Qin Yichen, because of the anger, even his body shivered a little, and his face was covered with shame and shy killing intent.

He never imagined that Lion He Fan would lose in Qin Yichen’s hands!

The top powerhouse of the Dignified Star Lion Imperial Family will be defeated in the hands of a Holy Peak Human Race ration? !!

It seems that I also felt this gaze full of killing intent, Qin Yichen’s eyes slowly shifted to Shi Hong’s body, and on it, there were subtle 3-color rays of light flashing.

Although he defeated Lion He Fan, he did not dare to relax in the slightest in the face of a glare like a tiger watching his prey from Earth Realm top powerhouse.

“Lion Hong, the ending is set. Don’t you want to regret it in front of so many people ?!”

At this time, the thunderous sound of the thunder monster Old Ancestor suddenly sounded, and his body shape immediately moved, directly in front of Qin Yichen’s body, protecting it, his eyes were even more alert looking at the opposite face. Gloomy old man.

The horror field of the 2 strands of Earth Realm top powerhouse is looming, and the body of countless powerhouses is tense.

Looking at this, as long as there is something wrong, I am afraid a more horrible war will occur.

However, among the 10000 family powerhouses, there are still many powerhouses that are slightly frowned. In the previous battle, although Qin Yichen was also injured, it is clear that he is the final winner. It is possible that Shouldn’t it be accepted?

On the 10000 ethnic continent, strength is the highest. Although no one wants to see such a demon in Human Race, at the moment, Lion He Fan loses, and if he finds any excuse, it will only make people laugh. .

“Lion Hong Senior …”

Faced with the look of a path of strange eyes, Jingxu and Red Storm were a little hesitant. If Shi Hong really shot in anger, it would not be a small blow to the reputation of their 3 Great Imperial Family!

Shi Hong’s complexion was staring at Qin Yichen. His killing intent in his eyes was almost condensed into substance. However, after all, he was considered sane. Even at this time, he did not let killing intent occupy the sense, immediately After taking a deep breath, his slightly trembling body calmed down slowly.

“Since lion He Fan is not as good as a man, let this matter go away, Brother Shihong, what do you think?”

Seeing that Shi Hong’s body gradually calmed down, the Old Demon Lei Yao also quietly sighed in relief, but his tight body was not slackened, apparently there were some concerns that the latter would suddenly explode.

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