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After smashing the blocking beam emitted by Clan Protecting Great Array, the huge palm did not stop at all, and even the power on it was not reduced.


In a path of despairing eyes, the huge palm with terror power zoomed in rapidly.

At this time, Qin Yichen Qin Yichen took a deep breath, within the body, the energy surged up, apparently ready to shoot.


However, just as he was about to make a move, the space above St. Tian City suddenly twisted, and a very familiar silhouette appeared unexpectedly under the palm that covered the sky.

“En? Why hasn’t it fallen yet?”

On the city wall of St. Tian City, countless Human Race powerhouses closed their eyes in despair, but after a little, they couldn’t help but opened their eyes again, that destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like offensive , Does not seem to fall down?

Soon, countless dazed eyes in San Tian City looked up to the sky, and then, a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.

“Who is that?”

At this time, above the sky, I don’t know when a burly silhouette appeared, and the giant palm was about one zhang above his head, but couldn’t fall.

Immediately after that, I saw the silver light flickering on the burly silhouette, and the next moment, the light beam rose into the sky, tearing the huge palm directly.

Looking at this scene, there is silence in the sky, and even the countless 10000 family powerhouses in the air are full of surprise.

In St. Tian City, countless Human Race powerhouses looked at the burly silhouette for a long time, but did not respond for a long time.

The fluctuations in this silhouette are not difficult to see, he is definitely not a Human Race person, and from the simple shot just now, it can be inferred that this person is definitely a top powerhouse!

Human Race, when have such powerful allies?

“It’s the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor!”

“His … what does he mean? Does he want to put himself in for a Qin Yichen?”

“Isn’t the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor confused? Well, the Sovereign level race hasn’t settled down, so let’s step in. He really can compete with these 3 Sovereign level races?”

“Hehe, although the strength of the Thunder Monster Alliance is not weak, if they are opposed to the Star Lion Imperial Family, I am afraid that their alliance will fall apart tomorrow.”

After a short shock, soon there was a loud noise above the sky. For this burly silhouette, the 10000 family powerhouse is no stranger, because it is the master of the new Sovereign level race. … Lei Yao Old Ancestor Lei Zijin!

Anyone who knows a little bit about the news knows that the Thunder Monster can achieve today’s achievements, and it is inseparable from Qin Yichen. Moreover, I heard that the latter still has a relationship with Lei Yunyou, the youngest giant of the Thunder Monster. Unclear relationship.

Anyway, all in all, the relationship between the Thunder Monster and Qin Yichen is very different.

In fact, when Qin Yichen was chased and killed by Lion He Fan at the beginning, countless 10000 powerhouses had guessed whether the Thunder Monster would help.

However, from the previous situation, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor also seems to be extremely knowledgeable, and did not send his great race to the funeral because of a Qin Yichen.

And now, at this critical moment, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor suddenly appeared, and even blocked the palms of the ants below. Does it mean that he must be in order to a Junior of the Human Race, openly and the Star Lion Imperial Family. Torn face?

“That exists, is it a friend of the houseowner?”

“Oh my god, plus the previous Elderly Generation, there are already 2 Earth Realm top powerhouses for my tribe!”

“His … what kind of courage does the houseowner have, so that two such beings can help us?”

And when I heard those whispering voices in the sky, there was a murmur of quiet sounds in San Tian City and Holy Heaven House.

Although not willing to admit it, all Human Race powerhouses know how dangerous it is to stand with Human Race!

On the 10000 ethnic continent, the higher the strength of the people, the more clear this is, but even if they know the consequences, there are still people to help them, which can not help but let countless Human Race powerhouse secretly shock the power of Qin Yichen .

You know, even if it ’s fateless, although it has a great reputation, it does n’t have such courage!

Looking at Qin Yichen with a faint smile, Great Elder’s eyes were involuntarily flushed, and his heart was filled with excitement.

At the time of Qin Yichen’s holy rank, Tian Wuming was passing him the title of Sheng Tian Fu Fu, and now it seems that the Old Palace Master did not read the wrong person!

It is difficult to keep 30% of the acre of Human Race from being violated. However, as long as there is a top powerhouse in the clan and relying on the power of Clan Protecting Great Array, it is not difficult.

However, since this long time, Human Race has many evil defying characters appearing in Heaven Race, but no one has been able to change the situation of Human Race.

Perhaps the great fearless Luban Master was a pioneer, but with his body falling, Human Race’s situation has not really changed.

For the 10000-family continent, countless forces on Human Race glare like a tiger watching his prey, and want to make Human Race rise, it can definitely be done not only by the power of their Human Race family.

However, looking at the history of Human Race, I am afraid that no one except Luban Master is considered a friend by the forces of the 10000 ethnic continent.

With the appearance of the king and thunder monster Old Ancestor, Great Elder felt that Qin Yichen, although not strong enough to shelter Human Race, but his courage has been revealed!

“If this tribulation passes, our tribe will certainly rise under the leadership of the government!”

On the side, Gong Queqing also took a deep breath, and secretly exclaimed in her heart, she felt how horrible the palm was just now, and the burly silhouette could easily dissolve it, I am afraid that he is also an Earth Realm top powerhouse!

In this level of powerhouse, on the 10000 ethnic continents, there are Sovereign level races. At the critical moment of Human Race, there have been 2 honors to help them!

“Lei Qijin, are you too leisurely, right? Dare to come in and intervene in my Star Lion Imperial Family!”

At this time, the look of Shi Hong above the sky was gloomy, and a coldly snorted sound resounded even above the sky.

It is true that the Thunder Monsters have become the Sovereign level race, but in the eyes of their Star Lion Imperial Family, such a newly promoted Sovereign level race can be destroyed as soon as they speak!

Therefore, Shi Hong is also very surprised that the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor dared to block himself.

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