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A bunch of evil blood energy constantly rises from the surface of the water path moon, and the water path moon seems to be suffering from huge pain, its face is distorted, and it looks extremely stingy, a path of stern The sound of screams kept coming from his mouth.

Looking at the gleaming water trails, countless 10000 family powerhouses have become extremely dignified.

From the fluctuations in them, it is not difficult to see that this guy within the body has the blood of Nightmare Clan, and he has become the puppet of Nightmare Clan!

Moreover, the water trail month is the Great Elder of Watergate, plus the waterscape dragon in the previous scene, they can guess that the entire high-level of Watergate is already controlled by Nightmare Clan.

“This jerk, how did he do it!”

At this time, Shi Hong and Shi He Fan, who were planning to watch Qin Yichen ashamed, and then settle them, were gloomy.

The blood of Nightmare Clan is deeply hidden. Even in the top powerhouse, it is difficult to show their blood if they do not care about the consequences. They obviously did not expect that Qin Yichen had such a method!

“You guys, don’t need me to explain it now?”

And at this time, the glance of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor was slightly swept away, and the faint voice also resounded in the sky.

Hearing this voice, countless 10000 family powerhouses are quiet, and many powerful faces have a deep look of dreading.

Obviously, many people are still very scared of the extraterrestrial demons such as Nightmare Clan.

After all, if this evil race wants to fight against them, simply don’t need to find any reason, and more importantly, Nightmare Clan has been lurking for 10000 years, and no one knows how strong they are now.

Even the Water Mist Imperial Family has been eroded. I am afraid that the true power of Nightmare Clan can at least be comparable to the Sovereign level race, and even more terrifying than imagined by the 10000 family powerhouse!

“Nightmare Clan is not a race of our 10000-thousand continent. The evil ones did not give up and occupy our 10000-thousand continent. This kind of alien demon is our common enemy now.”

Seeing the look of the 10000 family powerhouse, Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s eyes froze for a moment, then immediately said in a righteous manner: “I want to come to the ancient book of your respective families, Human Race made it during the last invasion of the outer demons Contribution. “

“At this time, I also hope that you abandon your selfishness and focus on Nightmare Clan first.”

Listening to the voice echoing over the sky, the countless faces of countless 10000 tribe powerhouses are changing. In fact, why do n’t they know that if it was not Luban Master, that Heaven and Earth catastrophe would make the 10000 tribe continent more For messy.

Although many races still have special feelings for the Human Race because of the Luban Master, with the passage of time, countless races have long forgotten this kind of affection. From the perspective of their descendants, the Human Race is just a way to be able to Help them better understand the avenues that’s all!

Under the words of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, Wu Ji, Great Elder, and other powerful people in front of the Holy Land, could not help but slightly red.

Although there are too many records of Lu Ban Master and Human Race, even with the fall of Lu Ban Master, the class gates he created in one hand are therefore lost and split into several class gate survivors, if not Qin By chance, Yichen obtained the hammer of the giant. I am afraid that the current survivors of the Banmen are still hiding in their closed-door cultivation.

In Human Race, the record and evaluation of Luban Master is very high. Although Luban Master did not make Human Race more powerful, it was also because he struggled to fight against the demon in the world. As a result, those 10000-family powerhouses that often come to invade are becoming fewer.

From the current situation, it seems that these 10000 powerhouses of Human Race glare like a tiger watching his prey have not completely forgotten it!

“Brother Shihong, the enemy now, I also hope you can temporarily put down your grievances with each other and work together to remove the threat of Nightmare Clan.”

Looking at the shaky complexion of countless 10000 family powerhouses, Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s eyes narrowed for a moment, then he blocked the space where the screaming water path month was, and then looked towards Shi Hong, taking the opportunity.

“Did you finish talking?”

However, in the face of the suggestion of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, Shi Hong was not at all worried, but asked coldly.

“Brother Shi Hong, the Star Lion Imperial Family is the strongest lord of the 10000 continent. Under the threat of the outer demons, you have shot against the Human Race that once worked against the outer demons. Is this too chilling? “

Seeing Shi Hong’s attitude, Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s complexion was also slightly condensed. After faintly muttered to oneself, he opened the mouth and said again.

After hearing the words of Thunder Ancestor Old Ancestor, the face of the 10000 family powerhouse has changed. In fact, they all know that the Star Lion Imperial Family is extremely powerful. However, they have not done much to fight against the demons in the sky. On the contrary, while many races were destroyed, many resources were searched.

However, not many people know about this matter, and due to the majesty of the Lion Family, few people dare to mention it.

However, at this time, those 10000 family powerhouses who have glanced like a tiger watching his prey to Human Race already have the intention to give up to deal with Human Race, and if the Lion Lion Imperial Family still wants to shoot, I am afraid they will really It’s a bit chilling.

The 10000 ethnic powerhouses here are all people from various races and influences. If this matter spreads, although it will not cause any substantial damage to the Star Lion Imperial Family, it will definitely affect its reputation. There will be.

“Hmph, what a shit is Human Race, but it’s a bunch of struggling on whilst at death’s door that’s all!”

Lion He Fan frowned and chuckled softly, his eyes were full of disdain. He also seemed to know that at this time it would be a little sensitive to talk about it, so his voice was also very low.

However, in the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor side Qin Yichen, he heard it at the tip of his ear, his body trembled slightly, and in his eyes there was a burst of anger burning.

“My Star Lion Imperial Family is not a ruthless person, but those who violate my imperial power must not be tolerated!”

Under the watchful eyes of countless 10000 ethnic powerhouses, Lion Hong also slowly opened the mouth and said, a voice full of majesty, which resounded in this piece between Heaven and Earth: “For Human Race, we can’t take the shot, However, the head of this child, I must take it back! “

With the sound of unquestionable majesty sounding, the whole film Between Heaven and Earth was a quiet moment.

In fact, all 10000 powerhouses know that the Star Lion Imperial Family is all directed at Qin Yichen. They just want to take the opportunity to grab a powerful Human Race ration. Now it seems that even the threat of Nightmare Clan has been confirmed. Shihong they still don’t plan to give up!

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