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Standing out from the beginning of the test of Mo Sheng’s acceptance, Qin Yichen appeared in the eyes of the 10000 family powerhouse. On the way of its growth, it was as if it had been hung up. Various methods emerged endlessly, and that The wicked innate talent has made countless 10000 genius characters feel ashamed.

Originally, they didn’t care too much about a young demon inferior to the Star Lion Imperial Family, but the strength that the latter showed in Huangjitian, even their existence, felt the palpitations.

The most important thing is that this junior, simply, is not a god race person, but from Human Race!

It’s not hard to imagine that once he became a top powerhouse, he would definitely be a great saint, and even better, after all, Qin Yichen is too young to be far from the great saint, and his potential is probably even more terrifying!

Although for the Lion Lion Imperial Family, whether Human Race can turn over has little effect on them, but since they have shot, they must kill to the last one to eliminate future troubles!

Otherwise, once this junior grows up, it will definitely become their scourge.

The attitude of seeing Shihong was also settled in the heart of the 10000 family powerhouse army behind them. They all saw that Shihong simply did not intend to let go of Qin Yichen’s plan, even if Ai Yige was there!

“Even if this kid really grows up, he won’t bring catastrophe to the 10000 clan, Shi Hong, you worry too much.”

Facing the coldly snorted of Shi Hong, the king of the court shook the head, whispered.

“What about the catastrophe you said?”

Hearing this, Shi Hong’s eyebrows slightly frowned, perhaps out of respect for the latter, he still asked.

The lion He Fan and the others and the 10000 powerhouses in the rear are also looking towards the King of the Court, but their faces have not changed much, that look, even more like if they want to see how bad the King said Excuses are average.

Under the gaze of countless lights, the king took a deep breath, and his face suddenly became somber, a name that once caused a confusion of ethnicity in the 10000 continent, and slowly spit out from his mouth: “Nightmare Clan ……”

“Nightmare Clan? Didn’t they disappear long ago?”

“Yes, I remember that the king of the court led the elves and shot them hard.”

“Nightmare Clan … seems familiar?”

With the fall of the King’s voice, many powerhouses in the 10000 family powerhouse army changed slightly, a path of whispering voices suddenly rang out in the sky.

And when they heard the name, the four top powerhouses of Shihong also suddenly looked at each other. In their brows, there was also a grave expression emerging.

Nightmare Clan is not a race on the 10000-continent continent, but, like the purgatory Legion that once brought a great catastrophe to the 10000-continent continent, belongs to the alien demon who invaded the 10000-continent continent!

Moreover, as the Sovereign level race, they actually know something that the ordinary race does not know at all.

For example, that by the strength of oneself, it made a bloody puppet clan of the Sovereign level race. In fact, they have already become the puppets of Nightmare Clan!

However, this news is only known to several Sovereign level races, such as the Star Lion Imperial Family, and they deliberately control the information, and there is no sound of wind.

After all, although the blood puerper family is powerful and heart-wrenching, it does not have a big impact on them, and under their pressure, the blood puerper family can only shrink into the bloody land and cannot go outward Expansion, and the resources originally belonging to the Sovereign level race have long been secretly divided up.

Right now, Ai Yige even said the words “Nightmare Clan”. He probably knew some secret information.

Seeing Shi Hong, who was suddenly silent in the sky, the king shook the head slightly, why didn’t he know the Star Lion Imperial Family’s thoughts.

In the presence of these aloof and remote, everything is based on interests. In their opinion, Nightmare Clan cannot pose a threat to them. On the contrary, if Nightmare Clan can bring benefits to them, maybe they will even secretly support it!

“Nightmare Clan not at all was expelled from the 10000-thousand continent, and our clan did not have the ability to kill them as much as possible. They have been lurking here for more than 10000 years. As far as I know, their strength is now strong enough to meet the Sovereign level. The race is over. “

The king of the cabinet gave them a slight glance at Shihong and continued.

The thoughts of these aloof and remote Sovereign level races do not represent 10000 powerhouses!

After all, there are only a few Sovereign level races with that kind of confidence. Other forces, even the Peak race, cannot compete with Nightmare Clan. Once Nightmare Clan invades, they are very likely to face extermination. Dangerous.

“How can this be?”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t the 10000-thousand continent cause another huge catastrophe?”

“Damn, why are these demons so embarrassing?”

Listening to the voice of the king, the overwhelming expression of anxiety appeared on the faces of most 10000 ethnic powerhouses. A path of whispering voices continued to sound.

In the hearts of many 10000 ethnic powerhouses, even after a long period of time, the purgatory Legion that caused the horror of Heaven and Earth still left a huge shadow in their hearts.

The purpose of Nightmare Clan is almost exactly the same as that of Legion, and they have brought a lot of catastrophes.

If Nightmare Clan is really as powerful as the King said, I am afraid that the 10000 ethnic continent will set off another bloody storm. In this, I do n’t know how many races will be wiped out!

“I heard that during the battle of Lei Divine City, the method used by Blood Ye Yu was unique to Nightmare Clan. Could it be said that the Bloody Clan is Nightmare Clan’s puppet?”

There was a sound of suspicion in the sound of discussion.

Listening to this voice, the original hustle and bustle of the sky was suddenly stagnant. In the eyes of many 10000-class powerhouses, the land of blood is almost an absolute restricted area.

Although the Blood Clan clad in the land of blood, their fierce names are not even weaker than some Sovereign level races!

If such a force is the puppet of Nightmare Clan, how terrifying should it be today’s Nightmare Clan?

“Hehe, it’s not just the bloody clan, the clan of Nightmare Clan, but also a Sovereign level race.”

The king’s eyes glanced slightly, and there was a hint of grave expression in his voice.

After hearing this, all the 10000 family powerhouses were stagnant. Immediately, a line of sight fell on the king, and it seemed that they wanted to know which Sovereign level race would be reduced to Nightmare Clan’s puppet.

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