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A line of sight converged on the two figures in the air, in the eyes of countless powerhouses, there was a touch of excitement.

One is the Number One Person under the top powerhouse of the 10000 family continent, and the other is a top powerhouse of the 10000 family mainland’s strongest dominating Star Lion Imperial Family!

Once these two dazzling existences meet, it will certainly be a shocking battle.

But is there any surprise in the final outcome?

On the 10000-thousand continent, although there are some monsters who have escaped from the top powerhouse and even played against the top powerhouse, the final result is no suspense.

After all, the gap between top powerhouses and holy powerhouses is simply not something that ordinary methods can make up for.

Therefore, on the 10000-ethnic continent, a law is almost formed, and the majesty of the top powerhouse is by no means provocative for those under the top powerhouse!

But today, everyone saw with their own eyes, a junior Peak junior took the initiative to challenge Lion He Fan!

If it is the usual, no one will be optimistic about Qin Yichen at all, but not long ago, but the news came out that Qin Yichen once competed with the top powerhouse. Finally, 3 top powerhouses appeared, and he chose to escape!

Such a deed, look at the 10000 ethnic continents, not to mention the future, but absolutely no one before!

Such an evil spirit does not know if it can create a miracle and survive from the hands of Lion He Fan!

“The owner …”

In Shengtianfu, looking at the slender silhouette on the sky, Wu Ji’s hands could not help clenching.

In their opinion, I’m afraid Qin Yichen was forced to do so, so he chose to challenge Lion He Fan!

Although Qin Yichen’s progress surprised them, but in their opinion, the latter has not yet grown up to compete with a top powerhouse, I am afraid the end will be extremely miserable.

However, there seems to be no other way at the moment, at least, Lion He Fan is not Earth Realm top powerhouse, I hope Qin Yichen can find a way to get out of it.

“do it quickly !”

Above the sky, Shi Hong whispered, and immediately moved in shape, and flew directly in front of the 10000 family powerhouse. Seeing what it looks like, it seems that he really intends to let Lion He Fan shoot.

At this time, the complexion of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor was a complex one. He naturally heard of Qin Yichen’s confrontation with Red Storm. However, Lion He Fan is the top powerhouse of the Star Lion Imperial Family. His strength is better than From the Red Storm, we have a little better!

When Qin Yichen played against Red Storm students, although they were not defeated, they were still in a disadvantage. If the opponents were replaced by the more powerful Lion He Fan, I am afraid that Qin Yichen would have no chance at all!

“Qin little friend, Lion He Fan is not comparable to Red Storm.”

After faintly muttered to oneself, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor couldn’t help reminding him in a low voice.

“Neither am I a few months ago.”

However, in the face of the reminder of the old demon Old Ancestor, Qin Yichen still did not mean to stop at this point, he chuckled and said.

Seeing the expression on Qin Yichen’s face, Lei Yao Old Ancestor shook the head involuntarily. In the end, he could only sigh. He knew that the decision made by the latter was not something he could change.

The direction that the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor retreated is indeed above the Human Race Saint Tian City. Although he said that it has nothing to do with Human Race, at this time, he still stood before the Clan Protecting Great Array.

Seeing the action of the Thunder Ancestor, the eyes of the countless 10000 family powerhouses are a little stunned, but at this time, no one said much, but continued to focus on the two figures in the air. .


“With the strength of Holy Peak, dare to stand opposite me, boy, your courage is really admirable!”

Shi Hefan’s eyes glowed with cold cold glow watching Qin Yichen, a sneer, also came from his mouth.

“No way, you can deal with it better than that old dog.”

Qin Yichen glanced at Lion He Fan, and there was a sound of irony in his mouth.

Hearing this, the faces of countless 10000 family powerhouses are full of wonderful colors. Qin Yichen’s sharp-tongued has a special description in his rumors, but they can’t think of the latter in the face. I dare to do this to top powerhouse.

When he heard the title of “old dog”, Shi Hong’s complexion suddenly sank.

“Little beast, you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin!”

At this time, the sneer on Lion He Fan’s face was also suddenly stiff, filled with an ice-cold look in his eyes, and at this time, he was too lazy to compare the effort on the tongue with Qin Yichen. A breath of breath suddenly whistled from within the body.


The vast True Origin swells between this Heaven and Earth. Except where the other top powerhouses are located, at this moment, Lion He Fan seems to be the master of this Heaven and Earth!

Under this aura, Qin Yichen has less than a foot of his feet untouched. Once the top powerhouse is shot, the gap between them is clear.

However, it is surprising that under the pressure from all directions, Qin Yichen’s face still has no panic, as if there was no surprise at all.

“Little beast, it seems you are just like this!”

Seeing Qin Yichen who was directly oppressed by himself, the cold glow in Lion He Fan’s eyes was more intense.

Although this junior is evil, but he does not understand the avenue, even if he has many means, he cannot contend with himself. Just this hand controlling the energy of Heaven and Earth is enough to suppress any Peak giant. This is the top powerhouse. Terrible!


And in the next instant, the energy surging through the sky suddenly surged, and there were countless naked eye visible energies gathered around Qin Yichen’s body, so it looked like if the latter were to be given in the wildest way. Destroyed in general.

Seeing this, many 10000 powerhouses shook the head and dared to stand opposite the top powerhouse. Qin Yichen’s courage was indeed surprising. However, it seems that the gap between him and top powerhouse cannot be bridged!

“You don’t think naively that relying on this pressure is like suppressing me, right?”

When everyone thought that Qin Yichen had been forced into a desperate situation, a sound of irony suddenly sounded.


At this time, countless powerhouses just saw the monstrous energy surge, but, for some reason, they still couldn’t erode into Qin Yichen’s whole body about one zhang.

The faint 3 colors of rays of light emanating from the slender silhouette, and these rays of light in between Heaven and Earth controlled by the lion He Fan are so dazzling.

“What kind of energy is this?”

At this time, Lion He Fan also noticed that something was wrong. Although his eyebrows were slightly frowned, although he had seen Qin Yichen’s means before, he still couldn’t understand what the junior was relying on to be able to resist his own avenue. Coercion!

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