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The fierce wind gradually disappeared. Looking at the slender silhouette, cold glow flashed in Shi Hefan’s eyes, but his face gradually calmed down.

Then, his hands slowly stretched out from his sleeve gown, and between his ten fingers, there was a golden arc of light with a path of richness to the limit.

“Little beast, you forced me!”

Almost instantly, the splendid brilliance like a storm suddenly swept out of the Lion He Fan within the body, and among those brilliances, there were pervasive volatility.

At this moment, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth was dyed golden, and it looked extremely gorgeous and colorful, but under this gorgeousness, it smelled like death.

Obviously, after successive temptations were blocked, He Fan, as a top powerhouse, also started to really kill the idea.

“Are you clumsy?”

Looking at this amazing battle, Qin Yichen is also taking a deep breath, and his complexion gradually becomes heavy. Then, the body skin under the 10000 Taoism armors gradually turns golden.


In Qin Yichen within the body, with its blood flowing, a vast force like a flood, rushing within its body.


Feeling the power of within the body that can explode at any time, Qin Yichen’s black eye pupil also became abnormally sharp. With the control of his mind, the rays of light of 3 colors of energy faintly passed through 10000 channels. The dazzling rays of light on the Goddess penetrated.

“If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability!”

Qin Yichen stared directly at Lion He Fan. In his eyes, there was a monstrous fighting intent.

“Is this energy again?”

Perceiving the three-color energy, Lion He Fan’s eyes flashed with a strange color, but soon, that expression disappeared.

This junior is so arrogant that he relies on this weird energy, but does he really think that with this, he is qualified to trudge in front of himself? !!

“Even if it is a real top powerhouse, it cannot be so arrogant in front of me, and how can you qualify for a Human Race ration not even touched by the edge of the road!”

The lion He Fan was sneered, his eyes suddenly felt cold, and immediately he grasped the palm of his hand, only to see the gorgeous True Origin condensed in the sky like the tide, just the time and effort, it turned into a golden mad lion .

With the appearance of this lion shadow, the space shuddered slightly.

Then, when the lion He Fan moved, the mad lion exuding gorgeous rays of light came out, and in a flash, it penetrated through the void, and fiercely shot at Qin Yichen.


Seeing Lion He Fan’s offensive, Qin Yichen’s mind was also coldly snorted. His soles of feet were heavily crushed, and the space below it was broken apart, and the bright three-color rays of light also emerged frantically. The golden light inside the hunted zhang of his whole body is all scattered to life.

In the face of a top powerhouse of the level of Lion He Fan, Qin Yichen obviously did not dare to despise the slightest. After all, no matter what, the latter’s strength is far superior to him. If he wants to compete with it, he can only do his best. !!


Under the increase of the strength of the 10000 Taoism armors and sacrifice powers, the three-color energy is undoubtedly enhanced to an extremely horrible level. Qin Yichen also has no extra moves, stepped out in one step, and then blasted out with one punch. Under this fist, there isn’t any fancy, some, just the terrorist power that can easily smash the powerhouse of the same level.

Qin Yichen also knows that when faced with an opponent of the level of Shi Hefan, some small means will not play any role at all. He can only use absolute power to counter it, and he will not end too miserably!


The sky full of air bursts and bursts under the pressure of that horrible force. The three-colored energy condenses into a dragon shadow of baring fangs and brandishing claws, tearing open the sky, and then directly with the gorgeous golden The lion fiercely banged together.


The horrifying sound rang out suddenly, and powerful shock waves swept away, setting off a hurricane between Between Heaven and Earth.

Under this kind of aftermath, countless 10000 family powerhouses are all abnormally dignified, but fortunately, they seem to have a pity for the red storm, and they let out the aftermath, so they did not cause them any harm casualties.

And the mask over Saint Tian City below was shaken under this kind of aftershock. However, the thunder spirit of Old Ancestor was moved by silver rays of light, guarding on Saint Tian City. Clan Protecting Great Array calmed down.

At this time, those powerhouses on the 10000-thousand continent, but not at all, were concerned about the actions of the Old Ancestor, and their eyes were full of grave expressions, and they were watching the air tightly. This kind of confrontation is really too much. Amazing, no one had expected that Qin Yichen could be able to face the lion He Fan, who didn’t leave his hand behind, without any downside!

“It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives!”

After hitting against the gorgeous golden lion, Qin Yichen’s indifferent voice came out suddenly. Then, he was sneaked and punched out again.


A huge hundred zhang burst of huge three-color energy burst out, just like a python python. It arrived in front of the lion He Fan in an instant, and then, in the rays of light flashing, the python’s general energy was right. He Fan swallowed it.

“You can make such a small gift!”

When I saw Qin Yichen, he dared to counterattack. Lion He Fan’s eyes were gloomy and he didn’t see any action. A gorgeous golden rays of light erupted from within the body. It turned out to be a hundred dollars. The zhang-sized python shattered away.

The power of top powerhouse is truly extraordinary. Even though Qin Yichen is now improving his strength again, his offensive is still easily resolved by the latter.


However, just when the python just collapsed, a slender silhouette, like a ghost, appeared behind the lion He Fan. Then, the sound of an explosion sounded, and a sharp sword transformed by three-color energy. With an extremely very ruthless posture, fiercely pierced the neck of Lion He Fan.

Obviously, Qin Yichen also knows that if Lion He Fan continues to attack, he will lose out sooner or later. Rather than take the initiative, look for liveliness!

However, in the face of Qin Yichen’s offensive like ghosts, the Lion He Fan was coldly snorted. His body shook, and a splendid brilliance spread out, which directly shattered the sharp sword.

“Shua! Hey! Hey!”

The offensive was broken, but Qin Yichen seemed to have expected it to be so long. His body didn’t stop at all. The rays of light on the leggings of 10000 Taoism armor flashed. He turned into a shadow. The severe offensive that was enough to easily kill the Peak gigantic cockroach was even more so as to face the whole body of the lion He Fan.

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